Problem with brush entities




I've been experimenting with making maps for CS:S for a while now and this problem has occasionally appeared to bother me.

The Problem: When I double click (or press Alt+Enter) in the 3d view on a brush based entity that I have created, I do not get the Entity properties window (with the Output, Input, etc tabs) I get a window like that of any plain brush. Object Properties; Solid with 6 faces - or something titled like that with only a VisGroups tab.

I need to go back and edit some things on the entity I created, but I can't without the entity properties dialog box.

Anyone experienced this problem before? Any ideas?

a brush isn't an entity

try making it a func_brush or something

func_detail maybe
a brush isn't an entity

try making it a func_brush or something

func_detail maybe
Thanks for the quick response.

I've used ctrl+T to tie the brush to an entity, func_breakable. It even says func_breakable on the brush in the 2d views.

I've tried other types too, buyzones, physboxes, etc.
are you trying to trigger something?

func_trigger I believe

edit, what exactly are you trying to do?
are you trying to trigger something?

func_trigger I believe

edit, what exactly are you trying to do?
I'm trying to make a brush (A cube) into a physics object that reacts to force. I can do that, but I can't edit after I make it (like adjust the mass, gibs, etc). If I double click on the brush-turned-entity, I get the same window that would appear if it wasn't an entity.

Here's exactly what I have done in one case:

-Made a rectangular brush (a cube).
-Selected it and pressed ctrl+t
-Typed func_physbox
-Pressed apply (in 2d views, it is labeled as a func_physbox)
-Double clicked the object and this is where the problem is. It doesn't allow me to edit any of the entities properties.

That's one example, but this same problem plagues me with any brush-based-entity.
hmmm, interesting

have you tried to load the example map that does that?
You should see the "select" menu. That must be hapening because you are selecting solids instead of object. Chage that on the menu "select" and try again.
I get this all the time... Make sure that the little button marked "ig" (Ignore Groups) is not "pressed". If it is then all brush based entities will be selected and edited as their brushes.

Also... If that is the problem concider this. Have you tried turning your brush inot an entity again, while the "ig" button whas "pressed?! If you have then one of these entites will be empty. Compile should give you errors and so should hammers "check for errors". if it does not then look though your entity report list, selecting all your entities that you think this might have happened to from this list. If some of them select nothing when you hit "select" then this is an empty entity and should be deleted.
