Problem with custom textures



Well hi my first post here.

I have made some custom textures and found out how to make them reflective and tested them in a small map and when I load it it has pink checkerboards all over the textures reflecting instead of something else that should be reflected like environment light. I know that these checkerboards stand for missing textures but in my case the textures are shown but its like that everything is covered by a giant cube thats behind my room. And this only shows up when I add env_cubemap which is what I think necessary to make the textures reflective but correct me if I´m wrong. Its really hard to explain so I made a screenshot. Also here is the code I used to make my textures reflective in vmt:
      "$basetexture" "orange_plate"
      "$surfaceprop" "Concrete"
      "$bumpmap" ""
      "$envmap" "env_cubemap"
      "$envmaptint" "[0.25 0.25 0.25]"
Please help me I cant get rid of those checkerboards and please tell me what to do is it the env_cubemap is it the code in vmt or do I have to put another entity to it or is it something else? I really appreciate your help.


  • dm_light_reflections0000.jpg
    86.5 KB · Views: 193
Write buildcubemaps in the console, then maybe reload the map.

Why put in a null $bumpmap, incidentally?
Raeven0 said:
Write buildcubemaps in the console, then maybe reload the map.

Why put in a null $bumpmap, incidentally?
That was a mistake didnt edit it yet. But when I put buildcubemaps in the console it said something like your resolution is too low so I changed my resolution to 1280 and now I have an OUT OF RANGE all over my monitor everytime I start Deathmatch. Im sure that buildcube maps would do the job but I need to change my resolution first without starting Deathmatch. Any chance that I can change it manually. There must be a .cfg where the resolution and other gfx settings are stored. I went through all the .cfg but I didnt find anything related to that. Maybe you could help me one again and a big thx for solving my problem I never thought that this should be done in the game itself.:bounce:

Btw I use vmt mak0r for editing my .vmts. Maybe theres a better program out. Feel free to direct me because editing manually isnt very comfortable
There are a few command line parameters for resolution, but your resolution shouldn't be an issue unless your env_cubemap's defined cubemap size is too large. If you need to force resolution, use -w 1280 -h 960 on the command line.
@raven0: Thx again for your help you are a great user. Now I can make my maps look real nice.

@SuperHebbe: Ok thx Ill give it a try
