Problem with internet


Feb 17, 2004
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Whenever I start up my computer I have to unplug and plug back in my CAT 5 cable about 10 times before it works, and the internet seems really slow right now too. Sometimes the cable won't be detected, and sometimes it will but the internet won't work at all, and sometimes the internet will work but it will be really slow, and then sometimes it works fine. My computer it plugged into a jack in the wall which goes down to the router in the basement which is then plugged into the modem (that is 3 cables), when it does work the internet is fine and everything loads like it should. So wtf is the problem?
are you using an onboard NIC? this is the exact symptom of a problem ive experienced a few times where the onboard NIC just starts being unreliable after a while, being sort of half way defective. if you have another NIC, try that.
poseyjmac said:
so what happened?
Sorry, I forgot about this post. I do use an onboard NIC. I still get the problem, it is just apart of my morning routine. It seems to be a lot better now though, it only takes me about 20 seconds to get the internet up.