Problem with Xfire


Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
after i installed Xfire, my steam stopped working, anyone who got it to work, can you explain how?
X-fire is notorious for causing problems with Steam. Apparently X-fire is often considered borderline spyware.

You might do best to just delete X-fire altogether.>gY29ubmVjdGlvbiBlcnJvcg**&p_li=&p_topview=1

6. Viruses, spyware and malware, netlimiting, anonymous IP masking programs
Connection problems can also arise if your system is infected with a virus or spyware. Programs like Cybersitter, Netlimiter, X-Fire and Stegnos Anonymous Internet can also interfere with normal Steam operations.

There are many free applications to help remove spyware.
Here are some links we have found to be useful:
i did uninstall it and it worked fine again. But I was just think that the prog is kinda cool and would like to get it to work. Maybe I will try installing it again to see if it still screws up steam
The Mullinator said:
X-fire is notorious for causing problems with Steam. Apparently X-fire is often considered borderline spyware.

You might do best to just delete X-fire altogether.

i must disagree
but im in no way suggesting that i rely only on Ad-aware to keep my system spyware free.
i do not find x-fire to provide spyware or anything of the sort on my pc, and i regurarly run these scanners on my PC with latets definitions. when i get home from school (im home from lunch riht now) i will scan with several scanners. my steam and x-fire combination work perfectly, no problems whatsoever.

you gotta watch what u install along x-fire, sometimes they ask u what u want to install along with it, but i cant remember if xfire did ask. things like MSN Plus do.