Problem with XSI


Aug 14, 2003
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I am using XSI EXP to try to get a jump start on the modelling part of HL2. Well, I am modelling a lightsaber and I want to have a neon light come out of it to make the affect of it looking good and real. Now I have made the neon by clicking Light|Neon, but when I go to render the neon doesn't show up. Can someone please help me?:)
Lots of stuff wont work on that version m8 because its like a trial version..You probley just found something that dosent work m8.!

At least i think thats the Demo version.? heheh
GOoch said:
Lots of stuff wont work on that version m8 because its like a trial version..You probley just found something that dosent work m8.!

At least i think thats the Demo version.? heheh
yeah EXP is the trial/demo one.. I don't know exactly what works and what doesn't on it.. I think its pretty much XSI Advanced but with limitations in render size, some scripting functions are disabled and I think, not sure but the photon mapping isn't saved between renders. And probably a bunch of other limitations.

only one fix, buy Softimage|XSI 3.5 advanced (don't bother getting a crack of it, cause eventually your gonna likely need to access files on the site which you can't do if your not legit, sowwy)

BTW, you need to add volumetrics or a glow or flare to a light for it to be visible itself in a render. Try that.... though personally I wouldn't do a lightsabre that way, I'd use a luminous object with a gradient glow on it to get the subtle effects of a lightsabre blade... Or simply draw it by hand frame by frame which gets very good results heh.
who needs money :o *coof* bittorrent* coff coff*

tbh they way i see it
if you are only learning to use the program and not getting any finacal gane then hay just dowload
You too, I hope your not using this site as a place to arrange how to get pirate software
Youuuu can! (in dodgy Peter O'Toole voice)

Should be fine. (Sorry running full version here)

Select the blade of the light shaber and go :


Click on the help icon in the corner of the property page and learn what each parameter does.

Note: This is what's called an output shader. This means is it done after the image is rendered. The main disadvantage of this is you won't see the glow in reflections or on other objects. You can use a light colored the same.

Here is an image of two shabers:

The one on the right is simply the above method.

The green one has a constant material applied. Then in the rendertree I applied a Node>Illumination>Incidence node to drive the transparency. (Inverted.)

Under the "Indirect Illumination" tab of the constant node I have increased the incandesence to 0.8 as well.

Have a laugh! :thumbs:
