

Jun 19, 2003
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Ok I finally have all of the parts for my new computer (it was shipped in 3 seperate packages...), except the new video card (backorder). I put it together and used my old video card (nVidia GeForce 4 MX 420) with it. When I turn it on, all the fans start spinning, etc. but nothing shows on the screen. The graphics card works fine, Im using it in my old computer now.

that is strange. everything is hooked up right? double check. take out the mobo and remount it. reconnect all the shit. then reset BIOS (pull the pin thing on your mobo).

then tell me if it works. if it doesnt, maybe one of your parts is defective.
im not familiar with that M/B. but there could be an LED readout on the board that gives you error codes that correspond with possible problems. and you could look them up in your m/b book.
poseyjmac said:
im not familiar with that M/B. but there could be an LED readout on the board that gives you error codes that correspond with possible problems. and you could look them up in your m/b book.

I don't believe the k8v has a LED.

I checked the book... It justs says that if nothing shows up on your screen after 30 seconds that you should check your jumpers. And i did
just go take out everything and then reconnect it again. you never know, something could be loose. check to see that the heatsink is secure on the cpu.
Hmm make sure that nothing is interfering with your motherboard, when I got my new motherboard and still had the Dell case it nothing ever came up it turned out there were these screwholes that were sticking out that weren't needed for the new motherboard and were interfering with it.
try reinforcing ram, or putting it in another slot. make sure agp card is firmly in.
Make sure everything is plugged in!

I had this problem only to realize that there was an extra plug on the mobo (4 pin sqare thing) that wasn't plugged in.
Check a number of things.
Make sure you used standoffs to space the board above the case.
Make sure you plugged in the ATX Power and the 4-Pin Power (If your Board has one).
Double check and reinsert your Video card. Make sure it is in all the way.
Make sure your CPU and PSU (if yours has one) 3-pin headers are plugged into the board.

And a note, whenever you remove or install memory or cards it's best to turn the power switch on your PowerSupply off.
Thanks for the replies. Its all plugged in, etc.
Im not getting a POST either. :| (hehe... forgot to add that)
Can you try a different graphics card? I don't suppose you have PCI GFX card laying around, do you?

Play with the montior being on or off when booting. Maybe boot and then connect the monitor. I've had it were the monitor just doesn't turn on even if it's plugged in. A PCI card has worked in the past when an AGP card didn't.
No PCI cards... But i have tried using my brothers graphics card.
Do you mean turn the comp on, the connect the monitor to it, or plug the monitor into the outlet?
(btw the brak show rules :D the space ghost talk show too... one episode he chases an ant around for 30 minutes)
try un-plugging all harddrives and cdroms and the power from them too. see if you post. sounds weird i know.
I dont know what board yours is, nor what the card is.

But i know my mobo wont work with agp2x cards, wont do anything.
I dont know what board yours is, nor what the card is.

But i know my mobo wont work with agp2x cards, wont do anything.

Bleh. Someone wanan delete the double post?
here, try turning it on with the case open. I don't know why that is importnat, but it helps a lot!
im going out on a limb here but i think that may be why the comp isn't posting.
Oh boy that sux. Just ask for ur money back....too the company not th eonline store lol. Actually they will probably just fix or replace it, not give u ur $$$ back.
Sorry if I am late with this, but I have seen this many times before, and in all of them (except one), it was either bad memory (RAM) or wrong memory. Wrong meaning it wasn't a type that the motherboard liked. In the one instance that it wasn't the memory, it was the motherboard.

Recheck to make sure your model motherboard can accept the memory you have. Or maybe move your new memory to a friend's or brother's PC (if it takes that kind) and see if it works there.