Problems? Lets be mature and HELP valve with this...



I can't believe some of you people. You wait years for this game, spend a valuable part of your time contributing to these forums, for the most part in a mature, wise and often funny way... but as soon as the game has teething problems, you fall completely out of your trees and start crying. I understand it's frustrating, I also cannot get the game to run, so instead of bitching about it lets try and help valve.

We need to know the extent of the problem and how serious it is. So I suggest we use this thread, one post per person, with a simple answer to this question...

"Does HL2 work for you?"

Answer yes or no, with a breif description of the error.

Please leave all moaning and "OMGHL2WTF" comments to other threads.

Lets help valve crack this!
why dont you go ahead and "crack the case" while i go over here and piss and moan some more until valve realises what bitches they are for releasing half-ass product.

im totally pirating every single game they release from now on...
dl337j00 said:
why dont you go ahead and "crack the case" while i go over here and piss and moan some more until valve realises what bitches they are for releasing half-ass product.

im totally pirating every single game they release from now on...
Kinda on the same lines I was thinking but not about pirating.

But indeed a half-assed effort :|
I think it is a good idea, S/<ull. Since there is no use in whining now (god, I hope it runs on one of my test machines) we all need to help each other as a community. dl337j00, this will help nobody, not you or anyone. Personally I don't think it's half-assed from what I heard from the majority. Let's help those who have problems.
i mean, we had the finished copy sitting on our hard-drives for months... they could have spent this time detecting problems, and making patches... you cant tell me that valve didnt play this game and run into one error... this just shows us that theyre careless, if they release shit that doesnt even work off the hop!

i can apreciate here-and-there bugs, but just not starting up... wtf
Prone said:
I think it is a good idea, S/<ull. Since there is no use in whining now (god, I hope it runs on one of my test machines) we all need to help each other as a community. dl337j00, this will help nobody, not you or anyone. Personally I don't think it's half-assed from what I heard from the majority. Let's help those who have problems.

oh please, those of us with the skills to decompile software, and repair bugs, help us... it'd be much apreciated.
come on, the guys right. we need to be methodical about this. have we isolated that its only a Steam problem, i.e those copies preloaded from steam? Have you guys tried the various fixes like re-downloading the cache etc Copying bin files?
yes it works perfectly. must of been cos i did all these fix problem programs, tune up utilities, ect.
dl337j00 said:
i mean, we had the finished copy sitting on our hard-drives for months... they could have spent this time detecting problems, and making patches... you cant tell me that valve didnt play this game and run into one error... this just shows us that theyre careless, if they release shit that doesnt even work off the hop!

i can apreciate here-and-there bugs, but just not starting up... wtf
valve has a dif specs so it makes sence they didnt run into errors!
there are errors that will ONLY apear on spesific comps so valve wouldent be able to find them all unless they spent shit loads on getting every type of comp part possible.
that is just my guess tho, i might be rong.
Oh for goodness sake. Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.

There's no need for sarcasm. We dont need tools or to decompile the code.... ffs.... I meant writing down the error that HL2 gives us when it goes wrong.

I just wanted to collect information on all the errors, how frequent they were, how wide spread the problem is and submit it to valve.

Guess this thread will now be closed, as it's just not working. I just wanted to help. Thanks to those who were nice about it tho. All I asked was a simple question :eek:
No problems with mine.

AMD XP 1800
768 MB DDR Ram
GeForce ti4200 128MB

all settings on high no AA or AF
Steam bought version.

I really hope you guys get it worked out it really is a great, looking and playing, game.

p.s. Someone mentioned Valve having a support page up already that may help with your problems. I don't have the link though sorry.
dl337j00: thanks for making absolutely clear that you are an idiot.
Sorry but some of the people posting in here whining about the game not working for them and some of the comments they are throwing Valves way are just plain stupid, dumb and clueless.

Theres always gonna be issues when a new ground breaking game is released, they cant possibly test it with every single piece of hardware and software combo that is out there that people are gonna run the game on.

Yes of course its frustrating when it doesnt work but instead of throwing yah toys out of the pram like a little kiddie get some info posted about what yah running it on and what precisely is the problem ... thats what is gonna sort the issues quickly ... not acting like children.

A PC used to mean a standard platform but it aint that simple these days as manufacturers push the envelope and try and gain advantages over each other people move away from the standards.

If your having problems look for common themes with other people having problems

Make, model bios ver of mobo
What CPU
How much memory what make
What GFX card, what drivers
Which OS, what SP yah on ?
What firewall/virus software you run, versions ?
Steam install or retail ?

etc etc etc
kenyo said:
valve has a dif specs so it makes sence they didnt run into errors!
there are errors that will ONLY apear on spesific comps so valve wouldent be able to find them all unless they spent shit loads on getting every type of comp part possible.
that is just my guess tho, i might be rong.

the game not launching at all has nothing to do variation of system specs... variation of system specs errors would be spontainious crashing, graphical errors, ect
Steam forums are closed, Hmm i wonder why?

Took our money and are off to mexico i bet.
Oh really? Take this scenario:

Spec One: Direct X 6 installed, Voodoo3
Spec Two: Dirext X 9 installed, Geforce 5600FX

Game wont launch on Spec one because it has an incorrect version of Direct X and an unsupported video card. Game runs on Spec two fine, as it has the correct version.

Can I put it any simpler? System Spec's have EVERYTHING to do with it a lot of the time. Any knowledgeable PC gamer would know this.
S/<ull said:
Oh really? Take this scenario:

Spec One: Direct X 6 installed, Voodoo3
Spec Two: Dirext X 9 installed, Geforce 5600FX

Game wont launch on Spec one because it has an incorrect version of Direct X and an unsupported video card. Game runs on Spec two fine, as it has the correct version.

Can I put it any simpler? System Spec's have EVERYTHING to do with it a lot of the time. Any knowledgeable PC gamer would know this.

im not talking about having the right requirments... anybody with a brain would know this. what im saying is that, two systems with different processors, and different amounts of ram, should be able to AT LEAST LAUNCH THE GAME!

how many piss-heads out there are going to defend valve?