Problems with memory, please help.



I installed HL2 a while ago now and havn't been able to play it yet, when I first booted it up it was a little glitchy, but playable. But as the intro ended and I was brought to 1st person, i found it was really bad; at times the sound wasn't working and at others the NPC's were invisible! So I reformatted my comp, just in case and re-installed it. Now wheni boot it up, I get a failure, for not being able to locate the memory. I'm losing patience and don't know what to do, so any help is much appriciated.

System Specc's: 512 ram, radeon 9200 128mb
First thing: Remove the RAM, replace in socket. Check it's properly seated. That's probably the fix. If not, you either have bad RAM or a faulty mobo.
I'm always forgetting stuff too. There are a few memory improvement techniques you can learn, but it's not easy. Generally you'll find your memory disimproves as you get older though. It's unfortunate, but can't be helped.

I'm pretty sure the mem, is good, its works for all my other games, which are high performance as well. But I heard others talking bout this too, how well is everyone else running it? Bc hardware wise, my comp seems to be fine.
Where is this 'not being able to locate the memory' message coming from?

Its a windows error i think, it throws my vid card out or res and makes me restart, ive gotten HL2 to work by turning every feature to "poor" even sound lol. but still i should be able to run more smoothly with what i have.
Wildhound said:
I'm always forgetting stuff too. There are a few memory improvement techniques you can learn, but it's not easy. Generally you'll find your memory disimproves as you get older though. It's unfortunate, but can't be helped.
computer memory, not human memory!
i heard gincoboloba helps! (i cant spell werth shit)
This worked for a freind of mine, not so sure if it will work for you. If you have 2x256 and not just one 512, you should try skipping a slot when putting both sticks in. What I'm trying to say is, make sure the ram isn't installed in slots right next to each other.

Anyways, this worked for my friend, but he had 2x512. Also, after that, his ram was being read at its actual speeds in the POST, it was reading it slower before.
Dumb Dude said:
This worked for a freind of mine, not so sure if it will work for you. If you have 2x256 and not just one 512, you should try skipping a slot when putting both sticks in. What I'm trying to say is, make sure the ram isn't installed in slots right next to each other.

Anyways, this worked for my friend, but he had 2x512. Also, after that, his ram was being read at its actual speeds in the POST, it was reading it slower before.
You mean like installing Duel Channel Memory? Because that is how it is done, and yes, it can improve performance, but the mobo has to support it.
Can you post the exact error message you get? (screenshot would be fine, if possible).