Professional Quality Map Maker Wanted


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Tired of all these promises and broken dreams?

Want to be part of a professional team with people who actually do this stuff for a living?

Want to help make a full living and breathing game for the Source engine that is unlike anything else?

If you said yes to all those, and have some serious mapping talent, Renegade X: The Dead 6 is looking for you.

With 5 coders, 4 modelers, 2 sound engineers, PR staff, 2d Artists galore, we are looking to fill our map making/level designer position. You will be provided with overhead view shots from which to build & flesh out your levels, as well as detailed concept art to fill the "mood" of the level.

If you think that this fits you, please email Dante at RenEvo dot Com with some samples of your work, and a playable level is desired to view ingame in any Valve game.

Thanks for reading this, and I hope we find those level designers to fit in with our wonderful team.
I strongly encourage anyone with good mapping experience to contact Dante - this is a proper mod with good prospects, not some fly-by-night amateur effort.

Sign up, and be a better person.
sounds like a good mod...hell if I was a better mapper I would probally take up this possition...anyways gl with finding a quality mapper.
Hmmm... from what I can see and read I would disagree. The concepts are average and the skins not very detailed. Thats just my opinion though.
Mod looks very nice and cant wait to play it. Im a mapper but still learning. I wouldnt say i cant build them but with alittle help of understand the not so obvious things im sure i can build really good maps.
new site is under construction when i found out that color blind people actually go on the internet, odd huh?

anywho, as the stuff on the site may look poorly textured, etc... you would have seen that they are WIPS for another game engine that we started off on, everything is/has been re-done for source.

as far as the "mediocre" or "average" concepts go, boy... you must be high, or only saw one pic.
shit that wolfpup thing looks AWSOME-O
this a mod im looking forward to
Right a C&C mod, good imagination....
PR staff? You have spelling mistakes on your front page, plus I (me) is spelled with a capital.

Good luck anyway.
well, sorry whatever that out of nowhere flame came from.

if you don't like the mod, that is fine, although, dealing with over 12,000 clients i have never seen any software never sell having "spelling mistakes" on there web page.

anywho, thanks for the good luck, and good luck to you.

p.s. C&C mod yes, but the 120+ page storyline under development for a completely new time era in the game series is not unoriginal. we are taking a single paragraph about a group in one of the games, and building that entire history, timeline, and "world" for that time.

anywho, if you don't like it, you don't like it, nothing i can do about that.

still looking for a good map maker though.
only concern I have since it's brought up so much in these forums is have you contacted westwood on using their intellectual property?
Yes, that's a good point. Westwood could axe this at anytime they please. Best to shift the IP so that it's entirely your own.
Actually, EA owns the IP for C&C, and yes, we have and are talking to them regularly.
Demaratus said:
Yes, that's a good point. Westwood could axe this at anytime they please. Best to shift the IP so that it's entirely your own.

Westwood doesn't EXIST anymore. :p

Awesome screens from the site. Good luck.
I don't know who made those weapon models but they could seriously use some brushup work. They are low poly, the uvw mapping crosses the borders sometimes, textures res and color could be better.
all our models where made for another engine, we are in the process of redoing them all right now.
not to be cocky or anything but i was quite the mapper on 1.5, buuuttt this new engine is all new to me. If you still need the job in saaaayyyyyy 1 month to let me get used to this new engine than i'll be ur man
I'll be another man, I'm sending some screenshots and a link to my first HL2DM map, dm_prospekt. I wanna be mapper, the mod sounds cool.
sounds good, looking forward, im pretty much out of touch computer wise this week, will be back online next week.
im very sorry dante but the engine is very new to me and i dont think i want to jump onto a hole new mod this quickly. Thank you anyway but im sure right now at this state i would be more of a problem than a help. Your mod looks great, but im not feeling like being reliable right now, if you still need an extra mapper later on ill be there.
Wait... I just got accepted onto another mod team. Sorry but I can't work on this one...
If you want real professional level mapping, I'd count on paying 5 grand a map.