program to get rid of singing


Apr 26, 2004
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just wondering how do i get rid of the singing in a song and get just the music? what program do i need?!

this was posted earlier in the music fourms i belive.

the only way you can techincally do it is if you have the original tracks. other than that, you can try and play around with a high end Equalizer, but its not worth it
the only somewhat easy way to do it is cut out the parts with the singing (depends on how the song goes to see if you have anything left :p)

but yeah, it's not really that feasible
Darkknighttt said:
just wondering how do i get rid of the singing in a song and get just the music? what program do i need?!


There is no way to do that since all the sounds are blended in. It's like taking a photo and asking if it's possible to cut out a person and still have the background. If you want only the beat, look for the instrumental version of your song. i.e. "In the Club (instrumental)"
I think you can do something with the right and left channels because the singing is usually balanced equally between both whereas the music will bounce around. So cancelling left and right sometimes gets rid of the singing but leave you with a sort of distorted background music
Darkknighttt said:
just wondering how do i get rid of the singing in a song and get just the music? what program do i need?!

depends on the song, removing certain frequencies from it can remove the singing, well dull it so its not as noticable, but it'll never be perfect.
you might be able to use the method outlined here obviously you will need to use an acapella in place of the instrumental version. its hard enough to make an acapella that way and it will be even tougher to make an instrumental.
you wont get any sort of result at all using only an equaliser, its not even worth the 15 seconds trying.
inverting one channel and mixing them might be worth a go as a last resort but because the kick, bassline and the rest of the low end frequencies [as well as some/most of the other frequencies] are centered [this is because on vinyl, panned/off centered low frequencies will make the needle jump out of the groove], you will also be getting rid of them.
as has been said you should probably just try to find an instrumental version.
You can Fourier Transform it, and identify the main harmonic frequencies of the singer's voice and cut them out.

It's far from perfect though, identifying the harmonics may take you hundreds of hours.

And you will probably need to get a degree in some computational or matematical subject.

Either this method or try to find the "Instrumental" music tracks for your song. :p

Good luck.
Goldwave has a "Reduce Vocals" feature which is very adjustable. You could try that.