Progress and SDK Update

Monkey, Look through the the thread, its a tripmine/satchel explosive. More SP .vmfs are good, I like seeing how things are made. :) Except my computer runs like a slug when looking around the map.
"Slam" was in the leak, but it had no model and I'm pretty sure it had no function. Ooooh...I wonder what it does! :O
The Slam is still in the source-code, without a model and stuff, and defaulted to exclude from people's builds. From the comments Valve left in there, I'd definately say it's a switchable trip-mine/satchel charge.

-Angry Lawyer
So does anyone properly know when this update's going to be released?
i really doubt thats it... you think yor gonna be able to bring in surface to surface mini nukes?? :p

There is also another SLAM main used to take out tanks, but then theres no tanks in HL2DM either??

I'm definatly lookin forward to seeing what it is!?!? :D
Shimoneous said:
i really doubt thats it... you think yor gonna be able to bring in surface to surface mini nukes?? :p

There is also another SLAM main used to take out tanks, but then theres no tanks in HL2DM either??

I'm definatly lookin forward to seeing what it is!?!? :D

We've already established that it's a tripmine/satchel....
really... or is that wat i was pointing out... :p

the guy posted after that was established.. therefor, he didnt know... thats why i pointed it out :D