Project 117 - Info and help wanted



Project 117

Hey im wannabe the Project leader of project 117

Our mod is currently in the planning stages. and we're all new to modding. However we are all on a game design course that will teach us many of the skills needed and as such we formed a mod team. We chose half-life 2 due to the fact that half-life was so moddable and half-life 2 source engine already seems to suit the type of game we're looking at making.

The basic concept is:

The game is based on first person action. but will be backed up with a strong storyline. it's based in the future. with first contact with an unknown alien life. as an unknown spacecraft enters the sol system. Unforntunaly these aliens are none to friendly

The game will be based on team played missions. With the players taking the role of a specialist team of soldiers trained for first contact. The alien's will be AI controled.

Another major feature that we want to implament into the mod is hacking. While alot of other games. use a simple press and hold or at best a mini game thats simplistic to hack. we want to include a more realistic hacking. It will be script based from a console. and will allow players to learn new tricks. it will be much easier than true to life hacking. but will be on par ( hopefully ) with games such as Darksigns.

The team are currently working out many ideas and we try and keep the websites updated with infomation as much as possible.

Ok just a little info on some of the features. ( these are not set solid yet. were still working on them. we have alot of coursework to deal with aswell )

  • Unique characters - Each character will have seperate skills allowing for players to build there perfect team

    Unique Weapons - Each character will have a weapon unique to them

    Mech(s) - Right now we have decided 100% for one of the characters to be a mech. Wielding close combat weaponry MAYBE some advanced visual modes and the ability to weld doors open and closed.

    Hacking - Any character is able to do this. some will be given bonuses these are yet to be worked out.

    Command vehical - We're hoping to use the live camera feed function of half-life2 to provide a "command vehical" this will be based at a specific location and will have monitors of all the Characters showing a view from there helment/shoulder. It will also be the only location at which a map is available. we want this to be useful but no NEEDED to complete the missions.

    Weaponry - There will be a mix of both Projectile weapons new and old aswell as energy based weaponry. we're also looking at trying to think of some original weaponry.. which is hard

    Enemys - While many of the aliens are yet to be decided on we already have plans to implament an enemy that uses the grav gun to attack. This may be simply throwing the characters off there feet or perhaps causing force damage. ( much like the shield gun of UT perhaps ) aswell as the simplistic idea of having larger aliens that spawn the smaller aliens.

While alot of this is very "cliche" however as a new modding team we dont want to try and push the boundrys too far. We want to try and keep with what works and add a little.... personality to it. Ill put my hands up and say.. the majority of ideas are taken from several other games/films but then the idea is to make what we think will be a fun and playable game. therefore we're looking at what is "fun and playable" in other games and adapting them to our own. I suggest you check out the alien swarm mod for UT2k4 as thats what got me thinking of this mod idea.

While we have alot of dedicated team members we're lacking currently in much of cetain skills. As such anyone intrested in helping out or even joining the team please contact me.

We are currently in need of :

  • Programmer - We currently have only one limited skill programmer. so if your up for the challange and are willing to work with us PLEASE contact me

    Any concept artwork you wish to submit, credit will be given.

    Any idea's please feel free to drop in the irc room or forums and give us some suggestions every one will be concidered by the team.

    Models will be accepted and reviewed and credit will also be given however we cannot say if the model will be used or not right now.


I thought Syntax-Error was the Project Leader?
Ok a quick update on the hacking side :

The ideas so far :

Code based hack system. Two modes :

  • Mark III Infiltrator:

    Automatically hacks the system. is MUCH slower than themanual way but is guaranteed to succeed. Also shows you how the hack was completed including code.

  • Mark III Ice Interface:

    Manual hack, allows use of code and tricks in the same way as the automatic system. but is much faster ( depending on the hackers skill)

The code will be based on simple script and wont be too complex ( it may be tweaked later on if it turns out to be too simple or too complex )

To help learn the way to hack. ill write a "how to" guide. and one idea is to add code samples that can be leart through the game.

Anymore examples will be welcome. please just drop them here ( i check every day ) or go to our website and post something on it in the forums. thankyou.
Humm, it seems kind of Halo-ish, but good luck anyway.
We're not going to be like halo atall. Halo is much more of a single player action game. This will be more of a storyline driven game and is based heavily upon team based missions. we also want to try and have a little horror rolled into the fun aswell though thats hard to do with a game mod.
Newest update :

Storyline -

Right im not guna tell you indepth info of either of these storylines but here are several ideas that we can choose between.

  • 1 - Special Forces

    You play as one memeber of the elite team designed for combating the alien invasion that is slowly spreading from earths colonies towards earth itself.

    2 - Miners

    You play as one of a group of colony miners who are forced to defend themselves against a group of aliens who attack. and then go on to help fight in other places.

    3 - Resistance

    The invasion is going badly. earth has been found and alien forces are landing. the military of the world is streched thin. they are forced to guard certain cities only. as such resistance has formed in the unguarded area's you are one of these resistance who are forced to help the military save the earth.

Or maybe a mix of the three playing each one at diffrent times. the storyline intersecting. with either storylines designed so your characters just miss. or maybe having you play one and have the pc play the other. ( eg you play special forces helping save the miners and they pc plays the miners. then the roles switch?)

or if anyone ( including my team ) has other ideas. please post
this isnt cleared with my team atall btw. but as project leader im taking a liberty here

How about.. the last idea. earth has several well defended areas. resistance is high in the unguarded regions. specialist teams known as hunter teams are formed. and they work like gangs hunting down and kill as many of the aliens as they can. aswell as securing technology and supplies for the cities. you form your own hunter team and carry out mission for your "city" ( the term is used for the defended areas of planet earth ).

just an idea.