Project: Dervish



Project: Dervish - a single player total conversion - is looking for people to help.

Not much will be revealed at this stage, but will all interested in any aspect please e-mail me at graius -at- hotmail -dot- com

Benjamin Gray
Project: Dervish
And do you have any other modding abilities beside 'Director'?

-Angry Lawyer
And do you have any other modding abilities beside 'Director'?

there needs to be a rule for making mods, if you have no dev experience, you can't make one.
If you're talking about general dev experience, I am quite competent with the deus ex version of the unreal engine and I am able to use Hammer. I know the limitations of source SDK and would be overseeing the project as something of a designer. I will of course make some maps myself, but since I'm hoping for this to be a large mod (time will tell however), I will want several other mappers. This will also allow for people to create situations in the game that I might otherwise miss out. I will be needing people with skills from across the board since I don't have the time to do the whole thing on my own. I am hoping to design many of the maps on paper and then give them to mappers to create and add bits to if they so wish.

In short Angry Lawyer, the answer is yes.
That doesn't sound like a yes... it sounds like a "the only HL2 thing I can do is map, and I want other people to do that for me"...
Well, just remember, the greatest leaders are those who fight shoulder to shoulder beside their own men. You'll get alot of respect from members and potential members if you're prepared to get your hands dirty and create alongside your group. Hell, you'll get my respect (something very few people have) if you're prepared to go one step further, when the rest of your mod team is slacking.
And, Source's limitations are yet undefined. With creative insight, and talent, almost anything can be done.

Don't aim to be a large mod. Start small, develop the core of it, and work your way up. Otherwise, the mod will collapse under the weight of it all.

Lead by example. And good luck.

-Angry Lawyer
Teams don't necessarily always fall apart if the leader is a n00b, as long as the leader does his job, and is a good project director. You can't expect people to join though, if they know you are a n00b. The only way you could do that is having a once in a lifetime idea and making people realize that you are very very commited to making the mod, and will not just leave them to it.

You don't have either.
Graius said:
Project: Dervish - a single player total conversion - is looking for people to help.

Not much will be revealed at this stage, but will all interested in any aspect please e-mail me at graius -at- hotmail -dot- com
Please give us (the public) more information about your mod.
Is your mod about monks?

If you're worried about someone stealing your mod idea, stop worrying. Mod ideas don't get stolen.
no, my mod isn't about monks, I got the name from my last project, a DX mod known as "Project: Vortex" (no relation to the Quake Mod). The name continues along the "spinning" theme (and also because I have a painting of a dervish on my wall). Vortex failed simply because DX:IW came out before the project had started to get off the ground, and we decided to shelve it. Several people on the team wanted to do a mod for HL, so this seemed like the next logical step.

My inspiration for the mod was the chapter "We Don't Go to Ravenholm", which I found extremely atmospheric. In its most basic form the protagonist is a soldier sent into a zombie-filled city to rescue the survivors and find out what happened. If the mod is unsuccessful, it will end there. If however it really works well, then the larger backstory that is planned will be put into place and the mod expanded into the larger creation I hope it will be. There will be a conspiracy involved and models of characters from the HL universe will be present, although this will take place in an entirely different setting. It's sort of a Survival Horror-meets-Op4-meets-Deus Ex.

I was planning to "get my hands dirty", but I would also like to delegate. As a project leader, it will be my responsibility to oversee every team member's creations and to ensure that they excel. I would also be doing research for team members, for example getting data for weapons to use in the mod, such as the XM8.

I have already filled several pages with map designs, notes, interface design, plot etc. Once this is over, I'll make it public so that others can look at the ideas generated (because I won't be able to fit them all in the mod).

I hope this answers your questions.
in short, I will lead from the middle.

The other reason the project was called project: Dervish refers to part of the rite of the dervish's dance. They start by wearing black robes, representing death. They then discard these robes to symbolise rising from the dead. That gave me part of the idea for the mod.

It is not a straightforward "there are zombies, kill them" mod. There is a reason behind it. A good mod should have a good story, and I don't plan to break that rule.
exoeight said:
there needs to be a rule for making mods, if you have no dev experience, you can't make one.

So how would anybody get experience?
It should read as 'If you have no dev experience, you shouldn't lead one'.

-Angry Lawyer
oh good - for a while angry lawyer i was wondering but at least you cleared it up...

Good luck with the mod anyway...Unfortunately i wont be able to assist.