First World War was a war dominated by high explosives and heavy artillery. Battlefield casualties included an unprecedented number with horrific facial injuries - injuries so severe the men were commonly unrecognizable to loved ones and friends. Often unable to see, hear, speak eat or drink, they struggled to re-assimilate back into civilian life. This secondary tragedy - the living unable to "live" - catalyzed Surgeon Sir Harold Gillies to transform the fledgling discipline of plastic surgery based on his unrivalled observation of the profoundly wounded and his ability to push the parameters of the profession beyond all known techniques.
Below you will see photos that were used as influence for two very recognizable Splicers from Bioshock. Warning: Very disturbing/depressing images.-
I won't look at those splicers the same way again. In fact, I often wonder if those people are still alive... It seems to be sort of exploiting them to use them directly for that.
Below are case studies, Warning: Very disturbing/depressing images.
It's absolutely facinating that at this time we were able to go that far. Obviously it's not perfect, but if you look at the before and after results it's quite astounding.