Project: Havoc - Quite a read...

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The year is 2017; the majority of America's wars are fought using America's mighty army. The wars that really affect humanity are fought using specialized units comprised of specially trained men and women. Their existence is unknown to everyone, including the President. Hand picked from around the world, these secret specialists conduct their business in the shadows and away from the public eye. They are called Detachment Operatives. And their enemies are Renegade's and Rogue's.

Internationally, Detachment Operatives are saviors as many smaller countries (and some larger ones) have been preserved because of their actions. Drug rings, criminal networks and terrorist cells in most parts of the world have been cleaned out and taken care of because of Detachment Operatives. When the President witnessed what was going on, he demanded an explanation. By rule, the President must never know that Detachment Operatives exist. And because of this rule, he was assassinated on his way home one Sunday morning.

Recently Renegade's and Rogue's have been busy eliminating government officials, judges and jurors hoping to create some sort of havoc. The real reason behind these attacks, as outlined in Charter 160682, was to delay the conviction of Hybrid Jones, a key figure in shadow-real estate, which is essentially a way to provide Renegade's and Rogue's with safe havens. Places, in which they can congregate, prepare new plans and rest without the worry of an enemy approaching.

On July 23rd 2016, Hybrid Jones was incarcerated for being the leader of a chain of clubs which cater to thugs, criminals and the like. His plea was simply that he didn't know these types of minorities were using his clubs to conduct their business. But incriminating evidence soon surfaced which revealed Hybrid Jones as a mastermind and instigator behind dozens of murders and assassinations. His lawyer (the best shadow-lawyer around) Jason Locust was able to postpone the trial which is to take place on January 10th 2017. This would give Hybrid Jone's allies and close friends a chance to retrieve him and take him to a safe house where he would remain until the judge, jury and anyone involved in his case, are executed.

Today Detachment Operatives can be found sniffing out Renegade's and Rogue's. Wars that were once suppose to be conducted secretly are about to explode everywhere and anywhere. Hybrid Jones and his empire must be eliminated for good. This includes every Renegade, Rogue and convict to ever work for him.


The game itself revolves around these two units; Detachment Operatives and Renegade's & Rogue's (which can be government agents, ex-military and convicts) who are fighting for their own reasons. Each team comes equipped with their own weapons, armor and tactics. The focus will be on shooting, taking cover and providing covering fire. These three aspects will determine the outcome of the game.

A synopsis of the game mechanics:

One-hit kills: Bullets will kill you much faster in this game as one bullet kills will be featured. There will be the option of "Survivable" bullets which basically means that if you get hit in the leg you will be alright, but will be under some form of disadvantage. The head, chest, stomach and neck will be the instant-kill zone.

Blind-fire: Taking a page from the design document of the game Kill.switch, players will find the "Blind fire" feature extremely useful as it will startle anyone in the direction you are firing at. Blind fire was purely a game play decision because of the one-hit kill possibilities. In order to survive longer Blind fire must be used strategically.

Cover dynamics: games tend to have one type of crouch which protects you decently. In this game when you crouch behind something, a flipped over table for example, you will crouch until you are completely concealed. No longer will your body be revealed to an enemy because of the default crouch height.

Stunts: All of the game stunts will be viewed from a third-person perspective. This includes the Blind-fire function. Stunts were included because of the fact that speed saves lives. Jumping from one pillar into a dive to another pillar will ultimately save your life as the enemy on the other side will see a glimpse of you. The types of stunts that will be included are currently undecided. Expect the traditional dives and rolls.

Game modes:

Styles: is a game mode in which the two teams face off against each other. The goal is to eliminate the other team in a stylized way. Slow-motion powerups will be scattered across the maps. If a player picks one up [everyone] is affected. In slow motion a players stunt performance is increased resulting in stylish fighting.

Tower: this is an interesting game mode that finds players fighting to get to the top of said tower. Note: that the level doesn't necessarily have to be a tower. It can be an urban setting or something like it. The level must have a high area that the "Climbers" must reach in order to win. Climbers are the team that starts off on the ground. The "Defenders" start above them. The Defenders job is to prevent the Climbers from reaching their goal.

Assault: something similar to Unreal Tournament's Assault mode. One team must assault a position and reach the other side, while the other team prevents them.

Deathmatch: Traditional
Team-deathmatch: Traditional

These are planned game modes. Some or all of them may or may not make it into the game. They are also subject to change at any time.


Vehicles: currently I have no plans for vehicles as I feel they don't really offer anything towards game play, unless it is a vehicle-specific game mode. But if they are needed, expect to see them.

Havens: havens are simply areas located throughout the map where players can go to heal and resupply. Havens can be destroyed.

Entertainment: some levels may feature entertainment such as dancers (strippers), sports games or something for players to look at while they are passing by.

Gun shops: some levels may contain gun shops, places where players can go to switch weapons. Weapons spawn after a certain amount of time after a player has taken one.

Melee attacks: following pursuit of Halo, players can use the back ends of their weapons to get a quick and silent kill. These types of kills award more points.

Those are some of the things I wish to include in this game and hopefully I can incorporate them in some fashion. As it stands now, I'm currently seeking artists both 2d and 3d. If you are interested please post here. If you need to email me, PM first (I don't need SPAM) and I will give you my email address.

A website (once completed) will be located on this site: - All hosting and services will be provided by myself.
Hmmm.... even though a silent voice in the back of my head whispers something like "I've seen this before", I find certain concept ideas very appealing... And I like the simplicity of the concept...

I think I like the concept (the story ... well I do not think is bad, but I do not especially like it either... It's OK). The implementation of dynamic cover is very original and in combination with blind fire and instakill could make for a very innovative gameplay... And with havoc on your side the dynamic stances could even be possible to create, even though it could prove difficult...

Perhaps the weapon system is... well... too CSish... but hell... it's been proved that it works...

I'd like too see more details... really... and perhaps I'd even lend my programming skills to you when (or is that "if"?) that SDK comes out...

PS: STRIPPERS! *drool*
Yes, the story is a little bit cliche. Come to think of it shows more Ballistic/Swordfish influence than my own originality. The story can be changed. I'm going to write another on up. The game play and everything else will remain as more thought went into those then the actual story.
Damn it to hell!!!

I wrote a really long post and the bleeding CM crapped out on me and the site lost it

anyhoo, quickly this time

Tower / climber idea

not thinking vehicles are the be all and end all of a mod. Thank you :)

Gunshops.. more Dawn of the Dead, less CS style. By that I mean actually have the weapons all stacked up and the ammo in cases, so you have to smash the glass to get them. FAR better than CS style press a button and use a menu :)

Blind Fire? I'm assuming thats when stereotypical cops on shows fire blindly towards the bad guys while remaining hidden, either to pin them down or give cover for someone to get behind them and take them out. Sounds cool I guess :)

One shot kills.. Only have this if you make aiming difficult, like iron site, no crosshair or something, otherwise it'll be too simple to kill the enemy

Don't Likes
Cover dynamics, can be done but probably much more difficult if an object is dynamic also

Not super original

Isn't there a mod out there with the same name
hmmmm it seemed good until u said u can do stunts.... I mean Max Payne did it, but tbh it only works in 1 player games, the specialist is alright. but I don't really like it.
Stunts won't be the focus. They are more of an assistant, something that helps the player survive longer. Strafing is old fashioned. I, as a designer first and gamer second, won't overly use stunts. Instead I will use the ones that are necessary to get the upper hand on the enemy.
Well, the example of the stunts you mentioned is a complete rip-off of kill.switch. Otherwise I want this mod. Looking for members?
Actually, yes I"am. I"m looking for 2d and 3d artists. And perhaps management; someone who will help manage the team. Keep them active and motivated. Interested? If so you can PM for my email [i hate them spammers] or post your info and experience here.
"Stunts: First of all, is there any reason for them to be distinguished from other controls, apart from their context sensitivity and semi-uniqueness? Also, you say that they will be viewed from 3rd person, but is this a change from a first-person perspective, and if so, why? I would think that switching viewpoints like that would be confusing to the player, especially in a frenetic MP match."

To be honest, I'm not to sure how I will incorporate the stunts. I just wrote the first thing that came to mind. I agree with the confusing the player part. Switching directly from first to third person would be confusing and distracting. If I were to do something like that I'd probably think of a way to make it work. The stunts are still in development.

"Styles Gamemode: Are you sure you want people to be able to switch around the gamespeed in real time? That'd be very distracting and could mess up the flow of the game for everyone but the person to activate it. If you switched it to something that was individual (instead of universal), you'd give it more weight and that could create more of a drive to achieve that and perform the Styles."

This of course is dependant on the server and how it handles it. Testing will go with the development of this. As I mentioned before, some of the gamemodes may or may not make it into the final product. Yes it very well could mess up the flow, but it can also improve and enhance the flow. The entire world must slow down in order for this game mode to effectively work.

"Lastly, about the Havens, Entertainment, and Gun Shops, why categorize/implement them like this? I can see the heal/re-equip points, but why seperate them, why have a gun "shop" that doesn't cost money, and why offer distractions like strippers in a multiplayer game?"

Heal/re-equip points are unrealistic. I wish I could stand in the middle of the street outside and re-equip my arsenal, but I can't. The gun shop adds a sense of realism that is frequently left out in games. The strippers may be a bad idea. I'm really just throwing everything I have out. And then go on and define them later. And you mentioned money. Money is basically not needed in this game. Mainly you do what you have to do to survive, even if that includes running down to a gun shop and breaking in to get a piece.