prometheus (2012, ridley scott)

There's another, more action-oriented one:

I have little idea what's going on in them, but I'm excited. Need to read up on this.
Almost want to watch it just for more explanation of the space jockey canon.
It's a canon that fires space jockeys in space jockey circuses. What's the mystery?
Are you ****ing kidding me right now I just waited 36 minutes yes I ****ing timed it for a 3 minute trailer to load on youtube. It finally did and when I clicked back at the start to watch, it cuts out and starts reloading again. I am supremely pissed off. **** you africa with your shitty internet and your bullshit excuses.

So I still have no idea what the **** is going on except that it is alien related and some people are getting a bit excited. I will now start waiting again. If it turns out to be some PG-13 bullshit then I dont even know what Ill do 20KB/S download AND THATS ON A GOOD DAY


Edit: Wow I waited another 20 and my connection went off. This trailer is cursed.
All ye who watch shall be disappointed
As interested as I am about the movie, I found the trailer to be annoying as hell. I'm pissed off at the "continuous sine wave of fade-in-fade-outs" meme that plagues trailers these days. It's worse than Inception Horns. MY AGING PUPILS ARE TIRED OF ADJUSTING GODDOMMOT
I don't think you know what a meme is.
Perhaps he means meme in the Richard Dawkins sense, not the "sad lonely crying man face" sense. I would say that his use of meme is correct.
Yeah, he actually knows exactly what a meme is.
Oh man.... that gave me major goosebumps! So hyped for this movie... Can not wait!
Woopdeedoo trailers that show all the "money shots" in the movie. Sigh...
i stopped watching that trailer half way through as it reveals so ****ing much.
The only major negative for me is that Charlize Theron's character seems to be made of wood, though that may just be strange ADR in the trailer. Also.. (insert miserable old git comment about CGI stealing the soul of cinema).
Just seen it. 'Twas awesome, but flawed. I'm looking forward to watching it again.
Not for a week in the US. Pi, I envy you like ****.
I have to wait until July 20th. Why can't there be a simultaneous world-wide release? ;/
Si this worth seeing in theaters?
feel odd, possibly angry, potentially nauseous. going to retire to bed, might hit a bottle of some kind. need to figure out my own answers to what just happened, might take to the streets to ask... why.

damon lindelof, you have much to answer for.
i've tried to write a review out a few times now and everytime it basically boils down to that it is nothing like the first alien film, and i guess that's a bit unfair but eh, if you're gonna place it in the same universe and directed by the same director, i'm gonna compare it. it's nothing alike alien in any way, shape or form - well, some design elements plant it within the same universe, but outside of that, it's a horrible script with some terrible pacing issues. it's jarring, disjointed and uncomfortable in it's flow, and what i expected to be a harrowing, tense exploration conducted by a team of regular, human scientists quickly descends into a massive star trek red-shirt ''you're gonna die, you're gonna die, you will probably get torn up...'' pickamix of cardboard stereotypes - the plucky, steadfast captain; the evil, emotionless face of Big Evil Corporation; grim military types; jocky-go-easy pilot buddy-duo...

the dialogue between them is so contrived sometimes, lots of close-up dramatic one liners, nothing even close to the real human interaction of two regular mechanics below decks on a rusty space tub, never a conversation even as close to being as full of crippling terror and dread as the last of a crew discussing tactics against an unseen foe - it's just a lot of to-ing and fro-ing between a massive cast of people who very rarely seem to rotate in circles outside of some kind of set parameter - imagine, if you will, that you always choose a certain selection of characters to go down to a planet in mass effect games whilst the others must just dawdle about someplace back on the normandy. it kind of felt like that to me. ''oh yeah, i forgot that jack was here! yep. cool. well, garrus, thane, we should get going, eh? see you later, jack, and uh... whoever the rest of you guys are!''

but no, i did enjoy it, sure. it's a great watch, a fun experience and the cinematography and score are just incredible. i think that everything scott had his hands on is as i expected it to be and that's basically just massive sets with an insane amount of detail in them. i think where the film has fallen short is that it is no longer a screenplay wrote by a hardcore realistic sci-fi fan who had a knack for human interaction, but instead written by someone more interested in just hurling lots of things past us for us to be thrilled by. and it is a bit of a thrill, if i'm honest, but it didn't do what alien still does to me on every watch some 10 years on from the first time i hid behind a blanket whilst it was on tv - it didn't fill me with dread, fear or a new found respect for making a certain genre of films in a different manner. it does just feel like a... horror sci-fi. it just kind of felt like techo-space guys fighting a threat and, inevitably, most of them getting killed and some ship exploding somewhere. coulda been another reboot of star trek if it weren't for the obvious ''THIS IS THE ALIEN UNIVERSE'' unsubtle-ties thrown in along the way.

but perhaps thats contextual, and i'll never fully realize it's true potential til some 10 years later on.

edit: ''Corportion'', hah.
I haven't been so disappointed by a film due to weighty expectations for a long time. PROMETHEUS isn't a bad film, but it's certainly not a good one. Built upon the framework of a poor script, its only significant merits are the set design and the cinematography, which is gorgeous and sumptuous, and the incredible Michael Fassbender, whose performance as the android David is ****ing impeccable.

Unfortunately, it's a film that wants to be much more intelligent than it is. It sets out to deal with grand, ontological questions - human origin, creation versus creator, that kind of shtick - but ends up merely stating them (mostly in the press stuff, incidentally), never actually exploring them. And I don't mean it weakly attempts to extrapolate on its themes - I mean to say it doesn't actually ****ing bother, ever. The film spends more of its time putting its bland and completely one dimensional explorers into threatening (but never frightening) situations and forcing them into contrived (and uninteresting) character conflicts. I remember Charlize Theron asking Scott and Lindelof to flesh out her character, because obviously the cold, corporate demeanour of Meredith Vickers is far from an appealing role to play in a franchise ****ing infected by them, and so they wrote up some extra scenes for her. I think it's obvious what these scenes were, but oh my goodness, how awful she must have been before - poor Theron's character is cheap and worthless.
y'know what really pissed me off re: david?

they went down the incredibly predictable route of destroying yet another android, they even did it in a similar fashion to ash in that it's obviously fassbender under a set with prosthetic attached to his neck! oh a talking android coated in milk and marbles, where have i seen that before? IN THE NEXT FILM OF THE SERIES, THATS WHERE. i was really looking forward to scott surprising me and not going down that route, but as soon as he started talking to the engineer it was just painfully obvious it was going to turn on him. it's burke admiring the xenomorph all over again only to get ****ed over by one later on.

and way to diminish a fantastic, incredible character by ending the film on basically sending shaw and david traipsing around the universe with a head in a bag like some sort of terrible buddy-pairing spin-off about their exploits at the end (or the beginning) of the universe. i was basically chortling throughout that closing montage because it reminded me of people i see on the tube who have a dog in a bag next to their feet.
don't even get me started on the end-end.
Great flick. Would recommend. Not the same sort of thing as Alien really, so don't go in expecting that. Could probably have used a better script and a bit less
rehashing plot elements from Alien.
Really enjoyed it, the opening scene in 3D just blew me away. I liked the ending as well
with the proto-hugger and Xeno.
Can see why some people are not going to like it though.
Very mixed feelings on the film.. I felt it was good, but could have been so much better. I'll just make "bullet points"-

The good:

-David 8

-The general plot

-Parts where there is mystery exploring the hallways. That is, when they find the pile of dead Jockeys, that was genuinely creepy and exciting.

The bad:

- Jokes between the Asian guy and that other dude with the beard about "bets". Seriously? What was the original bet anyways? They brought up the joke like 5 times, and it was never funny or endearing. To make things worse, they laugh and make another joke about betting right before they blow up.

-The absurd surgery, and the fact that Rapace just gets up and runs around and climbs and jumps things after a botched surgery (only staples holding her giant stomach gash together)

-The squid-hugger. Incredibly unimaginative creature. Oh look, a kraken on the ship.

-The jarring exposition in the beginning. "Look at these cave paintings. They want us to come to their planet!" {SUDDENLY IN SPACE} What the hell? There shouldn't have even been a scene on Earth, they explain what happened on the ship anyways during the hologram talk.

-Flute to operate space ship. I just know how this idea came to be.... "what can we make really unique about these aliens? Maybe show they are kind of human-like?"................... "Uhhh, what if we had them operate part of the ship with a flute!!"...... "That's so creative!! Let's do it!!" -_-

-The absurd and unsubtle amount of nods to "belief" and "faith"........... Shuttttt the f*ckkkkk uppppppp.

-Android decapitation, again?

-Sequel ending, a really corny one at that.
I agree with the general consensus on here, decent and entertaining enough movie, but incredibly disappointing and nothing that great. It's one of those movies that I can just pick tons of things from it to change that could've made it so much better.

First two things, agreed with ZT, drop the Earth cave bit, even the whole suicide waterfall bit too. And then everything from the ship explosion to the very end end. Just have the big guy stumble into that room on his own and then get consumed by the octopus whatever. And then use the time that you've gotten back to throw in before that to help flesh out a real character drama, complete with not forced and unbelievable dialogue, the pacing to help naturally build up the mystery (to the realization of what's going on with the pyramid instead of being forced into the story in several lengthy dialogue explanations that are pretty much pure conjecture from those characters) and a build up of suspense and conflict to where what should be climactic conclusion actually is (instead of being just a, hey, we gotta save earth, all right, let's do a big sacrifice thing, alright okay 5-4-3-2 boom). The general plot's fine indeed. It just progresses forward in awkward, clunky, forced steps instead of as a smooth progression.
Well I have yet to see the movie and know it by naught but pieces of reviews complaining about the story, however:

I'm honestly surprised that Hollywood/people are still not aware that Ridley Scott isn't a writer. He's a highly trained, extremely experienced director with an insane ability for visual composition. He directed over a thousand commercials in England before ever coming to America. He didn't write Blade Runner, or Alien, Black Hawk Down, or Kingdom of Heaven. You can tell he doesn't care too much for the story based on interviews. Watch Dangerous Days. He's obsessed with composition, lighting, and getting production done on time. In fact, from all the behind the scenes stuff I've watched, the movie he had most input into the story was Gladiator, and that one had a pretty weak story, not to mention all its historical issues.

I'm not speaking against the man, but people go into his movies expecting everything to be amazing, including story. "Directed by Ridley Scott? This is going to be a homerun!"

From all accounts the visuals are amazing, so imo he did his job.
I don't really understand your point viper. People who didn't like the story shouldn't have gotten their hopes up because Scott can't write? Well then he should have hired a better script writer.
I don't really understand your point viper. People who didn't like the story shouldn't have gotten their hopes up because Scott can't write? Well then he should have hired a better script writer.
Directors are not responsible for hiring scriptwriters.

However, according to the ever correct Wikipedia, Scott was fairly involved with Prometheus' story.

So maybe the lesson is, one should avoid movies where he has that much control?
I saw this most of a week ago, and I'm still dealing with the dissonance between 'should be a good R. Scott film' and 'WTF did I just watch'.

How credible is the biologist who approaches an alien creature with 'she's fine' dialog while reaching out his hand? If an alien biologist came to earth and reached his hand at an alligator with the same dialog, how believable would that be? No biologist worth his or her salt would do something like that. Given that this was a 'trillion dollar' trip to deep space, I'd expect everyone on the crew to be the best in their field. Also, what is the difference between this and the Thing? This has a bit more of its own structure? I don't know... I think that what bugs me is that this could have been so much better with some very simple dialog upgrades.

The surgery worked for me... I've granted them the suspension of belief to a certain extent, and a surgical machine fits. She was obviously in pain even after taking presumably very good drugs. After the surgery she was definitely suffering, hobbling along, stopping (where in other movies, she wouldn't even have been phased). I can buy that she was working on a fairly good adrenalin high, given the circumstances.