Proof that Beagle has actually banned everyone from PHL...

IRT #5 see for yourself (assuming you meant not credible ... imcredible isn't a word, and uncredible actually means the same as incredible... look it up ;-) )

IRT #6, it wouldn't surprise me...
There are more recent posts. I just logged in there myself and several posts are dated earlier today, the 13th.
oh damn i feel dumb now. cookie that told it to sort by last post date must've gotten removed to expired or whatnot. oh well... was good for a snicker.
Oooookay... got my random dose of confusion for tonight... :rolling:
... good question, indeed. It boggles the mind O__o

No human being should be posting on a Gamespy forum anyway.
There really isn't much point going to PHL anymore, not since they started getting ahead of themselves.
Even so, go look at his moderating, that guy needs removing.
gh0st said:
actually i was implying that he's stupid

that's what i got from reading your post...apparently someone's monitor doesn't display bold letters very well :\
IRT # 19: That's exactly my point. I know I can be quite tactless at times, but I'm also not the moderator on a major internet forum. The mods at PHL forums have all repeatedly demonstrated that they (usually) have the tact of a herd of water buffalo. Is responding to a post intended to help someone out with "I already posted that 2 days ago, your post wasn't necessary" and then locking the thread, preventing that person from saying "oh, I didn't see it for some reason" or even "oh, oops, I'm sorry" ... really necessary?