prop_physics light wierd and fall out of position


lil' hova

When I place a prop_physics object in my map it looses it's color and becomes shiny and metalic looking in most lighting. Even sofas and wooden bookshelfs. What causes that and how do I fix it?
Also, is there a way to make a prop_physics object hold it's position that I place it in untill I shoot it? I set a wooden table right side up then when I go to look at it in-game it's upside down and looks like silver, shiny steel.
How do I fix those things?
For the shiny props you need to add a env_cubemap in each area of your level. Then when you are ingame you need to type "buildcubemaps" in the console.

That'll fix the metallic looking props.

As for the prop staying still until you shoot it, in the props properties click the flags tab, have a look through there and see which suits the situation best.

"Start asleep" is probably your best bet though.
Thank you Kester.
I don't understand having to type buildcubemaps into the console in games, do you have to do that everytime? Isin't there a way to correct the problem through the editor instead?
Also when I select "Start Asleep" I walk into the table or couch and it goes flying 100 feet straight up and kills me everytime, what are the general reccomended settings most modders use?
You have to build the cubemaps in the game only after you compile the map. You only have to do this once per compile, so after that you wont need to do it anymore. Its only because hammer doesnt have the proper 3d engine to build reflection maps.