prop_physics vs prop_physics_multiplayer


Mar 29, 2005
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so i have a HL2DM map and i notice certain props can only be picked up with the grav gun as long as the entity tied to the prop is the prop_physics entity as opposed to the prop_physics_multiplayer entity. Should I worry about using prop_physics entities in my multiplayer map? What the hell is the difference between the prop_physics and prop_physics_multiplayer entites anyways? Just curious so I dont end up screwin myself in the longrun by usin an entity i shouldnt use.
prop_physics_multiplayer are almost the same as prop_physics. The main difference is that they will use less bandwidth on the network because of their simplified collision calculations. Don't use too much prop_physics if you plan on making a map for HL2DM or it'll lag like crazy.
Interestingly, prop_physics_multiplayer has the added advantage of turning any model into a physics model, whereas prop_physics works only with models compiled as physics models.
Raeven0 said:
Interestingly, prop_physics_multiplayer has the added advantage of turning any model into a physics model, whereas prop_physics works only with models compiled as physics models.
now that is useful
Maybe, but prop_physics_override and prop_physics_respawnable do that as well, without the addition of superbouncy collision detection.
While at it, ive never mange to get some prop (ie sawblades, hooks) to work as prop_physic_multiplayer, whatever flag i use they arent pickable with gravgun, they do works fine has prop_physic tho.
RedKetchup said:
While at it, ive never mange to get some prop (ie sawblades, hooks) to work as prop_physic_multiplayer, whatever flag i use they arent pickable with gravgun, they do works fine has prop_physic tho.

This is the same problem i have on my map :frown: .


And these is another problem i have: the tin wouldn't stay in the box!!:(

Sorry for my bad english :E
dont think you can fix that....i think that has to do with lag. happens to me too but i dont really sweat it.
i wanted a tumbeweed so i turned a shrub into a prop_phys_multiplayer but it didnt like it.