Propaganda - When you succeed in a coup version


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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-Radio/TV broadcast-

Attention, my fellow [Whatever-ans], today is a day for rejoicing. On [date + time] the revolutionary forces have taken complete control of the military and the State, and have exterminated the vile oppressor [ex-leader name] and his corrupt cabinet. We shall make sure that the inconsistencies that have been in effect during the reign of [ex-leader] do not stay. We promise to uphold the vows that we give you now.

One, Anti-[random ideology] shall be the first and utmost priority of the nation. We shall make sure that this violent and dangerous ideology is forever suppressed, and never to harm and threaten our ways of life and the public again.

Two, We will get rid of [corruption/whatever] that have has been the sustaining mark of the oppresive [ex-leader]'s regime. The revolutionary forces promise that this hideous practise that has flourished during the time of the old regime will be completely and finally destroyed, so that we shall live in effectiveness and prosperity.

Three, the autocratic and aristocratic rule of the past shall be forever gone. Officials will no longer be picked by favoritism, but by their ability to serve the public. The old corrupt officials shall never be able to hold public office again.

Four, law, order, and social stability shall be kept by the revolutionary forces to ensure that no harms comes to you or any citizen of this wonder [goverment system, preferably republic] of [your country] during this turbulent times.

[Add as needed]


Long Live the [title, ie) Eternal Leader] [New leader name]! Long live Free [your country name]! Long live the revolutionary forces!


Add as needed, edit as needed.

Just in case if any of you guys succeeds in a revolution. :P
Um... ****.

Anyway, didn't they get firing squaded?
So... martyred or branded as traitors?

The military must have really sucked.... :p

The military must have really sucked.... :p
Well England was pre-occupied with World War 1 aty the begginging, and the IRA of the time were using Guerilla tactics and the English became more and more hated resulting in rising support for the rebels.
I see.

Although when you have a revolution on your hands, you bring in the heavy artillery.