Proper radeon cooling


Aug 20, 2003
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I run my Radeon 9700 OCed to just about 9700 pro speeds, but, with my case closed, after about 2 hours, it gets a little hot and I notice artifacting (but only after a couple hours of use), what's my best choice for cooling?

I have PCI slot fan below the card to help it keep cool, and the card has a fan on it.. as of now, I just open my case up when I want to play games, which is fine, but in the future I don't want to do this (and I enjoy the OC too much to put it at stock :))

What's suggested here for the cooling? I have 3 case fans blowing in, and 2 PCI slot fans blowing air out.. and I'm not looking to buy that Zalman VGA cooler.. lol
Freezer, wait till the winter, play in spurts, Lower the core voltage, Get bigger fans, run the fans at higher rpm.
well, that was certainly helpful =/ I was more leaning towards is there any sort of heatsinks I could buy and stick on there, or something.. just thought I'd ask