protesters at republican national convention


Oct 6, 2003
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*disclaimer* I do not intend this to be a flame war on which president candidate is better, or degrade into a non intellectual disccusion. So please be smart and polite. Thank you.
*end disclaimer*

Saw this

and I got to thinking, why is there lots of protests around bush, but not Kerry? I don't remeber any protests at the democratic convention.

This also makes me kind of scared of what will happen if bush wins like the last election (i.e. darn close to election fraud.)

Hopefully nothing too bad will happen.

What do you guys think?
Well, from my point of view the Democrat supporters have been more vocal really about this kind of thing.

It doesn't mean their are more supporters for either side or anything like that, at least from my perspective. To me it looks more like if Bush wins a small group of extremist liberals are going to go on the rampage.
Yeah, they pretty much have the exact same numbers of support (About, it's the ONE percent, etc that wins an election) the conservative folk tend to be more quiet and such. Not the type to go into a mass protest.

Something fun for the vocal conservatives though, check this out. Protesting the protesters ;] - http://www.**************.com
I find alot of mass protests often lose more support than they gain. I don't think these protests will make much of a difference in the election. They are really only going to serve as an inconvenience to the Republicans.
Hmmm, that might be the whole point of the protest mullinator.
Innervision961 said:
Hmmm, that might be the whole point of the protest mullinator.
The point of the protest is to gain wide support against the Republicans, causing a simple inconvenience and making little difference to the election (thats why it would be an inconvenience only) would be a huge failure on the part of the protesters.
I didn't mean that in a smart ass way! :) just to be clear...
But peaceful protest is meant to inconvience, thus they will be noticed.
it's not the Republicans that are mroe organized or less vocal, it's the controversy surrounding the Republican candidate is 1000X bigger than the Democratic one.
There were tons of protestors at the DNC. The difference is they were put behind fences far away from the convention while the RNC protestors will allowed to roam free.
seinfeldrules said:
There were tons of protestors at the DNC. The difference is they were put behind fences far away from the convention while the RNC protestors will allowed to roam free.

oh really?

any unbiased, international sources can confirm that?

You know Bush isn't even to sleep on NYC, he's so unpopular there he's just going to do his speech drive off to Pennsylvannia, a swing state.

hey just for you, I'll get you the true nature of those "republicans" said:
There were a number of demonstrations during the the 2004 Democratic National Convention to put pressure on the Democratic Party to oppose the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq, as well as protests from activists dissatisfied with the moderation of the ticket and platform as well as Republicans who support the incumbent president and his pro-war policies. Many of the demonstrators were anarchists and others focused on long term change, unimpressed with the mild or even conservative policies of many Democrats. Many activities were festive in nature. The Really Really Democratic Bazaar was held on July 27, a festival with free food and music.

Small scale street demonstrations surged on the final day of the convention and Boston police tactical teams composed of hundreds of officers appeared in full force. That afternoon, an anarchist group called the Black Tea Society convened outside FleetCenter and called for "decentralized direct action." Their protests were denounced by city officials lacking permits to march. A local Critical Mass group bicycled through Boston as a form of protest to what they believed to be a political party that turned its back on what they describe as the party's traditional ideals.

That evening a group of peace activists held a peaceful rally a few hundred feet from the FleetCenter. Local Boston politicians were joined by presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich and long-time activist and California state senator Tom Hayden in a call to end the occupation of and to remove U.S. troops from Iraq and to bring in an international peacekeeping force.
Tom Hayden urges anti-war activists to continue efforts to organize.
Tom Hayden urges anti-war activists to continue efforts to organize.

The first major protest was held on the Sunday evening before the meeting convened at FleetCenter. An estimated 2,000 anti-war members marched at the same time that approximately 1,000 anti-abortion activists congregated. The same anti-abortion group had their permit revoked to protest outside of the Kerry family home. They challenged the decision and a federal judge banned them from any such demonstration.
Protestors burn a two-faced effigy of President Bush and Kerry in the streets of Boston.

The most publicized protest happened on the final evening as various groups collaborated and marched through the Boston financial district and civic center. They arrived at the FleetCenter where they burned a two-faced effigy of President Bush and Kerry. Protestors stomped on the figures as copies of Bush's autobiography were also heaped into the fire. Hundreds of police officers wearing full riot gear — helmets, shields and batons — outnumbered protestors as they monitored the demonstration.
Well you can't rise to power with out politics cybersh33p, in fact. besmirch hahahahahaha!
Innervision961 said:
Well you can't rise to power with out politics cybersh33p, in fact. besmirch hahahahahaha!
Thats not true at all! All I gotta do is kidnap bush and do some crazy goat sacrifices to become the wizard of oz and then everyone will worship me.
seinfeldrules said:
Roam free to a greater extent then at the DNC.

If you manage to convince yourself of that, then please, try and read a little more.
seinfeldrules said:


Also, I am not saying that there will be less protestors at the DNC, obviously there will be more at the RNC.

Counter Terrorist actions, which btw, the Democrats have 0 power over, the Bush Admnistration is the one that decides these things. Who authorized the use of these "cages" in the DNC? The Bush Admin. Who passed a so-called "Patriot" Act that gave nearly total power to the security agencies ? The Bush Admin.

So really, the democrats may have asked for security. But your beloved president gave them a cage.

Do you really think the RNC is a "roam free" zone?

Bloomberg is prohibiting as many protests as he cans. a massive, 100 000 ppl protest was forbidden to take place in the Central Park because according to Bloomberg, "it would ruin the grass".

The security operation on the RNC is nearly 5 times as big of the DNC, not because of terrorism, but because of massive protest.
Counter Terrorist actions, which btw, the Democrats have 0 power over, the Bush Admnistration is the one that decides these things.

It was actually mostly set up by Boston itself. Mayor Menino is a Democrat...
seinfeldrules said:
It was actually mostly set up by Boston itself. Mayor Menino is a Democrat...

And he has control of the Army?
And he has control of the Army?

No, but he does have control over the massive police outfits that were used during the convention.

If I had to guess I would think it was the National Guard which was used as well. That is under the control of the Governor (Mitt Romney R)
as opposed to chain link, and netting

Chain links, netting, and oh yeah, razorwire. Like to see you climb over that stuff. If you look, at the bottom of the fence is all concrete too.
seinfeldrules said:
Chain links, netting, and oh yeah, razorwire. Like to see you climb over that stuff. If you look, at the bottom of the fence is all concrete too.

Let me see you climb over a 3m tall concrete barrier, knowing that there was a sniper ready to shoot if you even tried.
Let me see you climb over a 3m tall concrete barrier, knowing that there was a sniper ready to shoot if you even tried.

There were snipers at the DNC as well...

Anyways, I dont think this is getting anywhere. In all honesty I think the protestors will help Bush in the end because they come across to many people as crazed lunatics.
I said it was all relative seinfield... The only victim in either case is free speech. I like how you admit the protestor turnout is far great for the RNC though, just goes to show how many pissed off people there really are...
I said it was all relative seinfield... The only victim in either case is free speech. I like how you admit the protestor turnout is far great for the RNC though, just goes to show how many pissed off people there really are...

Sigh, I think it is always the case for an incumbent President. Furthermore, there will be just as many people POed at Kerry, they just dont want to show up and act like lunatics to prove their point.
Hmm yes walking down the street holding a sign is an act of lunacy now.. To bad invading a country and bombing its people into submission isn't considered a form of protest, otherwise you'd vote democratic!
seinfeldrules said:
Sigh, I think it is always the case for an incumbent President. Furthermore, there will be just as many people POed at Kerry, they just dont want to show up and act like lunatics to prove their point.

you just ruined all of your argument in that single post...
seinfeldrules said:
....they just dont want to show up and act like lunatics to prove their point.

generalization and speculation

"On August 29, United for Peace and Justice will hold an impassioned, peaceful, and legal march past Madison Square Garden, the site of the Republican Convention."

doesnt sound like a bunch of lunatics

seinfeldrules I'm willing to bet you've never attended a protest
rofl! this is great! the google ad I got for this page is "W Ketchup"! :D
Rofl. I'm not really into politics though, it's all a bit meh imo.
Man, I've been watching the protests on CSPAN a bit. It makes me wish I was in NYC so I could protest the shit out of the RNC.
CyberSh33p said:
rofl! this is great! the google ad I got for this page is "W Ketchup"! :D
W is for and always has been "Washington Ketchup", not "W. Bush"
And you really think there is no Republican like that ?

I never said that. There will be many more liberals like that at the RNC, thats why I think it will help Bush. The media would rather cover protestors like that then the 'serious' ones.

They should be shot on sight as enemies of the state

Uhh, I think you need a nice long nap.