proved: ATI beats nvidia in HL2. Official everything!

I know, but enabling the pipes is the real key to defeating the GT, that and the "regular" o/c
Arno said:
The fact that you had to dig up a Scandinivian benchmark demonstrates the weakness of your argument.
I don't need to link a benchmark to sites like [H] or B3D to prove my point. It's a review from one of the biggest scandinavian sites. You know, just because it's not in english doesn't mean is "less important". If you don't like it, go argue with the reviewer.
HardOCP shows that the GT is just as fast as the Pro in Far Cry.
I see that at 1600x1200x4AAx16AF the X800PRO is faster, and we're talking about a game that has been endorsed by nVidia.
For more than 300 bucks you'll want to play your games at hi res + AF and AA, right?

Yes, please, go ahead and link benchmarks from Anand and Tom! Why don't you link benchmarks directly from the nVidia site?
Meanwhile, the vast majority of other websites claim the X800PRO to be the winner in UT2004, another TWIMTBP game.

Please, guys, I don't want to start a war here. I just wanted to point out something that was misleading some of the illiterate users. Both cards are great. Pick whatever you want.
Gemini][ said:
I don't need to link a benchmark to sites like [H] or B3D to prove my point. It's a review from one of the biggest scandinavian sites. You know, just because it's not in english doesn't mean is "less important". If you don't like it, go argue with the reviewer.
Me, and I assume the vast majority of the people here, prefer reviews from international sites. I can't read any of the reviewers' conclusions when the site is not in English. And why pick a non-english review when there are literally dozens of english reviews available? Perhaps because most of the english reviews don't support your claims?

Gemini][ said:
I see that at 1600x1200x4AAx16AF the X800PRO is faster, and we're talking about a game that has been endorsed by nVidia.
For more than 300 bucks you'll want to play your games at hi res + AF and AA, right?
I wouldn't call a 1.3 fps difference a definite win. Especially not when the graph shows framerates that are uncomfortably low at these settings.

[QUOTE='Gemini]Yes, please, go ahead and link benchmarks from Anand and Tom! Why don't you link benchmarks directly from the nVidia site?[/QUOTE]
You can't compare Anand with Tom. Anand is only mildly biased to Nvidia. To balance things out I also posted the [H] benchmark, as [H] is mildly biased to ATI.

[QUOTE='Gemini]Meanwhile, the vast majority of other websites claim the X800PRO to be the winner in UT2004, another TWIMTBP game.
From that very same review:
"If your mantra is 'frame-rate', then it would be hard not to recommend the 6800GT. If you're looking into the future at the games you'll be playing in 12 months time, then the future is foggy but gut instinct again says the 6800GT will be the better choice". :naughty:
Nice post Arno. Beautiful points, I'm looking forward to my 6800 GT :)