PS 3 to be $612 to $734

Ain't me..more important thigns to spend it on.

Hell, hookers are cheaper than that.
holy crap!?!

seven hundred dollars?!

That's insane, you play ****ing video games on it.

My computer didn't even cost 700$ and i can do so much more.
They say it costs so much because it does so much, but at that price how can they hope to compete with pcs?
remember, "the target consumer is not the average household"

I'll wait until it drops in price; I'll never pay more than £200 for a console - even if it takes a couple of years to drop in price.
you mean when it's old and outdated, and the pc is about 3 generations ahead.... sounds like a plan
At least Sony should make some money, as opposed to Microsoft with their idiotic ventures and follies in Japan, lol
Hazar said:
you mean when it's old and outdated, and the pc is about 3 generations ahead.... sounds like a plan

That doesn't stop the games being fun.
360 ftw. Simple.

I used to be a playstation whore, but upon seeing the 360 in action, i converted.
smoke said:
360 ftw. Simple.

I used to be a playstation whore, but upon seeing the 360 in action, i converted.
meh, a certain console never attracted me,except I still have the Xbox controller...freaking elephant cock.

But really, I am a fan of Sega/PSX/Nintendo/Atari/...anything.
haha, what a pile of crap! Sony are digging themselves a hole.
wow the price of A graphics card !!!!

£400.........hmmm expensive
I could probably buy a Revolution and its entire game library for that much :p

Well I know what I'd do...
Guys, please try using your heads before you believe everything you read verbatim. Try this, for instance:

Before considering the price, however - which does translate to between roughly $600 and $750 dollars - it's important to bear in mind that European prices are often quoted inclusive of local sales tax, which can be in the region of 20 per cent.

As such, the final US price is likely to be significantly lower than a simple currency exchange would suggest - as low as $500 in fact, with the sales tax difference effectively cancelling out the currency exchange difference.

I don't expect it to be over $500 USD when it launches and really, that is pretty cheap for what you are getting. Anyway, its the games that you really need to consider first and foremost. The rest is just gravy!
Harryz said:
That doesn't stop the games being fun.
You're the man:smoking:
Plus after consoles have been out for a few years they have allredy extablished a good library, a lot of good games cost 20,- like the ps platinum series. And only then can you truly make a good assesment of which console has the most games that cater to your taste.
Most likely that is the cost of making a single unit of a PS3. Sony will have to sell the system at a loss (like Microsoft with the 360) for people to even fathom buying it.
Unless they throw in premium service with it along with a PhysX card...
WhiteZero said:
Unconfirmed... not buying into it.


But still $700?!!?! :|

Hate consoles always will. PC for ever. <3
However, thus far, no indication of a North American price has been made, or indeed, any official confirmation that this statement is correct.
I wont be buying a Ps3 or a Xbox 360 but I want all facts to be straight on the Ps3 and Xbox360. This is in no way a real confirmation of the price for the Ps3.
The price will most likely be official when the Playstation 3 is near release. Still 7 months to go, everything can change until then.
700 play video games...uh no thanks!
Zeus said:
700 play video games...uh no thanks!
So what, most people on this forum payed 2000,- plus to play pc games. And don't give me shit about flexibility of a pc. If you want pretty much all the functionalities of a pc and still play nextgen games you can just buy a pc for 400,- and a console. We generally pay more for one graphics card with which we won't be able to play any decent new games in three years time while a console will last twice that long.
Grey Fox said:
So what, most people on this forum payed 2000,- plus to play pc games. And don't give me shit about flexibility of a pc. If you want pretty much all the functionalities of a pc and still play nextgen games you can just buy a pc for 400,- and a console. We generally pay more for one graphics card with which we won't be able to play any decent new games in three years time while a console will last twice that long.

The difference is, I've owned my PC for almost 3 years, and I can play oblivion on medium-high settings with somewhat good FPS, and during that 3 years my Xbox has become useless with the 360 coming out, but I can still play new games for my PC

I would rather spend $700 on upgrades than spend it on something that will be useless in 3 years
Dalamari said:
The difference is, I've owned my PC for almost 3 years, and I can play oblivion on medium-high settings with somewhat good FPS, and during that 3 years my Xbox has become useless with the 360 coming out, but I can still play new games for my PC

I would rather spend $700 on upgrades than spend it on something that will be useless in 3 years
A console from it's launch go's on avrage 5 or 6 years, i think it was 5 years for the x-box. And if you can play oblivion on your pc thats 3 years old, then that thing sure as hell cost more then 2000 to buy when it came out. Plus the way a game is presented for a console is the way it is going to actually look on a 3 or 5 year old console. And it usually still looks hawt with the standards of that time simply cause consoles are far better exploited then pc. While on a pc you'll be happy if you can get it to run and even then you will find out the recommended specs should honestly be a lot higher.

Not only that the nextgen consoles look like they will maintain their lead on the PC for longer then avrage. Seeing as the xbox-360 has 3 3ghz cores, which is the quivelant of single 6ghz altleast, and since pc generally need to be 2 times stronger to produce the same graphics, that is going to take a very very long time to catch up. SO a ps3 or a 360 is definatly a worthwhile investment even for 700,-. Atleast if you are the kind of person that spends 2000 or 3000 on a pc.
Are you posting that on your xbox? How 'bout your ps2? How 'bout your ps3 when it comes out?


I didn't think so
Price wont change me picking it up. Getting it no matter what.
Hazar said:
Are you posting that on your xbox? How 'bout your ps2? How 'bout your ps3 when it comes out?


I didn't think so
But he could be posting it on his 400 dollar computer. :D
Well, with the Revolution as cheap as it is supposed to be... I might also be able to fork up $500-$600 (the adjusted values) for a PS3 considering that it would double as an HDTV movie player, come with a 60GB HDD, and just generally be the most powerful one of the bunch. Right now, it's all up in the air. Who knows? I might end up being a one-console-guy this time around. It's only like... one month until E3... right?
People seem to be forgetting that the consoles usually have the same numeric value for the price, even though exchange rates make that much more in UK/EU.

Also, Sony said there will only be one sku, so thats another hit on this rumor.
Well the price seems fair, tbh. It's a blu-ray and HDTV movie player, a 60GB HDD in which you can host a server from, plays next-gen games and it's sexier than hell. Will I buy it? ...I dunno.
Eurogamer said:
Comments made by Sony Computer Entertainment France boss Georges Fornay which appeared to indicate the price point for PlayStation 3 have been misinterpreted and do not allude to the price of the system, the company has told

The idea that Fornay's mention of 499 to 599 Euro price ranges was an indication of the PS3's price point is "a mistranslation or misunderstanding of the discussion, which was actually focused on the relative value of PS3 as a Bluray Disc player," according to SCEE corporate communications director Nick Sharples.

The clarification doesn't give any steady price point, but it does mention the system being lower than the current Blu-Ray players (600-800 Euros), which isn't all that helpful.

Anyway, moral of the story is to not trust any pricing until it's officially confirmed by the company itself.


The idea that Fornay's mention of 499 to 599 Euro price ranges was an indication of the PS3's price point is "a mistranslation or misunderstanding of the discussion, which was actually focused on the relative value of PS3 as a Bluray Disc player,"

That means it'll cost that plus its value as a console D: D: D:
lol... now, imagine the price here in Brasil... With 60% import tax + 21% ICMS (state tax) You guys are happy but don't realize it.... oh, btw, the same taxation applies for computer parts... :(
/me scratches another point over to the PC
Still better value for money than than a graphics card ;)

I paid £300+ for an x800xtpe - it hasn't lasted half the life span of your average console, or allowed me to play nearly as many decent games - and that's just one component. Add the amount spent on cpu, ram, mobo etc in the name of gaming and I feel ill.

Given the choice between a PS3 and a new vpu, i'd go for the Playstation everytime.