PS Filter or not ?

Garfield_ said:
This picture here, do you guys think its drawn or could it be a real photo that has been photoshopped, if so, how can i make similars ?
There are no successful filters that can achieve the cel shaded effect.

Either do it by hand or with 3D software and use celshader materials, but in the cases of using 3D they wont often work very well, depends on the model and shader type must most will use an incidence angle of some sort to determin the edges. And at certain angles that can break down and cause a smeared effect.

You could though do it in passes and generate the outlines that way in a different pass than the first color one (which is nothing more than a stepped gradient effect directed at a light or lights)

to do it by hand in 2D, most trace a photo and then block in the shades. Personally I don't consider that art as there's very little creativity going into it. Since many will take the original photo, use posterise to get the basic cell shaded look, and then work from there making a clean version. Kinda cheating really.

The best ones are done by hand, with no cheating.
The edges look very strict, I doubt it's freehand. Although he could have drawn it, opened it up in PS and touched up the edges and colored it. Wouldn't suprise me if he did.