PS3 Ads ?


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score



it looks like fake .. but who knows
Hmmm 1/2 symbols.....must mean that Sony are presenting us with 5 paws of flower hounds.

Or that I have no idea what it means.
Smash from post it over at those forums, they seem legit. If you make those symbols 100% they equal the buttons on ps controller, for those that don't understand it.
Its actually somewhat cool how much those symbols resemble some kinda foreign alphabet like that.
They are legit. I believe they are ads near the E3 center.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Smash from post it over at those forums, they seem legit. If you make those symbols 100% they equal the buttons on ps controller, for those that don't understand it.
heh i've just noticed that
It also looks like Love if you just rotate the 3rd character :) (Only on the 2nd and 3rd image though it seems)
Oh I cant wait for the ps3...
Will it beat XBOX 360, thats the question
Chav said:
Oh I cant wait for the ps3...
Will it beat XBOX 360, thats the question
Don't count out Nintendo Revolution.
i've always loved how they marketed the ps2...the whole the third place mysterious aura with ads they did directed by david lynch and what not, i hope they do something similar with their new VENTURE
Chav said:
Yeah sorry, forgot about that one. But you hear so litle about the new nintendo.'s too bad nintendo is not showing more of it's stuff. But I expect at E3 there will be a huge announcment from nintendo maybe even a system to look at.