PS3 is a movie theatre, Xbox 360 is a DVD, Wii just TV


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
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Borrowed from a thread in the Edge forums:

Source: IGN

PS3 is a movie theatre, Xbox 360 is a DVD, Wii just TV

That's the analogy from the mouth of Hideo Kojima, used to compare the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and the Wii.

Snake's back in MGS4Speaking to Japan's Ge-Maga, the Metal Gear 4 producer/director likened the PlayStation 3 to a movie theatre experience, calling the Wii a television-like experience.

"I had an interview at E3, and I responded like this," said Kojima. "The PS3 is a movie theatre. You pay 1,800 yen and view a movie with great sound and a huge image. These aren't movies that are remade directly from television, but video that's been made for the movies, and everyone comes wanting that. Xbox 360 is watching a DVD at home. It's for people who want to watch a movie, but anything is okay. The Wii is a television program. You turn on the television, and you can watch soccer or watch a variety show - enjoy a program lightly."

Asked his opinion of the PlayStation 3 following its E3 showing, Kojima was quite positive about it. "If you think about the future of the industry and game creators, I get the feeling that the winner had better be the movie theatre - or, the PS3. No one will say that the price is cheap. However, the PS3 is 'the future.' The Wii is interesting, but in terms of functions, it's a machine with past concepts."

That's not to say Kojima isn't a fan of the Wii - he was full of praise for its controller, but wishes the PS3 would have controls like the Wii.

Also interviewed by Ge-Maga was Metal Gear Solid 4 art director Yoji Shinkawa and Square Enix's Tetsuya Nomura. Nomura wasn't quite so positive about the PS3, expressing his disappointment over the controller losing its rumble features. He added that if the reason for the loss of rumble is the interference with the sensing tech, then perhaps a simple button to turn one or the other off would have been an adequate solution.

Speaking of the PS3's price, Nomura commented that at this time "as a game machine, it's too expensive. If the hard disk and Blu-Ray spread, in line with that, the situation for the PS3 will change in 1 to 2 years. At the present, it's definitely too expensive, but I believe that when the games are there, it will change naturally."

"Thinking two to three years from now, the PS3 will be the most appropriate," said Nomura. "We feel that when the games that we're making are released, the PS3 will be strong in the market."

Towards the end of the interview the subject of ZOE was raised. "We'd like to make a sequel, but there aren't any people [to make it]. Ah, I've decided now," Kojima joked. "Nomura will do the characters and Shinkawa will do the mechs."

This guy is a loony.
I agree.

The PS3 is a pile of garbage. Just a recycled version of the PS2 with better graphics. Plus the price is completely retarded.
When he said everything that he has done on the PS3 can be done on the 360? Someone has the marketing $ in the back of his pocket.
Sony is messing up so bad in this console run.
"The Wii is interesting, but in terms of functions, it's a machine with past concepts."
Like the contoller that tracks your movement, that the PS3 stole?
No - Sony's word for 'stealing' is 'innovation'
Sony are thiefs who can't come up with their own ideas. And they are gonna loose this consolewar bigtime. Watch out for the bankruptcy Sony, it's coming after you.
I don't get a console to watch movies, I get it to play games, to have fun. It's not a like a movie theater experience, because I could go to a movie theater for 12 dollars, yet I have to spend 600 to even get the console, and even more for games.

I'm sorry, but sony fails.
^Ben said:
When he said everything that he has done on the PS3 can be done on the 360?

LOL yea, Hideo Kojima even said it himself that MGS4 could run on 360 and PC, which I should think is pretty obvious. It didn't even look great graphically, to me.

Not to mention the fact that Hideo Kojima has expressed concerns about how the PS3 was more difficult to program for than the 360.
Shame that theatre attendances and profits are going down, natch.
Yeah, Kojima, Shinkawa and Nomura are loonies. Mmmhmm. Riiiiight.

The point is that games that take advantage of the tech are going to be what makes this console or any of the other ones. So far the PS3 has been a PR nightmare, but like I said in another thread, the fact that they are always in the news means that they are constantly in the public's collective subconscious. Bad publicity is still publicity after all. The media can't stop talking about the PS3 and everything even closely related to it. Its a fine line between genius and madness and Sony seems to be crossing the line A LOT of late, but whatever you say about them, they are the ones being talked about, not the Wii and to an even lesser extent the 360. I don't give a crap what their marketing people or other mouthpieces say, as long as the games that I want to play are there, that's where I'll go...and that goes for all of the "next-gen" systems.
VictimOfScience said:
they are the ones being talked about, not the Wii and to an even lesser extent the 360.

I disagree here. There's more talk about the Wii than the PS3 at the mo - and nearly all of it positive. When the PS3 does get a mention it's usually quite negative. As for the 360, early adopters are too busy playing games with their mates on Xbox Live to care what others are saying.

I'll end up with a PS3, maybe not at launch, but eventually. It's going to take more than some sequals to MGS and DMC to seal the deal this time, though.
Never liked Nintendo. But now, I do.

Since the DS my thoughts have them have improved and tbh, I'm getting the Wii to play fun, innovative games.

If I want to blow shit up, I'll play PC Games :p
Well to overplay the analogy, if the PS3 is "Glitter, Fantastic Four, Pearl Harbor" and the Wii is "24, Lost, Family Guy", then I guess he's right.
Wii is also Sienfield, Mind of Mencia, South Park, It's always sunny in phil., and That 70's Show.

Damn I choose Wii!!

And when I have one I will at least be able to say, "Hey at least I have a wii!!".(Tis a joke, you get it?)
SearanoX said:
Look at the number of people who have praised the PS3 in this one thread... one? Can you guess who? Sure, people are talking about Sony, but they are not saying "hey, Sony's cool, let's buy their stuff", they're saying "I'm never buying another Sony console." Just because you have press doesn't mean that that press is positive, and positive press is far better to have than negative press.
Hahaha! You missed my point that in the entertainment industry bad press is still good press. Its free publicity for all involved no matter which way you cut it. Look at what it did for this guy! Everyone knows: Bad Publicity > No Publicity.

Warbie said:
I disagree here. There's more talk about the Wii than the PS3 at the mo
Look here for a few days and see what I mean. More Sony/PS3 than anything else.

Some of you seem to have the idea that I am a fanboy, but in all seriousness, its the games that will draw me to my system purchase(s). The DS has been incredible for me, so I am leaning toward the Wii first(hands-down), 360 after price-cut next (assuming there are at least 5 amazing games that I won't see elesewhere), then a PS3 after a price-cut (I know there will be at least 5 amazing games for me in 2007).
Warbie said:
I disagree here. There's more talk about the Wii than the PS3 at the mo - and nearly all of it positive. When the PS3 does get a mention it's usually quite negative. As for the 360, early adopters are too busy playing games with their mates on Xbox Live to care what others are saying.
Even the negative attention Nintendo first got about it's Wii name is much different than Sony's negative attention at the moment. The Wii's negative attention helped, I bet Sony's will hurt more than help.
ElFuhrer said:
Tell that to Michael Jackson.
Yeah, lots of people have. His name wouldn't have been in the news for anything otherwise. After that one particular special aired, no one could stop talking about him. Whether they were fans or not because of it, they were paying attention to him regardless. They wanted to read about him and they wanted to watch him wherever they could. They wanted to learn more by whatever means necessary. People love to stare at car wrecks. The same goes for Sony here except that I have to say, since public opinion seems to be shaking daily, I imagine that, much like the PSP, the PS3 will surprise many people because its just simply not bad as everyone seems to think it'll be. (Just a guess.)
Maybe, but like the PSP I doubt it'll be any where near as successful as Sony hoped.

Love or loathe him, Michael Jackson is a very interesting dude. That's why people were glued to his trial. This is a little different. Not all publicity is good publicity - especially if one of your rivals is getting nothing but praise at the same time.
Warbie said:
I disagree here. There's more talk about the Wii than the PS3 at the mo - and nearly all of it positive. When the PS3 does get a mention it's usually quite negative. As for the 360, early adopters are too busy playing games with their mates on Xbox Live to care what others are saying.

I'll end up with a PS3, maybe not at launch, but eventually. It's going to take more than some sequals to MGS and DMC to seal the deal this time, though.
qft !

also, sony's problems are rooted deeper than just e3 this year, they started with the rubbish years ago when they said [something along the lines of] "next-gen doesn't start till we say so" and so on.

i never had anything against sony, ps1 was a pretty good system and ps2 has a few games i love (ff, shadow of colossus, killzone & a few others).. but honestly, i think sony are really backed up against the wall here, i don't think they quite expected ms/nintendo to make such a dent and they've been caught off guard constantly and forced to do things they didn't want to too, like tilt in the ps3 controller, their xblive esque thing (remember them announcing they wouldn't do it last year after e3 ? man, i felt like stabbing them ;)) & some other things.

i will get a ps3, just no way @ launch - i'm pretty well off but that doesn't mean i waste money and $650au for the 360 was really pushing my limit, but it's turned out to be definently worth it.. but i'm not going to fork out like $900+ or whatever the aus price is, for a system which seems riddled with problems and a company behind it who seems clueless, self-indulged, have no vision (or a bad/lost one), have a bad strategy for their new media (seriously, ms has done it well, releasing hd-dvd as a peripheral - it's not needed for gaming, we don't know if hd-dvd will take off and it didn't bump up the price; bingo !), seem to have little respect for their fanbase, little respect for their competitors (yes, pretty much everyone trash talks each other a bit, sony just seems over the top) and so on.

out of my geek friends who are into consoles, a few have a 360 and are loving it while the others are waiting for a price drop or some more games to come out but alot of us where waiting for the ps3 but we don't care now, if it wasn't released for 2 years i wouldn't care.. sadly, sony will still sell out even though they 'don't deserve it.'

prey demo is almost finished downloading, off i go. ;)

edit: post duped somehow, could someone delete the one below ? :x
I have a PS2 with a fairly large library of games. It is still a great system. However, I'm just not really that pleased with what Sony has been doing with the PS3. Their presentation at E3 was underwhelming and the devs that presented the games spouted off stuff that seemed forced. The only thing that was interesting was the MGS4 trailer. I'm just not convinced that I should spend $600 on a PS3 at launch.

I don't care that the Wii can't put out visuals to rival PS3's because Nintendo is offering such an awesome way to play games. That's why I'll be spending my money on the Nintendo Wii before the PS3.
Warbie said:
Maybe, but like the PSP I doubt it'll be any where near as successful as Sony hoped.
True, I doubt it will be as successful as their cocky attitudes seem to think. I am sure it will do very well, but nowhere near as fast as they might like.

Warbie said:
Love or loathe him, Michael Jackson is a very interesting dude. That's why people were glued to his trial. This is a little different. Not all publicity is good publicity - especially if one of your rivals is getting nothing but praise at the same time.
Remember, Nintendo has already said that they aren't a rival in this "race" or "war" or whatever you want to call it. So their only real rival, Microsoft, isn't exactly being heaped with praise right now. Their game library is less than stellar so far--there is no one game that is a surefire system seller and the only other reason they're in the news right now is that they are more likely than not going to have internal HD-DVD functionality in one of their next iterations of the system, making all of the early adopters thrilled I am sure. There is obviously no clear winnder here and won't be for another couple of years, if a clear winner can even be had here. I for one hope that Nintendo grabs the most markershare and that the other two are much closer in terms of number of systems sold. This should mean loads more extremely fun, innovative games from the Wii side of things and much better games stemming from the competition between rivals Sony and Microsoft. We'll see though....
Sony has a major problem in my eyes, corporate arrogance. And it will kill them if they are not carefull.
VictimOfScience said:
Yeah, lots of people have. His name wouldn't have been in the news for anything otherwise. After that one particular special aired, no one could stop talking about him. Whether they were fans or not because of it, they were paying attention to him regardless. They wanted to read about him and they wanted to watch him wherever they could. They wanted to learn more by whatever means necessary. People love to stare at car wrecks. The same goes for Sony here except that I have to say, since public opinion seems to be shaking daily, I imagine that, much like the PSP, the PS3 will surprise many people because its just simply not bad as everyone seems to think it'll be. (Just a guess.)

Yeah, but you said bad publicity > no publicty. Think about what Michael Jackson's trial must've done for what little career he had left. Almost everyone sees him as a racially confused, fake-nosed child molester. They won't want to buy a new record of his if he ever makes one. Now he's hiding out in Dubai or something. I'm not saying Sony is going to go out of business and Kaz Hirai will be exiled to the Middle East, but I don't belive that bad publicity is always better than no publicity. It was for Nintendo, but many people are starting to think "liars that name their controllers after human waste" when they hear about Sony. People love to stare at car wrecks, but that attention isn't any comfort to the guy in the driver's seat with the concave face.
Don't underestimate the 360. It has a large base of keen and loyal fans which only gets stronger by the day. Xbox Live is the real star, and does more for these communities and the popularity of the system than any number of 'system sellers' could ever do.

It may not sell as many systems as the PS3, but it is doing very well, and is here to stay. Just wait for Halo 3 - it's going to be HUGE.
Warbie said:
Don't underestimate the 360. It has a large base of keen and loyal fans which only gets stronger by the day. Xbox Live is the real star, and does more for these communities and the popularity of the system than any number of 'system sellers' could ever do.

It may not sell as many systems as the PS3, but it is doing very well, and is here to stay. Just wait for Halo 3 - it's going to be HUGE.

This man speaks the truth.
more bad pr for sony.

PS3 Complexity Could Hinder Yields -
Analyst P.J. McNealy of American Technology Research told a select group of marketers at an MI6 luncheon that the PlayStation 3's complexity could act as a significant hurdle in the early phases of console production. He said that the number of parts used to make a PS3 is even more astounding that the 1,700 parts found in the Xbox 360.

PS3 'Could Come Third' in Console Battle -
DFC Intelligence's David Cole ponders Sony's future, and says the firm could wind up behind Microsoft and Nintendo in the next generation.
ps3 is a pile of shit. I'd rather shit myself than use the expensive machine. I don't care if I'm being unreasonable and angry.
ElFuhrer said:
Yeah, but you said bad publicity > no publicty. Think about what Michael Jackson's trial must've done for what little career he had left. Almost everyone sees him as a racially confused, fake-nosed child molester. They won't want to buy a new record of his if he ever makes one. Now he's hiding out in Dubai or something. I'm not saying Sony is going to go out of business and Kaz Hirai will be exiled to the Middle East, but I don't belive that bad publicity is always better than no publicity. It was for Nintendo, but many people are starting to think "liars that name their controllers after human waste" when they hear about Sony. People love to stare at car wrecks, but that attention isn't any comfort to the guy in the driver's seat with the concave face.
Guys, all I am talking about is awakening brand awareness. Maybe once you get out in the workforce and actually have to deal with agents, subagents, publicists, and other PR/Marketing types, you will see that this sort of thing can most certainly manifest itself positively. If you've ever heard of the writer Oscar Wilde, he said that "There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about." This holds true today. There's a marketing professor from the Wharton School of Business at UPenn that feels the same way:
Advance publicity is key to record albums success, states Wharton marketing professor Peter Fader and by trying to stamp out peer-to-peer music trading, record companies are shooting themselves in the foot.

In a new paper entitled Using Advance Purchase Orders to Forecast New Product Sales, Fader proposes a statistical model for using advance orders to predict future sales of albums. His results lead to a clear conclusion: The more buzz you generate, the more you sell, he says.
So the rappers getting in all sorts of trouble just before an album drops, the GTA contorversy, the Passion of the Christ controversy, etc etc etc--the list goes on and on and on for one reason: this is just the way things work. I am through arguing this with you guys if you don't see it by now.
And no Warbie, I am not underestimating the 360--(games aside) its an incredible machine, but I have a feeling that the Wii will do a crazy business this holiday season and that the media attention that the PS3 is getting and will no doubt continue to get will almost certainly result in a fairly good outing as well--at least as well as the 360 did at launch.
Should I spend 600$ on a pseudo-computer, or upgrade my trusty PC? Hmm, let me think now...
My advice to you all is to buy Xbox360 and Wii. And while you're at it, get all the best games you can that belong to the console.

And just to note, HL2 is avaliable for Xbox360 too just to tell you HL2 fans. I am not a HL2 fan though but I like the HL2 mods or source engine games.

But back to the topic, I think PS3 will be a total failed product when it released, my take would be that Kaz Hirai is just lying. Too bad my "used to be favourite" company Sony just pitifully shamed themselves in E3 2006 Conference.
Haha, I just thought. Imagine if the PS3 was as unreliable as the PS2. Some people have had to a new PS2 every year because they kept breaking down. And considiring how expensive the PS3 is, I doubt people will buy replacements....
If you want good consoles from Sony then stick to the PSX or PS2 or better yet, buy Xbox360 from your favourite microsoft architect, Bill Gates.
hah, here's another article about the ps3 and some problems it may have.

Japanese developers' reaction to the PS3: meh -
- 90 percent disagree with the PS3's price point.
- 56 percent disagree with the idea of having a "low-end" PS3 and a "high-end" model.
- 56 percent think the console will not sell given its announced launch title lineup
- 33 percent feel less confident with the PS3 after its E3 showing.
- 62 percent feel the PS3 won't reach its goal of 6 million units sold by March 2007.

The number of "unsure" responses to each question was less than five percent, with the exception of the post-E3 confidence question, to which 15 percent gave an indeterminate response.
Nice article. Will PS3 survive the onslaught? I doubt it. $559 damn bucks!!?? That's stupendously stupid and there is no doubt people can get that pile of crap.
Double_Blade said:
My advice to you all is to buy Xbox360 and Wii. And while you're at it, get all the best games you can that belong to the console.

And just to note, HL2 is avaliable for Xbox360 too just to tell you HL2 fans. I am not a HL2 fan though but I like the HL2 mods or source engine games.

But back to the topic, I think PS3 will be a total failed product when it released, my take would be that Kaz Hirai is just lying. Too bad my "used to be favourite" company Sony just pitifully shamed themselves in E3 2006 Conference.

I'd disagree, I'd suggest buy whatever system that supports games you like. Brand loyalty like that doesn't do the consumer any good.

Like Victim said, bad press is still better than no press. Personally I don't see PS3 failing, they have quite a few system-selling franchises backing them up. I'd imagine once Sony releases the PS3 and the big games start flowing out (with a price cut) then PS3 will really take off.
Heya Destrukt, they should have had a poll option for how many will boycott Sony.
AiM said:
I'd disagree, I'd suggest buy whatever system that supports games you like. Brand loyalty like that doesn't do the consumer any good.

Like Victim said, bad press is still better than no press. Personally I don't see PS3 failing, they have quite a few system-selling franchises backing them up. I'd imagine once Sony releases the PS3 and the big games start flowing out (with a price cut) then PS3 will really take off.

Well, it depends on the comments from consumers. And to clarify, 2006 Sony Conference

Watch this video, and you will know it.