PS3 is a movie theatre, Xbox 360 is a DVD, Wii just TV

Doesn't the X360 run on a modified version of Windows NT or something?

Much easier to port PC Games to 360 and vice versa.
I'm sticking to whatever gives me the best games.

It's pretty simple.
I would prefer PC as you can unlock wonders of games such as Half-life 2, Doom 3 and so on.

Well, imo, how can you enjoy games if it is a lousy console? My take will be that PS3 will probably suck after it comes out. 7 controllers? False, they should have checked the controllers before jumping to conclusions that it will allow 7 controllers but in reality, it enables 4 wireless controllers only.
Double_Blade said:
Well, imo, how can you enjoy games if it is a lousy console?


Miss out on consoles and you miss out on the majority of the best games around.
Warbie said:

Miss out on consoles and you miss out on the majority of the best games around.

Although PS3 will suck in my opinion, and if my friend has one PS3, I will go and play with him on PS3 to give it a shot, whether I proved myself wronged or correct.
I really think this is one of the few cases where no press is better than bad press. Sure, people are talking about the PS3, but the sales gained from the negative publicity will be far fewer than those lost to Wii and Xbox360 for the same reason.
I'll think i will stick to PC gaming from now on.The only reason i had to get a PS3 was for the PS3 exclusive games like MGS but i will probley borrow my mates when he gets his.
Jintor said:
I'm sticking to whatever gives me the best games.

It's pretty simple.
Ah, Reason rules the day finally. :thumbs:

All of this talk is still just talk. Everyone knows the games make the system, not how difficult it is to program or how expensive it is or how many parts are in it, etc etc etc. If the games are there, I'll get the system--any/all of them. This thread officially belongs on Evil Avatar.
does anyone else think this whole thing is a joke ?

sony has made a comment on pretty much everything and have in some way reacted/copied their competitors.

i'm thinking a month before release they'll suddenly announce the real ps3 controller and poos won't be the name and some other things, but i think some things like 2 versions and a high price will stick.

it just seems almost too pathetic/obvious for sony to blatantly copy something like the wiimote and the wii name, it has to be a joke ?! .. and all these stupid comments is just sony getting everyone against them so when they release the real details, everyone either suicides or starts praising sony.
Apparently you can order your PS3 to your own spec.

I don't see how this will appeal to casual gamers. It will just confuse them and push them away.
I would rather stick to PC now. Where you can play Source engine games made by people and enjoy it to your heart's desires.

My advice to console lovers is to buy Wii when it comes out or buy Xbox360, the virtual world architect Bill Gates who crafted it.
VictimOfScience said:
Ah, Reason rules the day finally. :thumbs:

All of this talk is still just talk. Everyone knows the games make the system, not how difficult it is to program or how expensive it is or how many parts are in it, etc etc etc. If the games are there, I'll get the system--any/all of them. This thread officially belongs on Evil Avatar.
I have nothing against sony or anything, nor do I see them as beeing worse then MS and N. But you can judge the maker of console to a certain degree. You can look at how much license fees cost, how much the devkit costs and how good it is, what the console provides in terms of power and control. People are judging sony based on that, not fairly mind you and with the same standards they judge MS or N, but still.