PS3 price revealed by PSM


Mar 22, 2006
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Playstation Magazine has named the PS3 has having quite a low price: $399 in the U.S., €322 in Europe and ¥45,965 in Japan.
These are the other info stated in the PSM:
PS3's 60GB non-removable hard drive as standard.
will have backward compatibility, that PSX/PS1 and PS2 games will run on the PlayStation 3 in 720, 1080i and 1080p.
all PS3 games will be in the Blu-ray format, and will have no region lockouts.
the launch line-up and final design of the PS3's controller will be released at the E3 gaming expo in May.
I can't wait to see what this thing can do.
Wasn't there just some controversy over them having troubles getting the pricing down? If so I guess this is good news because the figures I saw were much higher.
I guess if it's coming from Playstation Magazine it should silence the doom & gloom claims of a $900 PS3. Now, all that's left is to actually show working PS3s and real games at E3.
Mysteryman, you need to post in the correct forum, stop stating rumors as they are facts, and provide a source link when you announce something big like the official price of the PS3.

Click here to the source where IGN claims the Vice President of Sony Europe states that the PS3 will be $613-$736 US. said:
April 5, 2006 - The word is out. Yesterday, Vice President of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe George Fornay let the PS3's European price slip. According to Fornay, the PS3 will cost between 499 and 599 euros. That translates to between $613 and $736 for us in the States.

Now which one do I believe? Neither. I will believe the price when Sony announces it officially.
ign said:
It would seem that Sony executives need a refresher course in minding their tongues when speaking to the press.
VirusType2 said:
Mysteryman, you need to post in the correct forum, stop stating rumors as they are facts, and provide a source link when you announce something big like the official price of the PS3.

Click here to the source where IGN claims the Vice President of Sony Europe states that the PS3 will be $613-$736 US.

Now which one do I believe? Neither. I will believe the price when Sony announces it officially.
Now read your source carefully, cause there had a mistranslation on that one, i mean the ign news.
here's the link
Mistranslation? I don't follow.

The point is that Sony hasn't officially said how much it will cost yet.

I can look at 100 websites that claim to know how much it will cost, using the latest market analysts and it wouldn't be any more or less credible.
Can Sony afford those kinds of losses on each unit considering how many they want to cell (ohohoho)?
I don't think the Playstation is a money pit, no. They are going to take losses big time in the beginning, but life is a gamble. It takes money to make money, and Sony has money.

They are having us believe that $399 is a good price. It's all desperate marketing ploy's by executives "slipping" that it is $700, so when the system comes out and it's $500 we think that is a good deal. LOL

$400 for a console lol. Aw man, I remember trying to convince Mom that the SNES wasn't too expensive for Christmas, You kids these days are ****ing spoiled as shit. I thought I was doing good and lucky to get about $189 gift that came with at least one game. Nintendo ruled.
They are going to lose a ton of money at first, but everyone already knew that. What they are also banking on is that if the PS3 does as well as the PS2, then that means there will be roughly 100 million Blu-Ray players in the market, not including standalones. With Sony standing to make money on every Blu-Ray disc that ships, they should do just fine. Big gamble, though, yes. Time will tell, but I think a $399 pricepoint is perfect!
VirusType2 said:
I don't think the Playstation is a money pit, no. They are going to take losses big time in the beginning, but life is a gamble. It takes money to make money, and Sony has money.

They are having us believe that $399 is a good price. It's all desperate marketing ploy's by executives "slipping" that it is $700, so when the system comes out and it's $500 we think that is a good deal. LOL

$400 for a console lol. Aw man, I remember trying to convince Mom that the SNES wasn't too expensive for Christmas, You kids these days are ****ing spoiled as shit. I thought I was doing good and lucky to get about $189 gift that came with at least one game. Nintendo ruled.

It cost a lot more to make the console then sell it. $400 for a 360 $500 for ps3 is cheap as hell. I spent $4300 on my 1st pc and $3600 on my 2nd. $1000 avg. on my 360 at lauch and a couple weeks. I hate it when you people say stupid shit like, "$400 for a console lol. Aw man, I remember trying to convince Mom that the SNES wasn't too expensive for Christmas, You kids these days are ****ing spoiled as shit." just shows how immature YOU are.

Now on the PS3 news. Sounds good and e3 is going to be HUGE!
I ain't bothered about the price i just want that damned Resistance - Fall of Man ;( ... looks too good to be true !
Drackard said:
I ain't bothered about the price i just want that damned Resistance - Fall of Man ;( ... looks too good to be true !
I just hope its not too linear because yeah, it looks amazing!

But the price, if accurate, is so sweet because that means now the only money I have to save is for games games games!!
Yeah, i don't imagine it being too linear, just as long as it has a great story line and action as good as i've seen in the trailers then i'm pleased :p
Raziel-Jcd said:
It cost a lot more to make the console then sell it. $400 for a 360 $500 for ps3 is cheap as hell. I spent $4300 on my 1st pc and $3600 on my 2nd. $1000 avg. on my 360 at lauch and a couple weeks. I hate it when you people say stupid shit like, "$400 for a console lol. Aw man, I remember trying to convince Mom that the SNES wasn't too expensive for Christmas, You kids these days are ****ing spoiled as shit." just shows how immature YOU are.

Now on the PS3 news. Sounds good and e3 is going to be HUGE!
You spent $4300 on a PC that is as powerful as my $260 dollar PC because you wouldn't wait for the price to come down. You don't think you could be a little patient instead of buying things the very second they come out? Play one of the hundreds of games you claim to have and wait until the new game is half price or a greatest hit. Be patient and get the 360 when it's $220 dollars when the PS3 comes out! Why would you pay $1000 for it? On Ebay? Christ.

I guess you are mad because the truth hurts. You feel spoiled, you know you are spoiled, and I have insulted you by saying, "you kids are ****ing spoiled!" Well now that you mention it, I guess I was talking to you. I say this in the most endearing way possible - You are spoiled rotten and it's sickening. You know? What do you do to deserve to buy every single game that comes out? You couldn't possibly work and have time to play more than one or two games at a time. Every single time a game comes out - Raziel "I'm getting it." If you really bought every game that I have seen you say you were going to buy, then you litteraly own every game ever worth mentioning. You must have hundreds of games only just released in the past 4 years.

Understand where I'm coming from If I call kids spoiled. I had aluminum foil and a coat-hanger for an antenna for my TV so I could almost receive one television station growing up, and I didn't get to have a NES until it had been out for like 6 years, If you could see what my NES looks like - in fact I will upload a picture of it because I still have it, I traded some things to a friend to get it - he had ran over it by a car or something for amusement - and it still worked, with the controller ports dangling by wires that sometimes shorted out. This is the SHIT I had, and my father is a millionaire, but he left our family. Yea, I am more than a bit envious that my little half-brother has an ATV and everything he ever wanted.

*deep, life-time emotional scars become apparent.* ;(

You can call me jealous, immature, a poor bastard, and anything else you'd like, and it would probably be true, but you make me sick dude! You are like that guy eating a Big Mac and Fries every day in front of a starving 3rd world child and you are mad at this kid for being envious and annoyed that you pollute his oxygen with something he is dying for and can never have.

I guess I have come off a bit mean but since you say you hate me, I have lost nothing. The next time someone says some people are spoiled, you might just stay back in the cut and be thankful you are more fortunate.

I might get one if they ever plan to release a video from a WORKING PS3
VirusType2 said:
Be patient and get the 360 when it's $220 dollars when the PS3 comes out!
There is no way that the 360 will be priced that low by November. That much is guaranteed.

Now, if the PS3 launches at $399, I would say it is arguably a better deal than the 360 (even the premium) was when it launched, given what is included with the package. Plus, having only one SKU should help so as not to confusticate and bebother any mums looking to buy one for sonny.

I do wish more systems included games nowadays though. Getting SMB/DH was awesome when buying the NES back in the day! :thumbs:
VictimOfScience said:
There is no way that the 360 will be priced that low by November. That much is guaranteed.

Now, if the PS3 launches at $399, I would say it is arguably a better deal than the 360 (even the premium) was when it launched, given what is included with the package. Plus, having only one SKU should help so as not to confusticate and bebother any mums looking to buy one for sonny.

I do wish more systems included games nowadays though. Getting SMB/DH was awesome when buying the NES back in the day! :thumbs:
I don't know if I'd say guaranteed not to be, although I am doubtful myself, but the rumor that the 360 core system getting a price cut to $219, and the premium package at $299 (with hard drive and wireless controller) is no different than the rumor that the PS3 will be $399 in my eyes, especially when the PS3 comes with a built-in hard-drive and the 360 core doesn't. Think about it.

Lighten up, Virus.
I am sorry. I got upset thinking about my father letting his 4 children down at every turn, not wanting to pay a dime, while having 3 more kids in his next marriage - Like, you already have kids and you didn't want those!

I am also extremely defensive, and my defense is offense.
VirusType2 said:
You spent $4300 on a PC that is as powerful as my $260 dollar PC because you wouldn't wait for the price to come down. You don't think you could be a little patient instead of buying things the very second they come out? Play one of the hundreds of games you claim to have and wait until the new game is half price or a greatest hit. Be patient and get the 360 when it's $220 dollars when the PS3 comes out! Why would you pay $1000 for it? On Ebay? Christ.

I guess you are mad because the truth hurts. You feel spoiled, you know you are spoiled, and I have insulted you by saying, "you kids are ****ing spoiled!" Well now that you mention it, I guess I was talking to you. I say this in the most endearing way possible - You are spoiled rotten and it's sickening. You know? What do you do to deserve to buy every single game that comes out? You couldn't possibly work and have time to play more than one or two games at a time. Every single time a game comes out - Raziel "I'm getting it." If you really bought every game that I have seen you say you were going to buy, then you litteraly own every game ever worth mentioning. You must have hundreds of games only just released in the past 4 years.

Understand where I'm coming from If I call kids spoiled. I had aluminum foil and a coat-hanger for an antenna for my TV so I could almost receive one television station growing up, and I didn't get to have a NES until it had been out for like 6 years, If you could see what my NES looks like - in fact I will upload a picture of it because I still have it, I traded some things to a friend to get it - he had ran over it by a car or something for amusement - and it still worked, with the controller ports dangling by wires that sometimes shorted out. This is the SHIT I had, and my father is a millionaire, but he left our family. Yea, I am more than a bit envious that my little half-brother has an ATV and everything he ever wanted.

*deep, life-time emotional scars become apparent.* ;(

You can call me jealous, immature, a poor bastard, and anything else you'd like, and it would probably be true, but you make me sick dude! You are like that guy eating a Big Mac and Fries every day in front of a starving 3rd world child and you are mad at this kid for being envious and annoyed that you pollute his oxygen with something he is dying for and can never have.

I guess I have come off a bit mean but since you say you hate me, I have lost nothing. The next time someone says some people are spoiled, you might just stay back in the cut and be thankful you are more fortunate.


I was not offended and no one has EVER offended (very hard headed) I have a lot of time on my hands i work and i buy. I am in no way spoiled may come off that way but spoiled to you might mean something completely different to other people. Why wait when i can enjoy my products now? That is some retarded ass philosophy. My computer was worth every doller. Lasted me 3 years playing all the games i had Highest settings 100fps LOCK. My new pc 7800 GTX FX55 same thing. I played F.E.A.R Quake 4 on release 100fps LOCK Highests settings. Why wait when i can enjoy NOW. In your mind your living the past whats done and gone already. While everyone is enjoying and playing Crysis your still playing FarCry or Doom 3. While everyone is sharing there experiences and fun with new games, how they are amazed at the new tech and fun factor your sitting at your house going. Ya ill play that in 2-3 years. I buy 99% of the games i say i will buy Just look at my sig. Speaking of which i need to update that sometime..Not only do i buy but your point about not having time to play all the games....? Are you crazy? There arent ENOUGH good games out. I got so sick of waitingf for games i started buying some mid range/bad games. Once the 360 came out its all good and im pretty much done with everything again. Good thing i have another few dozen games to look forward to in the next few months.

Sry bro but its the way i am and its the way ill always be. Its how the world turns round and its bound to leave some people behind. Im happy im not one of those but why limit myself because "others" dont have it? Oh and to get things straight, im in no way rich or parents buy a lot of shit for me. Im 19 in May. My only "bill" is my net. Everything BUT the New PC i have bought with my own EARNED money. All the games/new comp stuff/360/tv/dvd collection. EVERYTHING i got with MY OWN money. All my parents payed for are the core parts of the pc, oh and put a roof over my head. :thumbs:

PS> I missed something about the 360 and the 1000$ thats the 360/controllers/games/accessories etc.
PS2> I missed the last paragraph on your post because i was in such a rush to counter you. What you said about your life sickens me and how someone can do something like that to his children. People like that shouldnt deserve life. My gouls in life are and have always been very high. I have so many ideas and so much on my head on how to become "wealthy" but i am in no way a person like that. As a matter of fact i have just as many ideas on how to help my family and friends. I really feel bad about what i thought when i half ass read your post. When i posted back i thought you were a person who CAN buy but doesnt because he feels he has to die with millions in his grave. (Another type of person who shouldnt deserve life.) All i can do right now is hope for you to succeed and get further in life then your father. Because let me tell you. If i was in your shoes and had the slightest chance to **** over my dad of his money i would do it in a heart beat. Because that kind of father is not a father and should not have what he has. Its a shame smart people like yourself have to deal with what you this bullshit. I had another friend similar to yourself just he was really poor and had a really ****ed up family. (Drunks, drugs type of stuff.) It really is a shame. Retarded ass ****heads have millions but smart nice people have shit. Not always like that but most of the time at least.
Chill it lads, shits got out of hand, accept it, let it be, settle it somewhere else, for now lets get back on topic ;)
I'm sorry I said people that get a $400 dollar console for Christmas are spoiled. I am wrong. It's all relative. If a family makes a great deal of money then, hey. I wasn't asking for sympathy or anything, I just compared it to my experiences - I guess we all do. (I had to walk to school up hill both ways!) The same could be said to me, some didn't even have electricity or food.

Anyhow, you shouldn't have gotten so upset at being called spoiled, especially since it wasn't directed at you - there are much worse things you could be called, and I shouldn't have got so offended either, but we did. It's all cool now man.

BTW, my father is just tight with his money. Very tight - thats why he has so much. And he is just a human, and we all make mistakes, and we all make choices. He is just... himself.

Once, at a retail store, he saw a baby crying and was annoyed, and he seemed very perplexed and said, "Now why would someone bring their child to the store like that?", and I said, well, maybe because they are a single parent, and don't have a choice, they can't leave the child at home alone, and they need to go to the store! I said, my mother had to raise four children by herself, while working full time - YOU TRY IT." And that was that.

I don't think he really comprehends what it's like to be a single parent, because my mom and his 2nd wife were always at home taking care of the kids or whatever.

He is a great great man who is set in his ways, very old-fashioned, and I hold nothing against him, I just felt neglected and deprived growing up. I love my half-brothers and sister very much, and am glad things worked out the way they did so that I have them.

Many fathers abandon their children, or take little part in raising them, it's nothing rare. In the past 3 years I have gotten to know him very well, and he has been supporting me and paying for my college education :)

Just wanted to clear that up because you said, he doesn't deserve to live, and things like that. Lets just drop it so they can discuss the PS3 price. Believe it or not, thats what this thread is about. LOL :LOL:

Anyway, if it's really 400 bucks, it's a no-brainer.