PS3s for Asians X360s for Americans

PS3s for Asians X360s for Americans

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • No

    Votes: 17 36.2%
  • You're ****ing Racist

    Votes: 21 44.7%

  • Total voters


Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
do you think this assumption is true (by majority of players of course)
lol ya, a FEW, like meh buddy Brian, but it gathers dust while he plays his 360 lol
This has nothing to do with opinion. There are facts about this.

#360s : 22.16 million
#PS3s : 13.04 Million

#360s : 1.26 Million
#PS3s : 4.86 Million

European Union
#360s : 14.9
#PS3s : 14.72
**** consoles, PC is better
I am American and I sold back my 360 you ****ing racist!!! LOL. JK.

I think what a lot of analysts fail to take into account is how many PS2s there are in the world as well. So to say Microsoft is winning in America, if you look at totals they are clearly not--no one is and that includes Nintendo. Wii is doing great, but I don't think it will ever reach PS2 numbers. I am not sure any system ever will again. Sony blew it out of the water with that one. Of course, if we total in all old consoles, the numbers get even more fun...and add in portables too?? Crazy.
This has nothing to do with opinion. There are facts about this.

#360s : 22.16 million
#PS3s : 13.04 Million

#360s : 1.26 Million
#PS3s : 4.86 Million

European Union
#360s : 14.9
#PS3s : 14.72

Jeez I own one of the 14.9 360's in Europe? how lucky am I!

On a real note though I think it's just a matter of opinion and besides PC is bettarz!
I have a 360, a PS3, and a PC.

Both my 360 and my PS3 gather dust while I play my PC.
The 360 is a piece of shit. The only reason it's more popular in the US is because the masses of natural-light drinking, popped-collar morons choose the X-Box 360, not because it's a better system, but because they're mindless drones hastening to supplement an otherwise meaningless existence with Halo
lol that doesnt sound insane at all

I dont even know what natural-light drinking is and I most certainly dont pop my collar (I'm wearing a t-shirt)

I bought the 360 because, now this might sound like cerazy-talk to you; it had the games I wanted to play, ps3, at the time, didnt


"black guys drive a car like this. Do, do, Do-be-do, do-be-do-be-do.

Yeah, but white guys, see, they drive a car like this. Dee-da-dee, a-dee-da-dee-da-dee-da-dee."
well according to google trends the UK is making the most searches for xbox, xbox 360, and ps3. Of course that doesn't necessarily mean anything in terms of sales.
This has nothing to do with opinion. There are facts about this.

#360s : 22.16 million
#PS3s : 13.04 Million

#360s : 1.26 Million
#PS3s : 4.86 Million

European Union
#360s : 14.9
#PS3s : 14.72

Those European and American PS3 owners could very well all have Asian origins of course.
I'm all Amerikun and I have a PS3. SO TAKE THAT.
im n amerikunt, dey haet uz four aur freedumz

I am American and I sold back my 360 you ****ing racist!!! LOL. JK.

I think what a lot of analysts fail to take into account is how many PS2s there are in the world as well. So to say Microsoft is winning in America, if you look at totals they are clearly not--no one is and that includes Nintendo. Wii is doing great, but I don't think it will ever reach PS2 numbers. I am not sure any system ever will again. Sony blew it out of the water with that one. Of course, if we total in all old consoles, the numbers get even more fun...and add in portables too?? Crazy.

So you're comparing the total sales of ever console ever against the sales of the 3 current generation?

That's right my friend, you give those analysts what for.
I have a Chinese friend who owns a PS3 and will not buy an xbox 360 because it is "made by a fat American". I find it funny that he being Chinese and living in England is the most racist person I know. In general I do find that asians tend to go for the PS3 more. Most people at my school have 360s and play on xbox live. Mostly call of duty.
I am an AmeriKKKan and I am proud to be a 360 owner. Not gonn a own a PS3 by those JAPS. Nope.
That's right my friend, you give those analysts what for.
Those analysts deserve my hot shit on their faces. They get paid for making ridiculous predictions pulled out of their nebulous asses. Their predictions then spell doom or triumph for shareholders and others invested in their product. Too much power imho. Just look at the reigning tyrannical despot himself, Lord Pachter...
Consoles are for children and people with brick-hands who can't figure anything out. They lack curiosity, intuition, and intelligence.

But that's where they put most of the games, so now you've got even intelligent people buying consoles (entire 'computers' that can hardly do anything else).

Therefore, we'll have entire generations of kids growing up who don't know how to use a computer - just like my father.
I have a Chinese friend who owns a PS3 and will not buy an xbox 360 because it is "made by a fat American". I find it funny that he being Chinese and living in England is the most racist person I know. In general I do find that asians tend to go for the PS3 more. Most people at my school have 360s and play on xbox live. Mostly call of duty.
Oh wow that made me laugh alot. I like the fact in his mind there is just one huge American eating a burger in one hand and using a screwdriver in the other. Man it's been a long day, what a great note to finish on.

It's always been the case that MS want to sell more 360s in Japan (and fail) and Sony want to push more PS3s in the US (and fail). Their control over consoles around the PS1 era means they are still hurting from the 360's regain of 'MERIKAN SOIL.

But generally...without taking the poll literally it seems to be right. Can't argue with Krynn's stats. I love that the EU has no loyalty at all. **** both you guys!
The 360 is a piece of shit. The only reason it's more popular in the US is because the masses of natural-light drinking, popped-collar morons choose the X-Box 360, not because it's a better system, but because they're mindless drones hastening to supplement an otherwise meaningless existence with Halo

Lol, fanboy.
Lol, fanboy.

He doesn't mention that the original xbox was superior to ps2, yet it never made the ground up. Now the ps3 seems to be in a similar position.

I bought a ps3 last night, so now i own ps3, xbox and pc. I just couldn't miss the few gaemz that the ps3 does have.

Still lol @ **** you fags ps3 is bettarz
Don't worry about Krynn, he's just barking up a storm because his master owns a 360.
Oh wow that made me laugh alot. I like the fact in his mind there is just one huge American eating a burger in one hand and using a screwdriver in the other. Man it's been a long day, what a great note to finish on.

It's always been the case that MS want to sell more 360s in Japan (and fail) and Sony want to push more PS3s in the US (and fail). Their control over consoles around the PS1 era means they are still hurting from the 360's regain of 'MERIKAN SOIL.

But generally...without taking the poll literally it seems to be right. Can't argue with Krynn's stats. I love that the EU has no loyalty at all. **** both you guys!

Thats cause the EUs console has no gaemz!

But seriously, Japs view it as a national priority to buy three of every DS iteration and only support homegrown businesses. West tends to be more cosmopolitan largely
*facepalm* Thank god this loser's been banned.

I own neither, btw, being an Asian doesn't necessarily mean that we like Asian consoles. In fact, we hate them. PC ALL THE WAY CONSOLES SUCK PCS RULE
Ps3 and PC then again I am Asian so that makes me a stereotype.
I also love math like anime, and.... hmm oh I did once enroll in karate so I know martial arts kinda....