PSP being a failure?

Its funny reading these posts. Whats funny is that it's the huge fanboys that always call everyone else a huge fanboy. [size]

But on topic:

I don't think anyone can judge the failure of PSP. I don't think it's possible to be a failure. Looking at the numbers they already have established enough of a base to create the snowball effect and gain ground over the years.

I think that they could continue selling these units for like 9 more years. Isn't that what they have done with the PS2?

Isn't that what the original game boy did? sell those 'Black & white' graphics gameboys for $90 for 9 years?

And don't forget sony loves selling memory cards and battery packs at a huge mark-up. Do you think a rechargable battery pack costs that much to produce? Well, you are sadly mistaken, but what can you do? They probably cost Sony a few dollars to make in China.

Anyway, as long as the system isn't discontinued, and continues to produce new software, it will be there and it's one of the 2 options available for portable gaming, and has its own set of advantages.

If it stays on shelves that long, many will own one. And when it breaks, they get to sell you another one so your library isn't useless.

They like making you buy the same thing as many times as they can.

anyway portables don't appeal to me.

if i was traveling i would listen to my mp3 player and have hours and hours of entertainment by recording my favorite internet radio stations.

I wouldn't be bothered to play a portable game system, but if like my lil bro had one on the trip with me, id probably check them out for a few minutes.

what what?!

#35 17-02-2006, 06:50 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: right next to Boston, MA
Posts: 2,599

JNightshade said:
Hey Scott? Try reading VirusType2's post next time. Nobody likes a rabid idiotic fanboy. Particularly me.
WTF are you talking about? Idiot? What? Maybe you are still mad becuase you made yourself look stupid arguing with me 2 ****ing months ago? Hell, i don't remember...

Wow, i must have made you cry or something, although I hardly remember anything you have ever said, probably becuase you never say anything worth remembering. Anyway Does that make you fit-in to attempt outcast me? Does that make you feel a part of the cool club? Dude you're a tool to mention my name. Worse than that other guy... what's his name..

anyway, i haven't even logged into this website in like 2 months becuase every thread in here is like 5 or 6 hardcore fans on opposite sides spitting at their monitors and bursting a vien trying to make everyone else look stupid, becuase of the simple fact that you don't agree on which video game system is better, and THAT is what is idiodic my friend., and when i realized this, I saw no benefit of using this forum.

The only people that I liked don't really post anymore, I can only assume they have all left becuase of reasons stated above. I am happy to see Warbie is still here. Warbie rules.

But anyway, if you really must know, I am not a fanboy of any system. I just don't like Sony, for many reasons stated long ago..

Not like, death to Sony, but more like **** sony. right RakuraiTenjin?

Anyway, that is how i feel. If anyone doesn't like it, or like me, well, then **** you.


You'll get over it. Don't take me too seriously man becuase I really don't give a shit.

Come on man, you are spineless and calous to talk trash about me becuase you thought I wouldn't see it. Why don't you grow some, and address the real "idiotic rabid fanboys"?

I find it strangely entertaining to hear them go at eachothers throats. They really match wits and really spew out alot of good points. Its almost interesting.

Many times in the past, I've stated my stance on the whole 3 video game console powers, and I have really nothing more to add negatively. I just wanted to jump in here and say that I don't think the PSP, almost like the 360, is a little pricey and doesn't have as much software, so many people haven't taken the jump yet. I think it's too soon to call it a failure.

Right now I'd like a new PC that doesn't suck. I've decided to continue my education in computer programing and 3D modeling..

So I could give two shits for a PS3 a PSP a DS, a 360 or any other console or portable.

I think the main thing that people need to remember is that people have different opinions, and it's pointless trying to establish an opinion as a fact. - regardless of features, specs, or software, whatever system is "best", in the end, its an opinion, and an opinion cannot be a fact. Unless it's my opinion. :)

Right now Shadow of Colossus gains Sony 1 cool point. just for the screenshot that Loke posted looks great. I might have to look into this game and tell my brother to buy it. :) made by the creators of ICO. that game was a masterpiece in my opinion.

JNightshade, I could hardly be considered a fanboy or an idiot.. well at least you got the rabid part right Nightshade. rawr!
.. I do like microsoft becuase I use their products everyday and allows me to run the plethora of computer software that I use. so bite me dude. :)
VirusType2 said:
I do like microsoft becuase I use their products everyday and allows me to run the plethora of computer software that I use. so bite me dude. :)
... and I dislike Microsoft because (among many other things) they push people away from open standards so they can control/hide as much as possible. The open standards can be more efficient/robust than Microsoft's formats, but they die because Microsoft goes out of its way to avoid them. If Microsoft is on a committee for an open standard it usually means they're trying to sabotage it to make their alternative look better. Alternatively, if the open standard is already accepted they try to make their own proprietary version of it that only works with Windows... like J++, C#, J#, etc.

OpenGL had that kind of trouble a while ago. Microsoft was one of the companies supposedly helping to develop it. Suddenly, Microsoft patents several things that were supposed to be used in OpenGL and forces them to either license the ideas/techniques for a fee or not use them... but, since OpenGL is open and free, they couldn't pay. Microsoft also just generally used their position in the group to slow progress while developing their own alternative, Direct3D... until DirectX became popular, then they left.

Also, there's the more recent incident involving the ODF (OpenDocument Format) which was designed to provide an alternative to proprietary formats, bridge gaps, and make computing more seamless... where Microsoft used its muscle to try to force people (including the government) to use the Microsoft Office Open XML format instead... which achieves practically nothing that was originally intended because it still requires hefty licensing fees.

They hold on to their market share by pushing everyone else back rather than actually keeping themselves ahead of the competition. They're lying, cheating, anticompetitive, monopolistic bastards. They've always been like that. The history of Microsoft is rife with shady activity and profiting off of other people's work. Let's take a brief look at how they got where they are today.

1975 - Bill Gates modifies an existing programming language, Dartmouth BASIC, and sells it to MITS. Microsoft is born... and a long-standing tradition of copying existing ideas begins.
1980 - Microsoft copies some BSD features in their version of UNIX and sells it as "Xenix" (since they couldn't license the UNIX name).
1981 - Microsoft's best-selling product is a rebranded version of QDOS.
1985 - Microsoft releases a shitty GUI for MS-DOS called Windows... attempting to copy the Macintosh interface.
1987 - Microsoft shafts IBM by co-developing OS/2 with them while taking what they learn and developing their own improved OS in secret.
1988 - Microsoft releases SQL Server, more rebranded software.
1989 - While working with IBM on OS/2, Microsoft blatantly lies about its plans to continue developing Windows. Microsoft says Windows 3.0, to be released in 1991, will be the last version of Windows and that OS/2 will be the future of computing.
1991 - Microsoft breaks away from IBM and stops OS/2 development to work on new versions of Windows and the Windows NT kernel. Oops.
1995 - Microsoft attempts to come up with a new idea... and fails... miserably. Microsoft Bob is born. Also in 1995, Microsoft releases Windows 95 to catch up to the competition... because Windows 3.11 is fugly.
1998 - Microsoft releases a comparatively minor upgrade, Windows 98.
2000 - United States v. Microsoft... Windows ME, another shitty "upgrade" for the home users... and Windows 2000 (NT kernel with a 98/ME interface).
2001 - Microsoft demonstrates that Apple is still a step ahead (at least) by giving Windows 2000 a glossy coat and calling it Windows XP... while Apple releases a completely redesigned OS based on the security/stability of BSD UNIX with the ease of use of a Mac, full support for 64-bit processing, other features still not yet seen in Windows, and fancier visual effects than XP... many of which will be added to Vista.
2004 - European Union fines Microsoft $613m and orders them to divulge proprietary protocols to their competitors.
2006/2007 - Most of the major upgrades in Windows Vista have been available on OS X for years. Even free Linux distros can use these features. Internet Explorer 7 copies many features from Opera and Firefox... but gets left behind once again when the next versions of the competing browsers release. Simultaneously, Microsoft finally attempts to make Windows a cohesive product rather than a bunch of spaghetti code by doing a complete redesign... and it only took them a few decades to come up with this idea. Microsoft then proceeds to make all of this sound like amazing new technology.

Essentially, they profit by standing on the shoulders of giants while doing everything within their power to prevent other companies from doing the same thing if they start to cross into Microsoft territory... including trying to **** over the same people they steal their ideas from.

That being said, I only run Windows XP when I want to play games that don't run in Linux... and it's not even my copy.
This world was built on corruption.

I'm aware of this. Welcome to corporate America. Thats why my oldest brother hates Microsoft. I couldn't care less. As long as Windows comes *free with every new PC and is the only real format PC games are playable on, I will continue to use it and not care about anything you said.

Like cigarettes. They should be banned and made illegal. Tobacco companies are putting extra chemicals in these ****ing things or something. Just to be sure they hook you like crack. Government doesn't do anything becuase the government taxes cigarettes more than anything. So in effect America is a drug dealer. But do you think people that smoke care? Not really. Not untill they are dying and want to sue everyone.

Many countries have people that use AK-47 automatic assualt rifles to control things.

In America, we have lawyers.