PSP or DS?

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clone dad

I am going to buy either the PSP or the Nintendo DS, but i can't decide on which.

I hear the nintendo is more fun, and the psp gets old. Is this true?

I'm looking for one that will be FUN. Ive played mariokart with the DS's WII, and it worked great. Does the psp's WII work good too?

peace :afro:
As far as I can tell, DS is your best bet. But having not much expirience with the PSP gives me a biased view.
But the reason I haven't played the PSP much is because I've played most of the games on the PS2.
I have neither but I've played both for extended periods of time. If you're looking for fun (from a slight Sony fanboy) buy a DS. The touchpad is absolutely amazing. The games they have now and the games to come are really fun. Some get old fast while others are simply addicting. The PSP on the otherhand is more of a multimedia device. It has a bunch of stuff, but most are mediocre. One thing to praise is the video playback -- it looks amazing. The gaming is alright. The little nub thing gets annoying. The graphics are little sub-PS2 which is outstanding taking that it's so small. Music is nice but... overly huge for just a music player. Alos, the "memory" sticks are expensive as hell and maximum capacity is, like, 2GB which retails for, what, $100?
I have a buddy that has a PSP. He has some hacked firmware and a 2GB Memory stick in it. So he runs a SNES Emulator on it and can put very nice quality xvid videos onto it.

The memory sticks max compacity is upto about 4 -6 gigs now. But a 2gig stick can run you around $70, which really isnt that bad at all; around the same cost as SD cards.
If ocarina of time gets ported to DS, I'm DEFINATELY buying it
Not likely. The graphics would be fine, but the game is far too big as far as I'm aware. Try Phantom Hourglass. XD
I have a DS and it's the only gaming device I've been using for months now. My PC is gathering dust. I don't have a PSP but I've used one a few times. Nice machine but not my thing. The game lineup doesn't impress me and seems kind of stale. I already have an mp3 player so I don't need a PSP. At least with the DS you have fresh gameplay you can't really get anywhere else.
I'd get a DS, loads more games (original games too rather than ports of PS1/PS2 games you already played) and Opera are releasing a fully optimised web browser soon that will make complete use of both screens.
DS - superb console. Better games, and more of them. You may want to wait for the Lite version to come out, or import one.
I'd go with the DS too. The games are fun to play and you CAN play movies on it if you really want to with some 3rd party accessories.

Never played a PSP though, so i can't really say the DS is the best :P
If you must buy it now, buy a DS, the PSP's battery is shit, so if you want that you'll have to wait untill they come with a better battery.
Plus the DS has more games now.

THe PSP on the other hand is very powerfull and in the future you can expect to see games that look almost like FFX on your small handheld. The fact that it can do mulitmedia is a bonus to, although the new DS lite is getting that too.
And the homebrew emulators are nice to.

But the power of the PSP also means that you can expect racing games like GT4 on it too, it's powerfull enough to be able to handel all the calculations involved in that, like physics, downforce, aerodynamics. So in that sense it is more versitile then the DS, cause of it's power more things are possible.
As far as ports go's that isn't really that bad, remember the same people that say it's shit cause of all the ports couldn't wait to play mario 64 on the ds and happily played all the ports on the GBA, and for sport games like racing and football it does not matter. The more power the better.

Also it depends what you want from games, if you only play it on the bus then having games that look like ps2 games doesn't mean much, the run and jump and short games on the DS would probably be more entertaining.
PLus it has the stylus, so you will never be able to write shor messages on the spsp like you can on the DS and send them over Wifi, and games like nintendogs won't be possible either.

In short, now the DS . If you enjoy sony's philosophy on games and can wait the PSP might get a lot better
I've used both and I like the PSP better. You get Nintendo games through emulation (they even have a few basic N64 emulators coming out) and then you get typical console style games as well. As a matter of fact, I'd say it's better in almost every way except for cost.

Right now, GTA and Daxter are better than anything on the DS IMO. The portable MGS game should be amazing as well, and I hear the Syphon Filter game is really nice too. Then there's all the multimedia crap it does. Yeah, I definitely think the PSP is better.
I'd cast my vote for DS definitely. Can't wait to get my Lite when it comes out.
smwScott said:
Right now, GTA and Daxter are better than anything on the DS IMO. The portable MGS game should be amazing as well, and I hear the Syphon Filter game is really nice too. Then there's all the multimedia crap it does. Yeah, I definitely think the PSP is better.

Mario Kart DS, Advance Wars and Animal Crossing?
Kangy said:
Mario Kart DS, Advance Wars and Animal Crossing?

Metroid Primer: Hunters. Best online shooter on a handheld console ever.
Wow! There are a lot more people recommending PSPs that I would have ever thought!

I am a PSP owner (personally love it) and these are my favorite games:
Wipeout Pure


Actually that's it. I also own:
Burnout Legends (just play burnout 3 on xbox, that's what it's a hampered clone of)
Darkstalkers (great retro feature, but fighting games are really hard to play on the system)
Gradius Collection (jp import, requires 2.5 firmware and I'm not upgrading and losing my homebrew apps)

Still waiting for more good games. I can tell you now that you'll hardly ever play multiplayer on a PSP, but stand a good chance with a DS. I don't have many good arguments for the PSP other than the screen is nice and there are some good games on the horizon.
If your going to buy a new PSP, don't bother. You can't do anythig with v2.0 and up, you need 1.5 to have fun. Believe me!

I got windows 95 on my PSP, but that's only for 1.5, hombrew is fun!

The DS is your better bet for fun, you could buy an MP3 player and a DS, does the same thing basicly.

BTW, I'm a sony playstation fanboy, and I'm still tellin you to get the DS!
DS for games
PSP for movies

Id get a DS-lite.
DS-Lite. I have a DS, and it OWNS MY SOUL. It's seriously so much fun, and the games are incredible. And as for Ocarina of Time, I'm sure they could fit it on a DS cart. I mean, they fit it on an N64 cart, and that was 9 years ago! Storage technology has come a LONG way since then.

Just a fact: over 15 kids in my school have a DS, and 4 kids have PSPs. All of those four is trying to sell theirs :|
Does anyone know if the DS Lite will have any more RAM than the regular flavor? I want to get one, but the fact that some of my ScummVM games won't play on it bugs the crap out of me as they are my favorite games (The Dig and CMI). Still, the DS has SO much more potential for great adventure games that it might just make sense for that reason alone. Yes, I am getting one for the adventure titles...and maybe the browser...or maybe the homebrews :-)
Kangy said:
Mario Kart DS, Advance Wars and Animal Crossing?

I personally haven't played the DS versions of those games, but the console/GBA versions were ok. They're really not my type of game, hence why I said GTA and Daxter are better.
DS Lite once it's released. New Zelda comming, New mario game getting scores in the 90's, new Opera internet browswer comming, new TV tuner comming, homebrew on the DS is in fact possible and has a growing community. Whats not to like?
I'ce decided to get a DS. Everyone i've asked has said to "get the DS if you want good games and FUN...the psp games get old." My friend has a ds, with mariokart, which i love the online play with. I'm definately buying mario 64 DS and MK and Metroid prime:hunters.
The Mullinator said:
DS Lite once it's released. New Zelda comming, New mario game getting scores in the 90's, new Opera internet browswer comming, new TV tuner comming, homebrew on the DS is in fact possible and has a growing community. Whats not to like?
I thought you'd hate that, seeing as you people disliked the PSP for doing more then games. Or did you dislike the psp just because it made you pay more for features you did not like/need?
I don't know about the PSP. When you have to fork out £200 for a handheld console that is functionally and graphically similar to the PS2, which is half the price, you may as well just get a PS2. The fact is, I don't solely get a handheld console for its portability, so if I have what is more or less PS2-esque, but I have a PS2 in front of me, Why bother? Same with the movie capability. 99% of the time I'd switch on the console, i'd be in the proximity of a DVD player or PC. And music capability because I already have an iPod.

The DS is half the price of the PSP, and I simply prefer gameplay over graphics on handheld consoles (you can have as many pixels as you like, but you're still squinting to see a small screen, so why bother?). Both consoles have a good line up of games, and both a reminscent of the home-consoles from the same companies in terms of reoccuring titles: as I don't own a GC or won't own a Wii, DS is the logical choice to get something a bit different.
kupoartist said:
I don't know about the PSP. When you have to fork out £200 for a handheld console that is functionally and graphically similar to the PS2, which is half the price, you may as well just get a PS2. The fact is, I don't solely get a handheld console for its portability, so if I have what is more or less PS2-esque, but I have a PS2 in front of me, Why bother? Same with the movie capability. 99% of the time I'd switch on the console, i'd be in the proximity of a DVD player or PC. And music capability because I already have an iPod.

The DS is half the price of the PSP, and I simply prefer gameplay over graphics on handheld consoles (you can have as many pixels as you like, but you're still squinting to see a small screen, so why bother?). Both consoles have a good line up of games, and both a reminscent of the home-consoles from the same companies in terms of reoccuring titles: as I don't own a GC or won't own a Wii, DS is the logical choice to get something a bit different.
It cost so much cause it's so small and it's portable, and most people buy handhelds because they can take them with them. The power of the psp gives more freedom to devs, there are a lot of games not possible without that kind of power and the memory capacity of the UMD makes for games like FFX possible on a handheld.
Grey Fox said:
It cost so much cause it's so small and it's portable,
You don't say :|
Grey Fox said:
and most people buy handhelds because they can take them with them.
I happen to think you are wrong and i've already offered my own habits as an example of what people do when they don't buy it for its portability. Especially on an island like the UK, people don't go on long journeys all that often, so they default to playing a handheld in their own homes because the games are good regardless of their portability, and because they have the console and may as well make use of it. People like this must be looking for something else from their console's other than portability.
Grey Fox said:
The power of the psp gives more freedom to devs
Yes and No. Power with consoles is restricting, because they need to focus more on making the graphics competative, so they can't give the gameplay as much attention. And whatever "Power" affords the PSP is canceled out by the interactivity options of the DS.
Grey Fox said:
there are a lot of games not possible without that kind of power and the memory capacity of the UMD makes for games like FFX possible on a handheld.
If "a game like FFX" is the height of what they can manage, I'd say that's about what my impression is of the console: Style over substance. Besides, a dialogue heavy, 50 hour game just doesn't suit a handheld in the least. Something like MGS:Portable Ops is probably a better example, but it does result in us asking the question "why?". Why make an obviously home-console game on a Handheld machine? The limitations on portable consoles aren't necessarily hardware, but also the way they are played.
I wasn't talking about long journey's, but people take them to work or school and play on the train and bus.

And I completly disagree with what you said about the power beeing restricting.
That simply isn't true imo, power can be used for more then just pretty graphics. It can be used for better AI, physics. Dev's spend a lot of time optimizing just to make their software work on an underpowerd device.

Not only that the games on both cost around 50,- which is something that people are a lot more willing to diss out for a game like GT or FF, then a snes style 2d game. And the interactivity options do not cancel it either IMO, they do for games like nintendogs, but the majority of games on the DS can easly be played by normal controls. The stylus does make for some intersting twist on regular gameplay.

But of what you say if true that most people play it in their home then having deep games with 50 hours of dialog is that much more important. On the road you just might want to have a quick run and jump game. But again I do not believe that is the case.
kupoartist said:
I happen to think you are wrong and i've already offered my own habits as an example of what people do when they don't buy it for its portability.

Agreed. I spend most of my time on the DS in doors. I enjoy it because it offers the type of gaming not available on other formats. There's also a crap load of great DS games around, something that can't be said for the PSP at the moment.
Warbie said:
Agreed. I spend most of my time on the DS in doors. I enjoy it because it offers the type of gaming not available on other formats. There's also a crap load of great DS games around, something that can't be said for the PSP at the moment.
Aren't you worried about that. Since the psp basicly offers what sony's consoles regularry offer, and the the ds, well what Nintendo offer. Now I can see the DS clearly winnning if people want quick games to take on the road, but of they play them at home. Well sony's consoles did outsell nintendo's, because people want games with FMV and 50 hour stotylines?
I don't think so. People also want fun, pick up and play games and decent multiplayer. The DS is easily superior here.

I do use the DS when travelling, and when visiting friends - it's a great portable. Given the choice, I'd choose the DS over the PSP as a machine to play at home and for one to play on the move. It takes me back to the simple fun of the snes days, while still feeling fresh and new.

The PSP feels like a small PS2, and that doesn't excite me. Why sit at home and play the PSP when you can play on your PS2, or 360/pc/GC?