PSP or DS?

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I've never played my DS anywhere but at my apartment. I play the DS because I can play games that I can't play on any other system. I don't want to play playstation ports on a tiny screen. I don't care what the psp graphics look like. If I wanted good graphics I'd use my PC. Of course I'm sick of graphics and I want fresh gameplay so the PC has been idle for months.
Fishlore said:
I've never played my DS anywhere but at my apartment. I play the DS because I can play games that I can't play on any other system. I don't want to play playstation ports on a tiny screen. I don't care what the psp graphics look like. If I wanted good graphics I'd use my PC. Of course I'm sick of graphics and I want fresh gameplay so the PC has been idle for months.
You never seemed to have a problem with snes and n64 ports on a tiny screen.

Warbie said:
I don't think so. People also want fun, pick up and play games and decent multiplayer. The DS is easily superior here.

I do use the DS when travelling, and when visiting friends - it's a great portable. Given the choice, I'd choose the DS over the PSP as a machine to play at home and for one to play on the move. It takes me back to the simple fun of the snes days, while still feeling fresh and new.

The PSP feels like a small PS2, and that doesn't excite me. Why sit at home and play the PSP when you can play on your PS2, or 360/pc/GC?
I see. But a lot of people play ports of nintendo games on their gba and DS has also mario 64 wich was really popular. People buy them so they can play at home and away from home which you cannot do with a console. Plus the ps2 support is over in a year and then if you want to play ps2 like games on a portable you will have to go with a psp. And the ps3 looks to be 600 so that may be a to large inverstment for most people. With a PSP they can play at home and at work or school.

And as far as fun go's, why do you assume that people do not find ps2 games like fun. History has shows that for console games they liked that kind of games more. FMV and 50 hour conversations do not equal displeasure for most people. Unless you offcourse assume that ps2 like games cannot be translated on a small screen.
When you have 3 hours of battery life, playing an RPG on a handheld is retarded. Save your eyesight and your patience for a pick-up-and-play-type game. And I personally think FMV and 50 hour conversations != fun game.
MuToiD_MaN said:
When you have 3 hours of battery life, playing an RPG on a handheld is retarded. Save your eyesight and your patience for a pick-up-and-play-type game. And I personally think FMV and 50 hour conversations != fun game.
The battery life is certainly an inredible large handicap. It deminishes it´s purpose as a handheld.
As for the rest of your post. Do you think it is retared because it is hard to read on a small screen or because you do not want to play that kind of games on the road. Cause that may very well be so, but then again people do read the paper and books on the road, so something like planescape torment on the psp can be pretty cool.
I don't really use my PSP to much in a place where I couldn't hook it up to and outlet if I needed to. I mostly use it at friends houses or hotels and stuff when I am traveling. I just prefer the type of games you find on the PSP to the DS. But I think for most people the DS would be the way to go. The homebrew is what I use the PSP for at the moment. Not to many good games out now though thats sure to change. Having all my genisis, nes, snes, gameboy, and gameboy advanced games in one place is great. I even play some old C64 games on it now and then.
Grey Fox said:
You never seemed to have a problem with snes and n64 ports on a tiny screen.

To which snes and/or n64 ports are you referring? I wouldn't buy a port of a game from any system with perhaps one exception. As I've said I'm in it for the unique gameplay you can't get anywhere else. If there were a port with new gameplay due to the touch screen then I'd be more inclined to try it at some point.

For instance I don't have Super Mario 64 DS which despite being different, doesn't play much different from the original on N64. I do have Trauma Center. This gameplay, style, etc. can't be found anywhere else.

I don't have anything against playstation games. The PSP however offers nothing new to these games with the exception of playing on the move.
Fishlore said:
To which snes and/or n64 ports are you referring? I wouldn't buy a port of a game from any system with perhaps one exception. As I've said I'm in it for the unique gameplay you can't get anywhere else. If there were a port with new gameplay due to the touch screen then I'd be more inclined to try it at some point.

For instance I don't have Super Mario 64 DS which despite being different, doesn't play much different from the original on N64. I do have Trauma Center. This gameplay, style, etc. can't be found anywhere else.

I don't have anything against playstation games. The PSP however offers nothing new to these games with the exception of playing on the move.
I was referring to the all the snes GBA ports and the few on the DS. I have heard people often complain about the ports on the psp and yet at the same time be exited about ports on the gba and the DS. But if that does not apply to you then I aplogize.
Grey Fox said:
I thought you'd hate that, seeing as you people disliked the PSP for doing more then games. Or did you dislike the psp just because it made you pay more for features you did not like/need?
First of all the PSP browser sucks and I absolutely love Opera, I use it over Firefox most of the time. Also this is a seperate purchase that I don't at all need to pay for. The PSP on the other hand i don't have any choice whatsoever.
MuToiD_MaN said:
When you have 3 hours of battery life, playing an RPG on a handheld is retarded. Save your eyesight and your patience for a pick-up-and-play-type game.

3 hours? really? my PSP would beg to differ.

The Mullinator said:
First of all the PSP browser sucks and I absolutely love Opera, I use it over Firefox most of the time. Also this is a seperate purchase that I don't at all need to pay for. The PSP on the other hand i don't have any choice whatsoever.

Once apon a time there was a homebrew internet browser called Links.

Warbie said:
I don't think so. People also want fun, pick up and play games and decent multiplayer. The DS is easily superior here.

Uh, that's open to interpretation. You'll find both systems have quick fun games and both have indepth games.
Kyo said:
3 hours? really? my PSP would beg to differ.

Once apon a time there was a homebrew internet browser called Links.

Uh, that's open to interpretation. You'll find both systems have quick fun games and both have indepth games.
I still am required to pay extra for PSP features, besides everything gets complicated with the PSP firmware problems.
The Mullinator said:
I still am required to pay extra for PSP features, besides everything gets complicated with the PSP firmware problems.
I always did wonder about that. With the ps3 it is clear you are paying a lot more for the BR support. But the thing is with the PSP, it seems you are just paying for it so much cause it's so powerfull and that kind of tech is still very expensive. Thye just added all the rest of the features, so it makes it more worthwhile to you.
Just like with the ps2, the ps2 needed the dvd because the games required it, so making it also play movies is just a matter of adding software to support it.
But then again I am not an expert on this so I cannot be sure.
The Mullinator said:
I still am required to pay extra for PSP features, besides everything gets complicated with the PSP firmware problems.

You're not just paying extra for features. You're paying extra for a much, much more powerful handheld. The features are just gravy, and a lot of them like the browser were added for free later anyway. Not to mention they're great to have.

But no one buys a PSP purely for music or video, they buy it for games. The fact that it does the other stuff means that you don't necessarily need to go buy an Ipod or portable DVD player afterwards. It's a good deal.

And the firmware only gets complicated if you're doing homebrew, and even then not really. If you want the full back catalogue of almost every game released before the Playstation for any system, as well as various other cool programs, then you need to stay at 1.5 (you can downgrade from 2.0). You can still do homebrew on everything below the latest FW if you own GTA. If you don't do homebrew then it's just free patches with cool features.
Since you're getting a DS make sure you pick up Kirby Canvas Curse. It's a really fun game and Kirby is just plain awesome, no?
Hmmm... I'm torn between wanting to play certain games on DS and wanting FFVII for PSP as well as watching RedvsBlue or whatever else i feel like on PSP.
Play FF on your ps2 and watch Red vs Blue on your pc ;)
Warbie said:
Play FF on your ps2 and watch Red vs Blue on your pc ;)
Yes, but you bought the GBA which had more ports then the PSP, could the same then not be said for the GBA? Why did you buy that then.
Or am I wrong, is there a list of all the ps2 ports to the psp.
i'm glad i got the DS...mario kart pwns lots of games....and, the DS was a lot cheaper than the PSP.