PSP?! probably never gonna happn but wth!


Dec 28, 2005
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now... i know the psp is far to slow to handle the absoulte pure awsomeness of Half-life 2... but do you think Valve will ever make some kinda game for PSP? I really wish they would considering there are really no good FPS out for it yet and who better to make the fist good one then Valve!?
How dare you mention that horrid excuse for a handheld on this forum :O !!!!! I banish thee to never never land !
it may be a poor excuse but one of the only poor excuses. and it would be so bad if they'd make some decent games for it.
Drackard said:
How dare you mention that horrid excuse for a handheld on this forum :O !!!!! I banish thee to never never land !
You'd rather no one mention handhelds at all? Becuase the DS ain't any better thats for sure.
I've never played a good FPS on a handheld console. Actually, Doom was quite fun on the GBA, but it f**ks your hands up something bad.
Nintendo DS please. You can actually aim in an FPS on Nintendo's wonder console, because of the touchscreen.
No. Valve doesn't like consoles at the best of times, hell you only got hl2 on the xbox because they wanted to see if they could do it.

Also take into account that out of all the console companies in the market Gabe has more loyalty towards Microsoft

Dumb Dude said:
You'd rather no one mention handhelds at all? Becuase the DS ain't any better thats for sure.

HAHAHAHAHA! Don't tell that to Nintendos market share or the companies profits over the last 2 years. They might laugh themselves into a singularity and destroy the universe.
rofl @ annoying fake vids :p, and no i don't wish handhelds would be mentioned at all, just that one :p its too overrated, but i do love the DS ;P
Sorry but HL2 on PSP will rock.

I can just imagine playing Garrys Mod now while on the train. :D <3
Mutley said:
Sorry but HL2 on PSP will rock.

I can just imagine playing Garrys Mod now while on the train. :D <3
Actualy being able to aim and the second screen could be invintory or something.
I agree, it would be a lot more enjoyable with the dual screens :p
Doom / Doom 2 homebrew on the PSP kicks ass, but Quake/Quake 2 which bring in the whole "looking up and down" thing: sucks ass.