Psycho Christian gets crazy in a Coffee Shop

These videos don't make me laugh. They make me angry.

someone should of poured boiling hot coffee on the name of jebus
I think it's less to do with religious and just that she's a selfish bitch. Lots of people like this. You'll find calm religious people who can keep their anger at bay. You'll find ones who blow their tops at every turn(we've seen them before, oh boy have we seen them). Same with non religious people as well.

I think it's just an anger management issue than religion. The religion aspect just adds additional hilarity.
Ugh, these people piss me off.

Look at that...:
That is what religion and too many cats can do to a middle-aged woman
Crazy angry bint gets barred for life from a coffee shop, news?.

For some reason i didn't laugh or feel annoyed by her, it was like "Oh....a stupid bitch acting stupid gets chucked out for being stupid and she stomps away not realizing how stupid she looks and is".
Damn non-christians and mexicans taking up her personal space. It's a good thing she has such strong personal conviction and faith that she doesn't shout or flip out at the slightest provocation.
shes a fat shit, her life sucks anyway, almost cant blame her for being a complete c***.

kill her with spoons
It's a delusion of a delusion if she thinks she's going to heaven.

A) because it doesnt exist

B) if it did exist, her name wouldnt be on the list

C) because mexican people are more likely to be there than she is.
The funny thing about her is MEXICANS ARE CATHOLIC AND SHE'S YELLING AT THEM TO ACCEPT CHRIST.LOL OMG, LOL, southern stupidity.
Okay, not that I'm on her side or anything, but why was that guy with the camera there? And why did he follow her out to her car? That would have been liable to piss me off, too.
These are the type of people who vote for Huckabee. What disgusts me the most was how she took her anger out like some type of personal comfort for her or something. The whole Mexican/religion thing just added insult to injury. Btw I think it was a cell phone camera. *Btw anybody surprised she didn't get into that Hummer? Certain makes have certain driver stereotypes that reflect the owner. ;)
I am so disgusted by this video. The comment on the Mexicans was so rude. And yes she did over react but the camera guy didn't have to follow her outside. Christians shouldn't react like that. She may be suffering from something for all we know.
Lol. Angry woman. "Don't touch me" made me laugh.

Other people having problems makes me forget about my own.
*Jesus facepalms*

Edit: "In the name of Jesus!!!" That had me laughing so hard
These are the type of people who vote for Huckabee.


*Btw anybody surprised she didn't get into that Hummer? Certain makes have certain driver stereotypes that reflect the owner. ;)
I agree, she should put a "I voted for Huckabee" sticker on her forehead.

A person of that sort of mentality (or married to that mentality) would be extremely unlikely to be able to afford one.

Crazy angry bint gets barred for life from a coffee shop, news?.

For some reason i didn't laugh or feel annoyed by her, it was like "Oh....a stupid bitch acting stupid gets chucked out for being stupid and she stomps away not realizing how stupid she looks and is".

She's not half as evil as that trading spouses "Darkness" lady!

EDIT: Majestic is correct, it's "DARKSIDED"