Public Opinion Poll


Jul 4, 2004
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Well, for a project in my AP Government/Politics class, we've been sent out in public to do some public opinion polling. Unfortunately, we've been run off by many of the stores that we've been to, so I decided perhaps could help. =]

It's just five questions, and hopefully Munro and his minions will allow me to do this here. If you mods want to close it, please allow for 23 people to answer, then do so. Hopefully you don't mind.

1. What's your favored political party? (Or none, if nonpartisan)
2. Do you agree or disagree with Congress's decision to let the automatic weapons ban slip by?
3. Do you agree or disagree with Congress's decision to bring up the issue of gay marriage on a federal level?
4. Do you agree or disagree with the war in Iraq?
5. What is your favorite color? (Odd, I know. Important nonetheless)

It would be appreciated if the UK folks state that they're from the UK, if it doesn't say so under your location. We're trying to test American results, but perhaps results from you UK lot could be useful as well, so feel free.

1.) Democrat
2.) Agree
3.) Agree (Cept they should be legalizing it)
4.) Disagree
5.) Green
1. None
2. Disagree
3. Agree (Same as Ikerous... should be legalizing it....)
4. Agree
5. Silver
1. Democrat on some issues but mostly non-partisan
2. Disagree
3. Agree (Same as Ikerous and Letters)
4. Agree with the war, not how they handled alot of things after it.
5. Green

I'm actually Canadian, so I may not even really count in this poll but meh.

1.Tree Hugger
1) Republican
2) Yes, it was ineffective or misleading
3) Yes, but not a constitutional admendment
4) Agreee with the war
5) Orange

What does color have to do with this? :naughty:
blahblahblah said:
1) Republican
2) Yes, it was ineffective or misleading
3) Yes, but not a constitutional admendment
4) Agreee with the war
5) Orange

What does color have to do with this? :naughty:

I think if you choose red, you're a commie.
1. Republican
2. Agree
3. Agree(I support civil unions, you can't simply change the meaning/definition of marriage)
4. Agree
5. Green(man I thought I was the only one :( )
1. democrat.
2. disagree
3. disagree
4. strongly disagree
5. blue
1) Non-Partisan
2) Disagree
3) This one depends on what you mean. If you're asking about whether or not it should be banned , then I strongly disagree. If you're asking whether or not it should be made legal, then I strongly agree.
4) Very strongly disagree
5) Blue
1. Republican
2. Disagree
3. Agree, it is a big deal.
4. Agree
5. Deep Blue or Deep Green equally
i'm from the UK.

1. Non-partisan
2. Disagree
3. Disagree
4. Disagree
5. Black
1. None.

2. Disagree.

3. Disagree.

4. Disagree.

5. Blue.
1) Democrat
2) Disagree - Ban all guns asap.
3) Disagree - Legalise it asap.
4) Disagree - Action should have been taken by the UN - not bush and his bullshit.
5) Dark metallic pearlescent purple+blue.
Banning all guns would be the biggest mistake in the world. Criminals would just get all their guns illegally off the street(like they do now) and no one would have the ability to protect themselves(ie poor urban neighborhoods) Sure I would love all guns to be banned too but we don't live in a utopian society, guns are going to be available and out on the streets regardless of the law so try to think realistically about the issue.
excuse me but i must add comments. feel free to omit them if there is no place for them in this assignment.

  1. Democrat - but registered independant
  2. Agree - tentatively. I feel the ban was largely to appeal to the anti-gun voters, and was largely without substance, while making pointless restrictions on the configuration of firearms legally available.
  3. Dissagree - I would only Agree if there was a fair probability for a constitutional amendment were suggested to legally require the recognition of gay marriage or equivilant civil union by all states. Given the choice between considering a ban and status quo, however, I go for status quo. Give it time. I think non-recognition is constitutionally indefensible and will eventually change.
  4. Disagree - This war was started on insufficient evidence and forms a disturbing precedent for pre-emptive military action, while also marginalizing international coalitions.
  5. Blue - The only color for reasonable americans. :E
Not a US citizen but:

1. Democrat (the lesser of two evils)
2. Disagree with guns on principal but the automatic weapons ban pointless to start with as gun companies found loopholes.
3. They should legalise it, there's no reason not to other than religeon, and that's not fair to atheists since marrige brings legal benefits.
4. Against war in Iraq. There are contries suffering under worse dictators than Saddam that should have been 'liberated' first if that was supposably the reason. Itellengce clearly exadurated the risk from wmds.
5. Blue.

ThomasToad said:
Banning all guns would be the biggest mistake in the world. Criminals would just get all their guns illegally off the street(like they do now) and no one would have the ability to protect themselves(ie poor urban neighborhoods)

A lot of people in the US are far too scared these days. They insist they need guns to protect themselves despite low crime rates (in general). People in many other countries where gun ownership is stricly controlled seem to do fine, there are no statistics suggesting that civilain gun ownership reduces crime or injuries inflicted by criminals.
Try not to discuss matters too much in this thread, I believe he just wants poll results.
1.any partie which wants to legalise cannibis and bring world peace!!
2.Strongly Disagree
Oh no, it's fine if you want to ask questions or whatever, as long as you give me some answers =]

As for the color question, yes.. We're trying to see if there's any relation between people's favored party, their opinions on issues, and their favorite color. Thanks to everyone who's participated, hopefully more will =]