Public Service Announcement

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Captain Obvious

YOU'RE is a contraction for YOU ARE.
YOUR refers to something that BELONGS TO YOU

THERE refers to A PLACE, as in "OVER THERE". In the south, you might say "DAHHN YANDERR"
THEY'RE is a contraction for THEY ARE.
THEIR refers to something that BELONGS TO THEM

IT'S is a contraction for IT IS
ITS (no apostrophe) refers to something that BELONGS TO IT

WHERE refers to A PLACE, as in "Where? In my underwear!"
WE'RE is a contraction for WE ARE
WERE is second person singular and plural and first and third person plural past indicative of the verb BE

Ignorance is no longer an excuse.

This has been a public service announcement from your neighborhood friendly Captain Obvious!

Good day!
Outa that list I think your-you're is the only one I slip on.
Thank you, Captain Obvious.

When did we ask for an english lesson? If our grammar is that bad, stop reading the forums.
This needs to be a notice in bright red block text when people join :p

adulus said:
Thank you, Captain Obvious.

When did we ask for an english lesson? If our grammar is that bad, stop reading the forums.
Come on adulus, it's not directed at you :) He's just referring to the people who come on the board and post things like, "ya i tink hl2 wil ruel all of u n00bs cuz itz l33t!!11!"

His post is just in good fun :cheers:
Frosty207 said:
This needs to be a notice in bright red block text when people join :p

His post is just in good fun :cheers:

OMFG!!11!1!!!1! Someone with a sense of humor!!!!

/me runs!
DreamThrall said:
OMFG!!11!1!!!1! Someone with a sense of humor!!!!

* DreamThrall runs!

Quick, call the Humor Gestapo! We'll track this scumbag down and lock him up for the rest of his life for breaking the funneh law!
Someone make this a sticky! hehe. Thank you Cpt. Obvious!
DreamThrall said:
OMFG!!11!1!!!1! Someone with a sense of humor!!!!

* DreamThrall runs!
You've been leading a double life, it seems. By day, you live that life as mild-mannered forum user DreamThrall, but by night, you stalk the forums as the mighty Captain Obvious!

Please don't create multiple accounts, by the way. It's just not funny.
Heh. My English could do with a bit of attention, but the stuff above is a bit too basic for me.

/me searches his posts for mistakes.
He's just referring to the people who come on the board and post things like, "ya i tink hl2 wil ruel all of u n00bs cuz itz l33t!!11!"

Funny, I've been watching this here on the forums for a while now :) and you know what? We've got the same idiotic kids over here, talking just like that (in semi-german of course)
This really needs to be stickied at the top of every forum... and I don't just mean every forum here, I mean on the whole Internet.
It's amazing how smart not failing English makes you look.
Abom said:
By day, you live that life as mild-mannered forum user DreamThrall, but by night, you stalk the forums as the mighty Captain Obvious!

:eek: AHH!! Don't point out my alter ego!

<shifty eyes> :hmph:

Err, I mean uhm...


So, who is this Captain Obvious guy anyways?
DreamThrall said:
OMFG!!11!1!!!1! Someone with a sense of humor!!!!

* DreamThrall runs!
PvtRyan said:
Quick, call the Humor Gestapo! We'll track this scumbag down and lock him up for the rest of his life for breaking the funneh law!
your the best!!!!! Thanks for pointing that out their, its hard to get this stuff right, were trying, but i don't think its working,
Innervision961 said:
your the best!!!!! Thanks for pointing that out their, its hard to get this stuff right, were trying, but i don't think its working,

Har, har. Yuo aer teh funnay!!111!!1!
I can see now from where your name originates from.
Abom said:
You've been leading a double life, it seems. By day, you live that life as mild-mannered forum user DreamThrall, but by night, you stalk the forums as the mighty Captain Obvious!

Please don't create multiple accounts, by the way. It's just not funny.

frankly it needed to be said, and what better handle to do it with?

the grammar situtation is quickly deteriorating and we need not your negativity towards intellectualism abom!

down with abom!

down with bureaucracy!
Boy am i glad we got this sorted out, thank god. i can now sleep at night. I dont know how i can thank you enough...

Your great...
CyberSh33p said:
frankly it needed to be said, and what better handle to do it with?

the grammar situtation is quickly deteriorating and we need not your negativity towards intellectualism abom!

down with abom!

down with bureaucracy!

The Captain and I thank you for your support. Abom and I have already settled this via PM. As it is, the Captain will be making periodic stops around the forums as needed. He will by no means be a regular - he is a very busy man, but he will be available should the need arise.

Thank you!

RoyaleWithCheese said:

Hey, even the Captain ain't perfect! :E ;) :cheers:
I suck at remembering those basic elements of grammar cpt obvious posted :(
Its lik your goinna have had a heart attack over their. You talks like you knows there all retarded hear. Why be you so mean?

Just kidding. I am a grammar Nazi as well, pisses me off when people get all those messed up. I bow my head in shame when I unwittingly make an error, and fail to edit it in time. I would also agree that a grammar thread needs to be stickied EVERYWHERE for those who need 'special' help.
Just to be an ass..

YOUR a fool to think that THERE going to care. THEY'RE whole ego system in which THEIR always right would crumble. ITS painfully obvious YOU'RE brain does not understand how Forums work. Here in the Forums WE'RE we have constant trollls who think this is the place to be a pain in the ass. You WHERE thinking that you would find other smart people here, you WHERE wrong!

J/K man :cheers:
Abom said:
You've been leading a double life, it seems. By day, you live that life as mild-mannered forum user DreamThrall, but by night, you stalk the forums as the mighty Captain Obvious!

Please don't create multiple accounts, by the way. It's just not funny.

Awww come on. This one IS funny! :p

Heheh, gota love the randomness of it all though.... :D
Captain Obvious said:
This has been a public service announcement from your neighborhood friendly Captain Obvious!

Good day!

When we get to the golden gates, I owe you a cookie.
Yes add the to/too thing in there and then for god's sake make this a sticky.

Spiderman! Captain Obvious neeeeeeeeds you! sticky :)
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