Public toilets closed after discovery of gay infestation


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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"The activity goes on in cars and there has been particularly vigorous activity over the past couple of weeks,"

A lay-by, picnic area, and public toilet has been closed due to a gay infestation. Forget swine flu, this is the real problem!
It's good thing they got this contained.
Don't want our children exposed to... the gay.
WTF. They were ****ing in some cars in the middle of the night, who gives a shit?
how come sex isn't known as a necessity in life?? you eat, you shit, you sneeze, you bang. Plain and simple its a need just like the need for food and water
how come sex isn't known as a necessity in life?? you eat, you shit, you sneeze, you bang. Plain and simple its a need just like the need for food and water
While I don't agree with this guys in the article, sticking it in someone's pooper != sexual reproduction for the furthering of mankind.
I used to go cottaging in Scotland. The problem there is that everything is so remote, it's all countryside. You end up going to actual cottages, knocking on people's doors and saying "excuse me - is there any gay sex here?" It never ends well.
WTF?? They closed off the areas? What the shit did think was going to happen? That people would be infected by "gay tendencies" or something? This is f*cking bullshit.
Iron Kat has been reported to the proper authorities.