Pulling more into the ranks...


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
So far, I've had 3 people from work purchase L4D...too bad 2 of them are on the X360...

Oh well, more money for Valve!
I've had 2 school friends buy it. Such good way of teaching good behavior (the game has several bible references).
Only one here. My friends are too addicted to WoW to play anything else. :(
Maybe you should stop stating the same thing twice in the same sentence.
I have one friend who buys as many Valve games as I do on the PC only because he's a PC gamer as I am.
Unfortunantley, I know about 5 other people who bought the orange box for the xbox, and they never pick the thing up.
I know a couple of people on steam who bought the xbox version of l4d instead. How they managed this despite the fact that Tf2 already showed them the update issues with live, I may never know.
I bought the xbox version because 3 of my friends who don't really play PC games ever got it for xbox. It was either play it with them on xbox, or play with strangers on PC.
^^This pretty much.

I always have you guys though right?

Until the zombies come irl.
Then we're all screwed, unless Pitz, Darkside, and Chicago Ted lead a charge upon the zombie brigade.
I bought PC and then 360 for Xmas, my brother also got a 360 to take to Uni with him, he got L4D with it :D

Take my money Valve, ITS NOT GOOD TO ME!!
Two of my mates have got it but they are at Uni, and their NAT connections are strict which means they can't play against each other, but I can play alongside one of them at a time.

Still fun.
Yeah, all of my buds play 360 all the time instead. The gits can't see integrity for what it is ("DUGH YOU ON COD AGAIN TONIGHT?")
My first day playing L4D i had one of my online gaming buddies (whom I only know online, not RL) randomly start harassing me over xfire about how expensive L4D was compared to how little content there is. He seemed really annoyed about it. Then I pointed out how he already spends tons of money on a ****-ton of games for 3 different console systems and the PC anyway lol
Anyway, point is, my friends aren't that hardcore into gaming so I'd feel bad convincing them to drop 50 bucks on a game that has as little content as L4D. I mean, in comparison to other valve games- like HL2 Ep. 1 and 2, Day of Defeat: Source, Counter-strike: source, Portal, and Team Fortress- L4D is EXPENSIVE. It's a fun game but 50 bucks is too much of a gamble.
My first day playing L4D i had one of my online gaming buddies (whom I only know online, not RL) randomly start harassing me over xfire about how expensive L4D was compared to how little content there is. He seemed really annoyed about it. Then I pointed out how he already spends tons of money on a ****-ton of games for 3 different console systems and the PC anyway lol
Anyway, point is, my friends aren't that hardcore into gaming so I'd feel bad convincing them to drop 50 bucks on a game that has as little content as L4D. I mean, in comparison to other valve games- like HL2 Ep. 1 and 2, Day of Defeat: Source, Counter-strike: source, Portal, and Team Fortress- L4D is EXPENSIVE. It's a fun game but 50 bucks is too much of a gamble.

The game has yet to bore me, and I've have quite a big of hours into the game. I think what's keeping me in it is Versus. Something crazy always happens, and you always want to laugh, scream and masturbate at the same time.

At least, that's how I am.
Pc > xbox..... Fact!

What's the need, really? I mean, it's bad enough it's something stupid enough to call a fact over, but in this thread... why? Is it really that desperatly needed in this thread?

Think what you will about your preference, but goddamnit there's some ignorant ass PC users that just HAVE to butt in at innapropriate times on this forum.
What's the need, really? I mean, it's bad enough it's something stupid enough to call a fact over, but in this thread... why? Is it really that desperatly needed in this thread?

Think what you will about your preference, but goddamnit there's some ignorant ass PC users that just HAVE to butt in at innapropriate times on this forum.

Everybody knows PS3 > 360!
My mate might get it, and if he likes it everyone else in our "crew" would probably get it too.
I've convinced 3 friends of mine to buy it so that we can do co-op LANs. Totally worth it. One of those friends was not a PC gamer by any standards, and now he is. It's great.
A lot of my friends have it for the 360, one has it for PC, and another one may be getting it in the future. The two guys aren't exactly my best friends, but IRL friends aren't as reliable for a game usually.