Purchase or Warez'd?

How are you getting the game?

  • Buying, I'm no cheap motherfunker!

    Votes: 23 48.9%
  • Warezing, I want to "try before I buy" (yeah right :P)

    Votes: 20 42.6%
  • I'm not getting this disturbingly violent game! Mommy!

    Votes: 4 8.5%

  • Total voters


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, I've noticed a lot of you seem to have the game before it's been released (even taking in to account the US release date). Just out of curiosity who's bought or buying the game and who's warez'd or warezing it?

I've already got mine on pre-order for tomorrow.

NB: This is a private poll so no-one will be able to see your answers.
im buying it, but is it true that the oerfomance of the game is very bad ???

cos till now the ppl who i know warezed it looks like crap, while the ppl who have it original said it rocks. i also heard that there is somke kind of new warez protection that ****s up the game if u ionstall a copied version but afaik its technically impossible ??

can anyone shed some light ?? or post screen shots from an original version >?
Not bad.. ive noticed a few bugs where animations have stoped half way but it doesnt happen often.
I _really_ recommend try this before buying.

I get just “Vampire – the… requires that your computer is running windows 98 or windows 98 SE or windows Me or windows 2000 or windows XP” message ;(

I tried to add that setup.ini (Copied cd 1 files to HardDisk)


Didn’t work ;/

Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]

btw, I think that people who did buy “The Temple of Elemental Evil”, will quite surely try this before buying, Like I did (I was *so* dummy ;) I could'n ever finish tToEE because bugs (Tried 3-4 times) ;-p

Got my copy yesterday. Apart from the overly skinny looking character models and the grainyness of the graphics when compared to HL2 I'm happy with it. The subtitles have a lot of typos in them as do the character generation questions. I would have thought that these things would have been delt with by the quality assurance playtesters. Unless they wern't english speakers, which is the problem with some of the errors. Overall I'm happy with my purchase but I haven't played the game for very long so I'll wait 'till I've finished it before I give me final judgement. :)
I bought it, and everyone who hasn't deserves to go to the deepest pits of hell.
I bought it. I only played for a few minutes as I am work alot this week, but it looked nice.

We have been spoiled recently with HL2 and Doom3, so we now compare egerything to them. Its not as good graphically, but then its still very nice. I bought it for the style and gameplay.
trokia doesnt seem to have the internal financial backing to actually finish games.
Bought it at walmart today ^^ been playing it 5 hours striaght.. okie.. someone make me stop .. please..