Put your thinking caps on!


May 9, 2004
Reaction score
It's time for "Write Valve's Gone Gold Press Release" again.

We had lots of fun with this last time around so let's be creative once more - we've had lots of intellectual stimulation over the last few days so put it to good use.

Pretend you're in the Valve pr department and you've just come back from the therapist trying to work through your anxiety caused by working for this firm when Gabe bursts into the room breathlessly. clutching a bottle of Dom Perignon '62 in one hand and screams "VIVENDI ACCEPTED THE LATEST RC - IT'S GONE GOLD! WRITE THE DAMNED PRESS RELEASE!" and goes back to the party.

You stare at your computer, amazed that this day has finally arrived - what do you write?!?
I hate to be the one that has to break this news to the world, but Half Life 2 has been cancelled for many, many obscure and non-existant reasons. But that doesn't matter, because we still love you, and love is all that counts!

Gosh I'm weird.
"We will currently be releasing HL2; a version of Super Mario Bros, BUT WE CHANGED THEIR HEADS TO LOOK LIKE CHARACTERS FROM HL"

HL2; the actual game will be available in late/early 2009-2015, as we have decided to take long service leave after our law suits with vivendi."
we are pleased to announce halflife2 master discs have fallen into a vat of molten gold.
all your monies is belonging to us.
To recreate perfectly how Gordon would feela fter being in statis for 10 years were sending Jim in Accounting to Nunavut in a thong, hopefully freezing him. In 10 years we will thaw him out, unless the polar bears got him, and use his actual emotions and experiance to shape how Gordon will feel. HL2 will go gold in 10 years(More if theres global warming)
Bongfarmer said:
To recreate perfectly how Gordon would feela fter being in statis for 10 years were sending Jim in Accounting to Nunavut in a thong, hopefully freezing him. In 10 years we will thaw him out, unless the polar bears got him, and use his actual emotions and experiance to shape how Gordon will feel. HL2 will go gold in 10 years(More if theres global warming)

Put your thinking caps on
I think we all know that mine hasn't fit for quite a while... ;(

That said, my press release: "Grab your nutrigrain bars... Half-Life 2 has gone gold!"
"Due to our constant bitching with VU games about this stupid game we decided to ditch it , and fulfill our gaming duties to them by releasing a trilogy of Barbie games redone in the source engine"
Thanks the Valve Team
I regret to inform you that halflife2 has gone gold. err, I mean I am HAPPY to inform you that halflife2 has gone gold and will be on store shelves shortly. yes, that ought to do, they wont know the truth untill I'm safely in africa. what? I love this new voice recognition software. oh crap, look what it typed. I guess the button sticks. Sweet Zombie Jesus, I better not click send. oh, the pizza is here, good. twenty seven bucks?! no way, I'm not paying that much for one lousy pizza. Oww, let go of me. Watch the computer, WATCH THE COMPUTER! MRFFF! *click*.

"hAFL File Z is teH bsestest gamE evar!!!21! gon g01d in tEh stors"
h4X0R K1D Mag4Zin3
Iogmogmogmgomgow Wootowot Wotoowtotowotowotoowt Wowoto Womgomgomgogmmgogm Yesy Eyseyseyseysyes@ Wootooto!!!!

*A picture of the HL2 logo made of shiny gold.*

Nuff said :D "
"Half Life 2 has gone GOLD.


LMFAO JK! OMG! LOL SO PWNED. Sorry." -Gabe Newell.


"Half Life 2 will go Gold...eventualy."

that is the geek equivalent of tossing off to porn..