putting all the parts together


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
Im ordering all my parts tomorrow....is it easy to know what goes where? and will the mother board come with instructions?
Tyguy said:
is it easy to know what goes where?QUOTE] In my opinion,yes.But I dont see how that helps you. Manufacturers of cases and hardware make doing it yourself easier than programming your TV remote nowadays( I can put together a new computer in the same amount of time it takes me to get the drive basket out of a 7 year old case). Iff you have any questions once everything comes in feel free to PM me or about 65% of the people on this forum for help,or google it.
ok, but ill have everything I need though, correct? Im talking about cables etc...
all the cables you need comes with your motherboard/video card/power supply

also look online for step by step guide that may have pics for easy reference but just follow the instructions on your mobo ..just dont forget to consult all the manuals as each part may have specific needs
Don't forget about the static electricity! Just touching your new components can fry them if you dont know what you are doing. Make sure you set all your jumpers correctly, and understand where to plug in all the fiddly things like the power switch, standby switch, power led, drive activity led.....