PVKII Beta 2.0 Draws Closer


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Big update today on the Pirates, Vikings and Knights II Beta 2 mod, They spent much effort on new classes and weapons as well as the entire combat and movement system of the game.[br]

Blocking now will consist of four directions to coincide with the four directions of attack your opponent can deal. By successfully blocking an opponent with the correct directional combination, the attacker will be stunned for a moment and a quick counter attack will be possible. Don't be worried about this being too difficult though, blocking in the wrong direction won't necessarily get you killed it just won't be as rewarding or effective.

Also they are introducing a new map called pvk_town which will introduce a new gamemode for the mod. The current objective plan for this map is Capture the Flag. Flags will be placed in the team's bases and the other teams must steal them and bring them back to their own to score. We'll have some shots of this map and others in the near future.[br]

Great revamp. I'm looking forward to this.
great way to blow off steam, its easy to get into, and can hold my 2am attention span for a very long time.

but once i come to my senses... i just can't keep my self into it.
Awesome, looks like they've redone the Knight hands as well, I'm going to be looking forward to this.
Now here's a team that knows how to make a good mod.
As great as the good ol HL version.
Woah, I can't wait, I didn't think the combat could get any better!
Very nice! Can't wait to see this release. Also - nice fast newspost Digi, bravo.
I never thought this mod would look so good. After seeing the attention to detail these guys have put into this I can't wait to try it out.