Pyro Update Details

What are the odds of using the compression blast as a way to jump higher, a la nade or rocket jumps?
What are the odds of using the compression blast as a way to jump higher, a la nade or rocket jumps?
I'm hoping so. :P I played some concmap_r on TFC the other day... still fun!

What I'm really, really hoping for is that rather than making her too strong, the compression blast will make it easier to get away. I'm pretty good at Pyro, but I still die far more often than I do with any other class.

Don't ever refer to the pyro as a female ever again! It maybe, but never female! Don't give me that purse crap either. I'll revoke your license to flame.
Typical for all of this to happen while I'm away.

Don't ever refer to the pyro as a female ever again! It maybe, but never female! Don't give me that purse crap either. I'll revoke your license to flame.

Toaster-chan has drawn a hot woman with the axtinguisher. Therefore the pyro is a woman.

The next Meet the Class video should clear it up, anyway...

In other news, this looks awesome! Can't wait for tommorrow!
Haha, I didn't even know this was possible? :D

It wasn't.

Anyway, awesome update. But, 35 achievements? How does that work, 12 for flare gun, 12 for the backburner and 12 for the axetinguisher right?

12 per unlock and three extra milestones to announce your unlock. It's essentially 13 per milestone but the 13th is for free.

wait, the pyro haduken taunt actually does damage?

Not yet.

More games need to implement this kind of achievement. Without being big-headed, I'd have a few of these now, and to be honest, I have left servers because I've gotten annoyed. :laugh:

I'd personally never leave an achievement if I'm being dominated. I will hunt the player down until I exact my revenge. Of course I might be inclined to now if it were a pyro. I don't recall having anyone leave on me before, either. It could have happened once...

I think Valve has screwed this entirely up and made the pyro seem like some sort of Sith lord. He's got the force push now and as soon as you hit the wall, you got an axe in your face. Then you got the insta-kill axe. Not even the engies or snipers are safe with the flare gun. The achievements are incredibly silly to even attempt to get them. Light somebody on fire with your taunt, I mean you can't do that. The maps are the only good thing. *God I gotta rant more. They gave the ability to everybody as well with the air blast. Ubercharges are impossible, and I mean you can blast players clearly into the sky box or out of the map, or right into a turret. I mean wtf Valve?

Piss off and go play with your jetpack and blunderbuss. Just because you were wrong doesn't make these achievements a much welcome addition to Team Fortress 2. It's evident you've got the entire message from Valve wrong, and I don't know how you've managed to do that by reading what they've put there.

What are the odds of using the compression blast as a way to jump higher, a la nade or rocket jumps?

I was thinking this last night. I don't think it'd quite work.

As for the compression pushing things back, I think it'll only reflect certain projectiles if it's charged up enough. We'll have to see how it plays out. Personally, the pyro could use the extra power. Particularly to help him run away.

And mmm, 50hp. Mmm.
The upgrades themselves look a lot better than the Medic upgrades. The 'kill 50 X with Y' awards should discourage all but the most dedicated achievement farmers. There are a few stupid awards in there that seem to require co-operation between two enemies, like "Got A Light?: Ignite an enemy Spy while he's flicking a cigarette.", which is a bit worrying. But it looks like all of the achievements are at least doable if you have 1 online Steam friend to your name. More importantly, they'll take time so most people should be getting to the Axtinguisher at roughly the same time if they don't farm every day for a month. I have absolutely zero incentive to farm for these, thankfully.

[Edit] ...the Pyro only needs 15, 20 and 25 [achievements] for his new toys.


I'm happy to see the community maps getting a look-in, it's even better that Valve have included them in the update, effectively endorsing them as official. It's a bit strange that they chose Turbine, though. While it's a nice, simple map that's balanced through symmettry, the area around the spawn is still a little weak since the spawn exits are both on the same corridor (and in a straight line, making camping a very feasible tactic). The vent over the flagrooms can also get camped quite easily once you get a sentry in there.

I think maybe one reason they chose it could be to show that maps don't need to be complex and graphically astounding to be popular. If Valve are trying to inject some steam into the custom mapping community, this could be the motive behind Turbine's inclusion. It's also a CTF map, and people have been crying out for more CTF maps from the start.

/$0.02 (bah, my currency's not good round here, eh?)

[Edit2] I always knew the Pyro was a girl. Bad news for Gay Rights conspiracists, though.
Robin Walker said:
The Pyro is the focus on the next pack. We're making some significant changes to the base Pyro class & weaponry, in addition to the three unlockables and thirty-five achievements. We've never been terribly happy with the Pyro, in particular with her shallower skill curve than other combat classes. We really want highly skilled Pyros to be visibly more effective than the average Pyro, and the new features are designed to address that.


Goddamnit. Now I'm not gonna play pyro ever again.
I think he did it to wind us up. It doesn't particularly matter what gender the pyro is as long as we don't get to look at the hideous face that lies underneath.

As has been mentioned, we'll find out soon enough in the Meet the Pyro. But I'm athinking Meet the Pyro will be held back until last...

The reload time on the flare isn't that critical unless you're fighting against a soldier, for instance. Now critical flares... they'd be awesome.

God, I'm hyped all over again.
Today, supposedly. But as walker says, they aren't too great with dates ;)

No doubt those >= GMT will have to wait until Friday to play them, short of staying up late.
Goddamn timezones. :(
The new weapons are beyond epic. I'm not sure what to spend my weekend doing; Spore Creator or TF2!?
As for the achievements, there are a couple of silly ones, which aren't unexpected like Makin' Bacon, BarbeQueQ and Got a Light? but they weren't unexpected. I don't think I'll be farming for any of these. Not anymore than I do usually.
Makin' bacon's no problem at all. As long as you treat fatties like maypoles and dance around them, finger on trigger, they're often too slow to actually do you any real damage whilst you turn them into crackling.
Got a light's a bit stupid though. No matter.
Still, these achievements aren't nearly as demanding/stupid/improbable/contrived as some of the medic's ones. I get the feeling Valve will get a lot better at these packs as they go on.
It's obvious that Toaster's drawing isn't really what the pyro looks like because the girl in that drawing looks far too ordinary.
What are the odds of using the compression blast as a way to jump higher, a la nade or rocket jumps?

"One thing he can't do is blast-jump. Designer Robin Walker says they experimented with this, but found it wasn't as fun as it sounded. They tried relegating it to an unlockable weapon, but then players got confused about what the air-blast could and couldn't do."
"One thing he can't do is blast-jump. Designer Robin Walker says they experimented with this, but found it wasn't as fun as it sounded. They tried relegating it to an unlockable weapon, but then players got confused about what the air-blast could and couldn't do."
Makin' bacon's no problem at all. As long as you treat fatties like maypoles and dance around them, finger on trigger, they're often too slow to actually do you any real damage whilst you turn them into crackling.

I didn't say killing a heavy was a problem, but killing 50 of them, particularly from scratch, will certainly encourage farmers. It'll also encourage pyros to rush blindly (and stupidly) at Heavies. The backburner will certainly help, though.

Got a light's a bit stupid though. No matter.

I quite like it, actually. It's stupid, but it's fun :p
I'll probably get it by chance, but if I haven't got it after a week or so, I'll just set it up.

They probably just ran out of ideas.

Fun, fun, fun!

In addition, I sent him the Pyro drawing I did a while ago. Part of his response was "I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by the Meet the Pyro video."


Expect a visit by Valve's crack MIB sometime this week, Toastie. :3
Spies also flick a cig when they change disguises.
Spies also flick a cig when they change disguises.
Don't you mean when they disguise in the first instance, otherwise you would never be able to see them flicking the cigarette (they would be disguised).
Just to settle the few who are worried about how 'over powered' the pyro now seems to be, you need to remember that this is Valve who are pretty much the best at balancing games, especially multiplayer. History speaks for itself.

Why are you worrying? They have a full development team working on Team Fortress 2 as well as dedicated playtesters. They haven't just knocked this up over the weekend and are punting it out to the masses. In fact Valve are trying to make up for bad hand the Pyro was originally dealt. Flames not registering properly on release (with no range at all!) and being completely victim to soldier's rockets and their splash damage. This is Valve fixing. This is them rectifying an issue rather than making one class overpowered. Have faith...
Also spies only properly flick their cigarette when they are taunting while they have their disguise book thingy out.
Also spies only properly flick their cigarette when they are taunting while they have their disguise book thingy out.

You know... that's something I've never done. Taunt with the sapper or cigarette case...

Also, double post, Glenny :\
You can't taunt with either the sapper or cigarette case. The animation which includes the cigarette case is the pistol taunt.
BarBeQueQ sounds like a bitch to get. Basically, you get it by ruining the game for someone else..?
Don't you mean when they disguise in the first instance, otherwise you would never be able to see them flicking the cigarette (they would be disguised).

Yep. A bit of a poo achievement if you ask me.
BarBeQueQ sounds like a bitch to get. Basically, you get it by ruining the game for someone else..?

If you think about it, everyone leaves the server at some point, just stay alive and dominate as many people as possible, untill one leaves naturaly.
You can tell it'll have to wait a week before people playing as pyros can get most of the "Kill X number of (SPECIFIC CLASS)" achievements, since most people will be PLAYING AS PYRO TO GET THE ACHIEVEMENTS. How ironic.
You can't taunt with either the sapper or cigarette case. The animation which includes the cigarette case is the pistol taunt.

That would be why I've never done it...

I always assumed the spy just flicked cigerettes on random occasions.
Can the achievements be recieved immediately if you've already earned them? Because I may get the first milestone immediately.
Can the achievements be recieved immediately if you've already earned them? Because I may get the first milestone immediately.

I believe only back-logged ones, such as the 1 million points. I don't they record every axe kill in a round.