Pyro Update has arrived!

I'm not sure if this is intentional, but I managed to get killed during the victory slaughter for my team, as I stood too close to an enemy pyro who hadoukened me. Cheap.
Finished playing, and it's a whole lotta fun. Turbine is definitely inferior to Fasttrack, and Pyro is awesomeness.
I don't like turbine. Way too easy to spawn camp, and I feel like its too open, nowhere to hide really.

Not tried the other map yet, but it does look like a betetr map from screens.

Pyro achievements really are awesome. I've only got the really hard ones with my clan, the ones that I probably wont get in normal play. I'm not farming the rest. They are a much stronger set of achievements I feel. Some of the medic ones were just a bit too hard to complete. And unlocking all weapons after 22 achievements is awesome.

The compressed air is so awesome to use. Sending a rocket back to its source is so satisfying. I've also seen a pyro on the other team blast a rocket at me. Not sure if the rocket was from my team or his, but it hit and it hurt.

Didn't get a chance to play as pyro really outside of my clan earning a few hard achievements. After the initial surge of pyros though I'll deffo be burning up noobs. <3 Pyro.
Compressed air is delicious but I seriously cbf'd playing TF2 while all these temp pyros are around. :sigh:
Flaregun is pretty bad. Its just to hard to hit, and with all these pyros its useless. I'll be sticking with the shotgun.
All these Pyros make the game un-fun. :\

It was expected anyway.
I think some spread on impact would be nice.

Anyway, playing Pyro will be no fun until all these pyros go away. :3
So yeah, I should have gone to bed last night. Ah well, it was fun. Got 10 achievements, which was good. Apparently you can't get achievements after you've won around, so I just set up the omgwtfbbq, it was pretty easy to do.

Also flare - extremely useful for spies.
I got OMGWTFBBQ legitimately. I waited for somebody to walk into me when I was waiting in a corridor. It was amazing even thought I died a second later. :p
It makes it possible to kill even if your team has lost. :3
It's true! There was a stalemate on Well and some guy did the shotgun taunt and ended up killing someone. :LOL:
That'll be fixed shortly. As well as the quick-weapon switch for the flare gun. You'll notice if you don't reload before you switch.
I got OMGWTFBBQ legitimately.
Same, it was against a noob pyro who didn't realise it was an insta-kill and stood flaming right in front of it.
I later did it a few times against a sniper on 2fort who was concentrating on enemy snipers, when he left I got BarbeQueQ :devil:
Man, these achievements sound pretty fun to try and get.
Can't wait to play this weekend, I love being a pyro.
That'll be fixed shortly. As well as the quick-weapon switch for the flare gun. You'll notice if you don't reload before you switch.

I hope the OMGWTFBBQ doesn't get fixed, it's hilarious.
^ I'm sure it's meant to be like that.

Although it's mostly a joke using it does give you an advantage of stealth.
Watching a medic get juggled in the air by a pyro while getting torched was pretty amusing.
With a little cooperation, the airblast is great for getting in high places.
My thoughts about the update:

  • Flaregun seems a bit pointless, unless they broaden the range. It's hardly a shotgun replacement
  • cp_well : a lot better now.
  • ctf_turbine : well sorry, this map's just a bit boring. I don't care how league-oriented the layout is, it looks bland and the middle point gets crowded real quick. Not to mention the spawnshooting, which appearantly is normal ....
  • cp_fastlane: awesome map. I love the use of the z-axis, so many paths you can take ...
  • It's a good thing the compact air blast reduces ammo; I've seen it used on sporadic occasions, mostly for bumping people off a point. Love it.
My thoughts about the update:

  • Flaregun seems a bit pointless, unless they broaden the range. It's hardly a shotgun replacement

I agree...

You have to hit the target dead on.. which is quite hard, and the bullet doesn't go straight.

I far prefer the shotgun, or i'll atleast use it while everyone's a pyro.
the flare gun is sick against snipers, takes them out of the fight completely if you hit them once and they dont have a medic/medpack around
Flaregun has a bit of an arc, and if the person is moving, you have to lead a bit. It's harder to aim than most weapons, but not impossible.

Ugh, I've had enough of these damn 10 vs. 10 Pyro games everywhere and idiots asking for help getting achievements. Why can't people just play the damn game and have fun with it? The day I try playing the game again just so happens to be the day when the entire Team Fortress 2 community shits its collective pants.

What's really fun is when people join a server and go, "why the **** is everyone a pyro?"
Flaregun is wonderful, but I do want a larger blast radius. Just a little larger - not massive or anything.

Anybody know how much base damage it does?
I got hit alot in one game and it did barely anything. I think its more of a nuisance to the player you hit instead of a "devastating weapon".

Crits are nice though.
And once again Valve are being idiots with these class updates...
Why can't they just wait until they're all finished before releasing them? With the first update, we had servers with 15 medics running around, now there are servers full of pyros...

It totally ruins the game until people settle down with trying to get the achievements. I won't even bother playing TF2 for a week or two because it's not fun when everyone is just playing for the stupid weapon upgrades and ignoring everything else.

Valve, just finish ALL the updates and release ALL of them at the same time! That way you don't completely **** up the gameplay every time an update comes out!
I got OMGWTFBBQ on a sniper i snuck up on. It was nice. And it was my second achievement.
Yeah, I kind of agree with diluted. Especially considering they're making this a free weekend in hopes of attracting new players. I doubt many new players will want to stick around with everyone playing as a pyro. :/

Then again, considering how long it takes for them to release each one of these updates, it wouldn't be hard to imagine it taking Valve about a year to have them all ready to go. Oh well.
Dang, frickin' 13 hour day at work (but I did win an elliptical exercise machine in a drawing)... downloading now. I don't know what's worse: being a medic when everybody else is, or being a medic when everybody else is a pyro... medic v. pyro = quick death. Off I go!
[*]cp_well : a lot better now.
[*]ctf_turbine : well sorry, this map's just a bit boring. I don't care how league-oriented the layout is, it looks bland and the middle point gets crowded real quick.

I'll have to disagree here. Well was the most tactical and team focussed map in the game and these changes have done little more than dumb it down (getting rid of the big health packs above point 2 was bad enough, but adding the ctf stairs turns the most tense and crucial point into a run about spam fest). I guess from a non competitive stand point the changes make some sense - open the map up a little, turn it into Granary v.2 - but aren't there enough of headless chicken maps already?

Turbine really is an awesome map btw. Not great on a packed public for the reasons you mention, but in a match it's one of the tightest and most exciting maps in TF2.

Oh, the soldier nerf was uncalled for!

All in all, especially as I hate pyros and every bloody server is full of them, this patch sucked balls for me :(
Flaregun is wonderful, but I do want a larger blast radius. Just a little larger - not massive or anything.

Anybody know how much base damage it does?

Does about 15 damage to a pyro, if you just let it burn it'll do something like 80 damage.
Pretty good update. At first the pyro fest bothered me, but then I just dominated them all eventually. I don't believe I've ever done so well as demo or spy:p

The airblast is a good addition to the pyro, making up for the (overpowered imo) stickybomb spam. As for the weapons, I don't have any. It bothers me a great deal that I have to accomplish so many things I know I've done before. Not to mention that it's so much harder to play pyro against pyros.

As for the maps, I enjoyed turbine quite a bit, although it does seem to give an advantage to engis.

I'm pretty content.
It's a pity that if you put the flaregun in load-out you're nearly completely useless underwater. :/
Why can't they just wait until they're all finished before releasing them? With the first update, we had servers with 15 medics running around, now there are servers full of pyros...
I reckon they should release two at once, this would split the class-spam between them. Make them classes that are natural enemies and it would lead to increased fun instead of decreased fun. Eg, Spy-Eng, Scout-Heavy, Sniper-Spy, Heavy-Sniper, Soldier-Scout, ect

medic v. pyro = quick death.
You using the bloodsucker? Medics still have an advantage 1v1 - although I'm unsure if force push affects medic needles.
Is the Backburner worth the loss of compressed air? Regular's pretty useful for stopping ubers in their tracks, and it seems like I'm getting criticals every other second anyways...
If you use the backburner playing is pretty much the same as before the update (not tlaking about the other weapons) except you get a lot more crits. Not necessarily on the back, though, sometimes they don't go even though you're square behind the target, or you'll get the crits if you're to the side or above.
Yeah, backburner crit detection is screwy. It's like playing pyro before the update though, yeah - I prefer it, but I switch loadouts at will. Can't resist playing around with the compressor.
I always liked the pyro, he is my favourite.

But for now, I'm going to wait until the pyro craze stops. I unlocked a bunch of the harder achievements, but for the rest I plan on unlocking them by playing normally.