Quake 4 to be released 10/11/05?!?!?

hope that it really is out that soon!

doom 3 graphics with faster pace?

and its the sequel to Quake 2?

me and my new(ish) rig say, "BRING IT ON!!!"
Quake 4 SPECIAL EDITION ($99.99) Is coming out october 11. The regular edition of quake 4 is going to be released on November second I believe.
ComradeBadger said:
Online gaming has yet to get over CS.

Online gaming got over CS years ago when BF1942 was published. I am actually looking for the next new thing.
Quake 1 was the only good quake.

Besides, isn't quake 4 doom 3 with different models?:|
Shakermaker said:
Online gaming got over CS years ago when BF1942 was published. I am actually looking for the next new thing.
What did it introduce? New ways to lame... more slow, random 'tactical' gameplay. Pff

I don't know about you guys, but I'm thoroughly looking forward to it.

-Angry Lawyer
I getting Quake4 all for the single player. I can't stand fast paced MP.
Spectre01 said:
Isn't Half-Life2 Half-Life with a different engine?:|

Different engine an entirely new experience makes.
KagePrototype said:
Differnent models an entirely new experience makes.

See? I can do it too! :P

isn't that what free modifications are for, not enitlrey new 50 dollar packages? :rolling: :E
ComradeBadger said:
What did it introduce? New ways to lame... more slow, random 'tactical' gameplay. Pff


1. Vehicles
2. Bigger maps

The next big thing for me would be totally destructible environments. That would offer a whole new range of possibilities.