Quake 4


Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
I know that this game is using the Doom 3 engine but other than that, I really have no clue how this game will be. Does anyone have any info on it? I believe information about the development of Quake 4 was released back in 2001 so shouldn't there be some new info out there? Just wondering
Just what can be seen in the pictures of concept stuff and high poly models (for normal mapping) still in progress that were leaked... other than that I don't know anything about Quake IV.

1.Quake 4 is gonna be based on the quake 2 storyline were you fight the stroggs blah blah blah...

2.Modified Doom 3 engine so it can support vehicles...yes there will be vehicles in it.

3.The game is claimed to include "Matrix-style" effects...(pulled off of ravengames.com)

4.Yes there will be a multiplayer and singelplayer.

5.It's not gonna come out for a while...at least a year or two after doom 3. :)
I have a massive zip full of concepts and renders... but posting that kind of stuff gets me banned so I wont :dozey: but the work is amazeing... its doom III engine scaled for big enviorments and increased modablility I guessing... but who knows what there planning :sniper: :sniper: cant wait to get my hands on it :naughty:
Tr0n said:
3.The game is claimed to include "Matrix-style" effects...(pulled off of ravengames.com)

Huh? Why do people feel the need to incorporate Matrix effects into EVERY SINGLE aspect of entertainment?
Raven are doing it, so it has to be good. Though I'd rather id made it - surely they have more experience with Quake.
They should; they aren't in-game. They're full quality concept renders that someone pinched.
I think matrix effects should be added to such 'blink and you'll miss it' games. Slows things down and shows the action in a phat way. What would Max Payne (1 + 2) be like without the matrix effects? nothing.
jonbob said:
They should; they aren't in-game. They're full quality concept renders that someone pinched.
Their high poly models for baking the normal maps for use on the low poly models


and I agree about the Matrix effects.. ffs why can't people just drop it and realise those matrix effects have been done to death now and are more likely to put people off than attract them. Maybe Raven have a Neo up their arse and haven't realised this yet :\
Quakecon 04 will have many clips and screenshot from the game.

cadaver said:
Quake IV artworks


Those are the renders and concepts that were leaked, and are therefore illegal.
Like many have already said, Quake 4 seems to include expansive enviroments, vehicles, and basically should be more graphically impressive, seeing as how it's using an upgraded D3 engine.
me either, the leaked concept art and renders looked amazing
Most of the Quake 4 related screens are either leaked, or the one concept drawing of the Gladiator.