Quake 4

Gorgon said:

OH NOES! My secret source, what are you doing!? You dirty villain!

OT: Mr Reak, don't forget the game isn't out until 2006, lots can happen with the gfx before 2006. I hope for their sake, this will plain suck by 2006.
PvtRyan said:
OH NOES! My secret source, what are you doing!? You dirty villain!

OT: Mr Reak, don't forget the game isn't out until 2006, lots can happen with the gfx before 2006. I hope for their sake, this will plain suck by 2006.

2006 ? you jokeing / where did it say that ?

/me going to bed. :P
Some Quake IV info from Shacknews:

- Quake 4 is a direct sequel to Quake 2, takes place just hours after the event of that game.
- During most of the game, you are fighting with other marines, however there will be solo missions.
- Some missions take place inside, others outside. You'll get to use vehicles at times.
- You're part of a military campaign attacking the Strogg homeworld.
- Returning weapons so far: blaster, machine gun, nailgun, shotgun.
- Multiplayer: "The multiplayer experience is more akin to Quake III: Arena", no vehicles.
- "With Doom 3 it was horror. With Quake IV, it's war."
why you get people who post, 'Looks worse than Doom III' is beyond me,

like Doom III was bad? maybe not to their taste 'atall', but it certainly wasnt anywhere near bad, only a numskull cant begin to even 'just' start to appreciate the hardwork these developers go through to deliver this stuff. Gamer's play it in the end yes,, but after clearly seeing the game doesnt quite live upto our 'high' expectation's :rolleyes: , doesnt give us the right to go spouting how crap it was, like everyone should think the way they should.

I really hope people can grow up a little before posting such utter rubbish.. and yes, i am a HL2 fanboy :P believe it or not.
am I the only one tired of arena style shooters? give us some substance to go with those awesome visuals
Those are quite possibly the worst weapon designs I have ever seen in my entire life. EVER.

At least there is some light in those screens. And the coneheads are a little better

Almost all of my hopes for this game have been crushed...oh well, I guess its good that I didn't have many
its stated somewhere that for mp they will go for more of a quake III approach and with no vehicles.

nvm someone said it up a few posts.
Looks ****ing shit. Same boring corridor spamming crap gameplay as Doom3.

iD and Raven are very mediocre developers imo. I won't be expecting ANYTHING vaugely interesting from that game.
Wow, they're re-releasing Doom 3 with a few new monsters and calling it Quake 4, how f***ing lame, i was hoping it would be even better than Doom 3, i guess time will tell, but for right now it looks like the same old shite
Hold on sally we havn't seen that much.

I'm not going to jump to conclusions but I hope it doesn't have to same graphical limitations that D3 did.
LMAO at all the pathetic HL2 fanboys. "OH NO3S!!!!11!!11 s0m3f1ng b3tt3r d3n HL teh 2, w3 muzt fl4m3 1t l0l0lolololololzzz c4us3 w3 l1k3 t0t4lly w4nna b3 teh 1337 an stuff l0lolololozzz l1ke teh 0th3r f4nbo1zzz lolololololzzz"
did you look at the screenshots omega? it doesn't look different at all from Doom 3, same stuff, different name
Most of the posts here have a better reason then it looks better then HL2( which it doesn't IMO) All I said was that I hoped Quake 4 will excell at other areas besides lighting and shadow, whats wrong with that?
dumbasses. since when did Doom3 have MOHAA style Sp with vehicles and open environments?

idiots man...learn to read a article.
if its due in 2006. im sure raven wont make it look like a 2 year old game called doom3. im sure the graphics will look even better in time. and from actually reading the article and not just going off pics that probally wont be in the final, it sounds damn good. :D
OmegaBlue said:
LMAO at all the pathetic HL2 fanboys. "OH NO3S!!!!11!!11 s0m3f1ng b3tt3r d3n HL teh 2, w3 muzt fl4m3 1t l0l0lolololololzzz c4us3 w3 l1k3 t0t4lly w4nna b3 teh 1337 an stuff l0lolololozzz l1ke teh 0th3r f4nbo1zzz lolololololzzz"
You suck immensely.

I don't remember one post implying it's graphics were better than HL2 therefore it sucks. Everyone said it looks like Doom 3, which was a shit game, therefore Quake 4 will suck :laugh:
Doesn't interest me at all at this point. I'll hold off and make a judgement when it comes out.
God, there are couple idiots here, like always I guess. I guess I should have stated better, that the game LOOKS like damn Doom III, in a design area at least. How did HL2 came into play, I have no idea.

Oh also, if you think Doom III didn’t have tons of low-res textures… well maybe you should use flashlight bit more.
It looks... generic.
But in it's defence (one that we HL2 fans should be familiar with), many things are probably placeholders. Maybe Raven have taken a Valve approach and are polishing up the graphics last?
I think they stole their armor from Doom 3. Correct me if I'm wrong, and I bet you can't. ;)

Too little info as of now to pass judgment, but style too much like Doom3. I want more outdoor and brighter pics. And some weapons firing.
Ewww... What happened to the nifty stuff from the Q4 concept leak a while back?

Sure, those were high-res models for mapping, but they had some personality and actually looked cool. These ones are just the Doom marine in different pants. And a zombie with metal innards is still a zombie. :/

Notice page 41, where the caption reads: "it's not nearly brown enough to be a Quake game."
I agree, since it looks like they added ever-so important "grey" and "olive green" technology that the Doom3 engine provides.

They're going to have to do better than this to get my money.
Mechagodzilla said:
I agree, since it looks like they added ever-so important "grey" and "olive green" technology that the Doom3 engine provides..

Graphics look great, as i expected. But....i dunno....i'm ALMOST over FPS games now. Half-Life 2 then Halo 2 and then i'll probably just leave games behind then. Because i doubt there really will be anything else for me to play, that i haven't played before.

Besides, Raven are cool developers but i've never seen anything other then "good" games from them. They made SOF 1 & 2, Star Trek : Elite Force and didn't they make Jedi Outcast? That was a big letdown. I'll keep my eyes out for it but............meh
OmegaBlue said:
LMAO at all the pathetic HL2 fanboys. "OH NO3S!!!!11!!11 s0m3f1ng b3tt3r d3n HL teh 2, w3 muzt fl4m3 1t l0l0lolololololzzz c4us3 w3 l1k3 t0t4lly w4nna b3 teh 1337 an stuff l0lolololozzz l1ke teh 0th3r f4nbo1zzz lolololololzzz"

Been waiting ages to use this:

Am I the only one here who actually enjoyed Doom 3? Admitted, Quake IV isn't going to be groundbreaking, but I can imagine it to be an enjoyable game.
You are allowed to like more than one FPS, you know - none of the companies are asking for your full, unwavering support, and smite you if you decide you like another game too.

-Angry Lawyer
I liked Doom 3 to a point, but it has no real replayability, which made me sad, I got through and it was like, yeah i beat it, then it was like, oh, i'm done, where's call of duty? hopefully quake 4 has more replayability, that's one thing that really makes a game good


I really, really enjoyed Quake 2. A "shoot everything" game like Doom 3, but not as... pretentious as Doom 3 turned out to be. Hopefully Quake 4 will be good.
Brian Damage said:


I really, really enjoyed Quake 2. A "shoot everything" game like Doom 3, but not as... pretentious as Doom 3 turned out to be. Hopefully Quake 4 will be good.
Quake 2 was awesome. But Doom 3 just wasn't nearly as memorable or as fun as Q2 was
Well, if it really comes out in 2006, then compare it to ES:4 (will supposedly come out in winter of 2005), and then you will see why everyone is saying the graphics suck. But I doubt they're going to keep the same models/textures which will be 2 years old.
Look m8s, this game is dedicated for Quake fans.

If you dislike quake3 then you will find this game suks.

/me is Quake fan boy.
Angry Lawyer said:
Am I the only one here who actually enjoyed Doom 3? Admitted, Quake IV isn't going to be groundbreaking, but I can imagine it to be an enjoyable game.
You are allowed to like more than one FPS, you know - none of the companies are asking for your full, unwavering support, and smite you if you decide you like another game too.

-Angry Lawyer

I like plenty of other games, but this one really does look lame to me. It's the uninspired design that wrecks it. It was tolerable enough that every id game looked vaguely the same. Now they look exactly the same.

You could put the Doom marine in amongst those Quake troops, and no-one would notice unless they had played Doom 3 beforehand. The robotic zombies could easilly have been put in Doom 3, and would have fit in perfectly alongside all the biomechanical demons there.

Just remove any signs that say "Stroggos" or "Mars" and the corridors are all generically industrial enough to be interchangeable. Visually, they are the exact same games!

Quake 4 is like if the vampires in Vampire: Bloodlines all dressed in angular orange and grey full-body suits, and fought tall, skinny four-legged creatures called "walkers" through the streets of an east-european city.

It's creatively bankrupt, without the slightest spark of imagination. They're not even trying anymore.
I liked the first quake and quake 4 looks nice

also I see that everibody here is so demanding in graphics
I never played Doom3 but it hav the best graphics so far,well In my opinion cronicles of riddick:escape of butcher bay hav better graphics but looks very similiar, but the point is that almost all the menbers menber here just like games if hav graphics more real than the real world

I am not flaming I am just saying my opinion

I am not so demanding in graphics aldo I am not so demanding cuz my PC is not so good to run the furthers game that will come

for that I like consoles, cuz you dont need to upgrade them (please dont start whit the consoles hate)
<RJMC> we're not saying it looks bad, it just looks exactly like Doom 3 does.
I would say no quake 4 for consoles(if it is coming out for consoles) to a massive haul with the textures(get some nice high res textures) and the game would look 2000x better.

Thats the only problem i see.