Quake 4


Dec 13, 2004
Reaction score
Àny news on quake 4
It promises alot but then quake 1 and 2 were tops in their day
and halflife is built on the quake engine :thumbs:
john3571000 said:
Àny news on quake 4
It promises alot but then quake 1 and 2 were tops in their day
and halflife is built on the quake engine :thumbs:
I think its gonna be either a remake or a proper follow on from quake 2's "storyline" pretty sure Q2 had a storyline.. I think..
It is a continuation to Quake 2's storyline using the Doom 3 engine.
I think its gonna be either a remake or a proper follow on from quake 2's "storyline" pretty sure Q2 had a storyline.. I think..
Yes ID actually made a game with a storyline....

and halflife is built on the quake engine
Well more like Quake 1.5 when they licensed it.
QUAKE 4 - hurrah!!!

Cant wait for the good ol' days of SP gamin with DM stuck on (but properly - not like HL2 with only 2 maps)...Wonder what will be used to edit it -> Worldcraft again?? The glory days...
For the most part, everything we know is older news. So far what I know:

--Licensed by Raven, will be made w\ help from ID
--Current release date: December 2, 2005
--Uses Doom3 engine
--SP & MP modes
--SP takes place a few hours after Quake2 SP
--MP will have all old Quake MP modes but refined & new features

Personally I'm looking forward to this game more than Fear & Stalker.
I can't help but think they aren't going to stray far enough away from the doom 3 forumla of tight corridors and extremely linear fights. But then again I buy and enjoy pretty much everything to come out of Raven software and have enjoyed it all.
Seems like most of you never even played Q2.... :| FPS NOOBS!!!11!!1

Ok Q4 is based off the strogg war storyline...a little ways off after defeating the big bad leader, taking out the big gun, and the grav well thing that was holding the main ship in orbit. (exp pack)

Q4 is also gonna have vehicles and rumor has it that the multiplayer is gonna be like Q3.That just a rumor tho...Also babyheadcrab they might be doing a mix up between outside and inside.
its coming late this year, and it will be shown at the quakeCon 2005
Q4 is also gonna have vehicles and rumor has it that the multiplayer is gonna be like Q3.
Actually I remember them saying that the multiplayer will be like Q3's in the PC:G US....I'll see if I can find it.

I also believe they reduced the shadows a bit to to make it playable.
babyheadcrab said:
I can't help but think they aren't going to stray far enough away from the doom 3 forumla of tight corridors and extremely linear fights. But then again I buy and enjoy pretty much everything to come out of Raven software and have enjoyed it all.
It's not going to be tight corridors & linear fights. D3 was horror, & Q4 is war. There will be a much less amount of small corridors, & alot of the fighting will take place in giant battlefields w\ vehicles & such.

You'll also be fighting alongside other marines. Q4 takes place hours after Q2, so keep that in mind :thumbs:

Tr0n--Lol. I played Q2 though, & still do as a matter of fact. One of the best FPS's ever released it is. Also only SP mode will have vehicles in Q4.
I forgot the ending of Q2, but after you killed that guy I believe you hopped in a pod or something, then the ending was you crashing on earth(??? or some place), then you see rubble and you see your hand fly up through it...i forget... was a long time ago..
I never played either Quake 1 or Quake 2. Were they that good? I'm only talking about the SP part, because I did in fact play HL DM classic (Q2 DM) and Quake 3.
Q1....really dosn't have a storyline..

Quake 2 had one though. Not bad.