Quality Map Site


Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
It takes a lot of work to find quality HL2DM maps. Sure, there are tens of map sites (Global Assault, Snark Pit, HL2.co.uk , Pacific5 :thumbs: and HL2Files, to name a few), but none are dedicated to hosting only top-notch maps.

I'm looking for something like CliffyB's 0wnage. Anyone know of a HL2DM map site like this?

Also, <rant> When you browse for internet games with Steam, you don't know which servers are running maps you have, and which ones are running your favorite maps. Wouldn't it be nice to have this information? </rant>

And I'm tossing around the idea of creating an automatic map extractor: give it a folder, and it takes all the maps and content in .zip and .rar files and copies them to their appropriate locations automagically. Does this sound useful?
i like the ideas that you are throwing around...I dont think that enough maps have been released as of yet in order to host a new site that has the best of the best...Give it time, or make your own. Definately like the extractor idea.
Yeah i do agree, however a quality map in your eyes may not be a quality map for anothers.

The map database i was working on is a work in progress. We are mainly testing maps on our server and then giving feedback to the author, to try and improve beta maps before their final release.

I think alot of maps are not given enough credit and are based more on how they look, hence why we test the maps for gameplay rather than just thinking, hmmm looks pretty, must be a great map.

Just my opinion :|
Thanks for the input, guys. Usually, top-notch maps excel in a few areas, namely game play, item placement, connectivity, and looks. So while the criteria for a good map are ultimately a little subjective, it's still straightforward to reject the majority of maps as not worth the space on your hard disk (which is about 95% of what's out there).

Smeg, I like that you're taking the time to thoroughly evaluate the game play of maps. You're right, looks too often do take precedence over what's important: having fun playing a map. I'll be keeping an eye on your site. One thing, though -- I recommend storing your screenshots at a higher JPEG quality (the artifacts are really distracting). If you do your own screenshots, use the screenshot command instead of the snapshot or jpeg commands.

Physicles said:
Thanks for the input, guys. Usually, top-notch maps excel in a few areas, namely game play, item placement, connectivity, and looks. So while the criteria for a good map are ultimately a little subjective, it's still straightforward to reject the majority of maps as not worth the space on your hard disk (which is about 95% of what's out there).

Smeg, I like that you're taking the time to thoroughly evaluate the game play of maps. You're right, looks too often do take precedence over what's important: having fun playing a map. I'll be keeping an eye on your site. One thing, though -- I recommend storing your screenshots at a higher JPEG quality (the artifacts are really distracting). If you do your own screenshots, use the screenshot command instead of the snapshot or jpeg commands.


The jpeg quality was fine, problem was there was alot of pictures to load, instead of me doing thumbnails i just reduced the quality of the pictures.

This is only a temporary solution, but since i have been very busy at work recently, it was a viable solution at the time.

I agree with you, need more decent maps, once i have tested more maps i'll vastly improve the map database to reflect on my findings.

Christ, only just got rcon working, lol.
These servers have good quality maps and are always updated.

[K9] kibbles and bits

[K9] kibbles but no bits

I always play on these :cool:
Yeah but it's [K9] ... JGoD is the only one I've met who's a nice guy :p - oh and Fiddler :)
whats wrong with [K9]?

because you dont like the clan? :upstare:
Lonnnnng story behind that :p

I've got no problem with the ones I mentioned.. Flashpoint is OK too :p
I'd really like map testers to rate soley based on gameplay, and just add the quality of the look of the map as an annex. There are so many wonderful looking maps out there that are no fun to play at all...people need to come down from that reality trip and start mapping with the gameplay in mind and not a location.

/end rant :D
Thanks for the plug, Comrade.

Since I purchased my own box I'm looking to host a lot more maps. I just have not had the time to work on it.